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New in this Release

Check out the new features that have been added in the latest releases of Platform SDK.

New in Release 9.0.x

Platform SDK for Java


  • The Netty version included with Platform SDK for Java has been upgraded to Netty 4.1.100.Final. (PSDK-9843)
  • Supports OpenJDK 17. (PSDK-9826)
  • Added a new system property ReconnectOnErrorRestoreSession in PsdkCustomization. (PSDK-9830)
  • Added a new attribute msgCheck for the MessageText object of Flex Chat Protocol. (PSDK-9836)
  • Added the ConfCalculateTimeZone() function in CfgUtilities. It transforms the formula stored in CfgTimeZone into the real timestamp value. (PSDK-9845)


  • A new getAttributes method is added to the ConfObjectBase class. (PSDK-9764)
  • New getReferenceID and setReferenceID methods are added to the Message class. (PSDK-9775)


  • This release includes only resolved issues.


  • Support has been added for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. (PSDK-9680)


  • The DeleteInteraction message has been extended with new datasource attribute. (PSDK-9594)
  • The Interaction Server protocol in Platform SDK now supports the following new attributes:
    • _attr_place_dbid
    • _attr_agent_dbid
    • _attr_actor_place_dbid
    • _attr_actor_agent_dbid
  • EventInteractionListGet has been extended with new TotalCount (int) attribute. RequestInteractionListGet and RequestContactListGet also support two new fields:
    • ESQuery (String)
    • CloseScroll (String)
  • Platform SDK now prevents creation of RestApiClient using RestApiClientBuilder if the schema or host are not specified. (PSDK-9370)
  • Support for Platform SDK custom loggers has been improved for stability. Exceptions in custom logger implementations are now suppressed to avoid breaking main application/Platform SDK functionality. (PSDK-8242)


  • The PSDKRuntime.awaitTermination() methods now wait for the ThreadPoolExecutor that is being used by Netty to shut down. Also, Platform SDK explicitly shuts down ThreadPoolExecutor when all Netty channels are closed. (PSDK-9626)


  • The Netty version included has been upgraded to 4.1.51 to address vulnerabilities in earlier versions.


  • Platform SDK for Java now supports Windows Server 2019.


  • Platform SDK Stat Server Protocol now supports Interaction Queue and Tenant actions, and correspondent action masks (PSDK-9473, PSDK-9295)
  • Enhanced session recovery for SIP Server Cluster. (PSDK-9472)


  • AppTemplate Application Block logging configuration has been extended with option default-logdir. Use this option to change the default directory for application log files storage. If not specified, the default value for log file storage is your working directory. (PSDK-9366)
  • Platform SDK for Java now uses Netty 4 instead of version 3. (PSDK-9304)
  • Platform SDK for Java libraries and jars have been extended to support Java 11 compilation and the new Java modularization feature. (PSDK-9113)


  • The AppTemplate Application Configuration Managers' built-in listener for Log4j2 configuration has been improved to check connection configuration options to Message Server.
  • This release of Platform SDK for Java adds support for Open JDK 11, and discontinues support for Java 9.
  • The Platform SDK pom.xml files and code generation tools have been improved to allow compilation with Java 9 or higher. Refer to the Platform SDK Deployment Guide for more information about this dependency.


  • A new group of document management messages has been added to support OMService.
  • The KeyValueCollection.toString() helper method has been extended to filter out content of sensitive user-defined sections from logging.
  • Changes to the Application Template Application Block Log4j2 logging configuration no longer causes log files to rollover unless the filename is changed or segmentation configuration is reached.
  • The Application Template Application Block now supports automatic archiving of rotated Log4j2 log files.
  • The Application Template Application Block client configuration helper method now uses the Reconnect Timeout value for WarmStandby configuration.
  • The Application Template Application Block Log4j2 plugin now generates common LMS messages/events when the Message Server connection state changes.
  • The Application Template Application Block logging configuration has been extended to support explicit log message formatting using the new "outputPattern" option.
  • Platform SDK now supports the GroupBy feature for StatServer.
  • The legacy Platform SDK Logger Component has been annotated with deprecation marks.


  • Platform SDK supports compatibility with Java 9. See the Prerequisites section on the Platform SDK page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all prerequisites.
  • Platform SDK Connection layer component has been updated to use newer version of Netty (3.10.6) to resolve known vulnerabilities of its earlier versions.
  • Application Template Application Block Log4j2 plugin has been updated to work with Log4j v2.10.0.
  • Application Template Application Block Log4j2 configuration has been extended to support custom log messages format; layout pattern may be specified explicitly.
  • Application Template Application Block Log4j2 configuration functionality has been extended with ability to pass the application configuration options to custom FileHeaderProvider.
  • Application Template Application Block Log4j2 Logging functionality has been updated to comply with the Microservices Requirement to have unique log files names.
  • Common GEnum based enumerations values, including COM Application Block, configuration, and other servers' protocols attributes are now properly serializable.
  • Configuration protocol schema generation stability has been improved.


  • The Application Template application configuration structure has been extended to provide information about referred tenants.
  • ESP-based cluster protocols have been extended with RequestorInfo support
  • Platform SDK now supports Windows Server 2016.
  • TLS target name checking now works correctly, even for TServer protocol.
  • The Application Template Application Configuration Manager has been extended with internal state control methods: init(boolean) and refresh(boolean). Set the boolean argument to true for synchronous waiting for application configuration readiness.
  • Reading helpers for Platform SDK TLS properties have been corrected to treat null source values as empty, instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException.


  • The build procedure for Platform SDK for Java has been updated to use Java version 8, allowing the latest versions of dependencies to be used.
  • The Application Template Application Block Log4j logging configurator has been updated for the Log4j 2.7+ configuration API.
  • Cluster Protocol now allows substitutes for the default implementation of the Cluster Protocol load balancer.
  • Basic and Chat protocols have been extended with the new eventAttribute attribute of type kvlist.
  • Interaction Server Protocol has been extended with three new messages in order to support ESP messages:
    • EspRequest3rdServer
    • EspEvent3rdServerResponse
    • EspEvent3rdServerFault
  • You can now change the default BACKLOG size, or set it for a specified server channel.
  • ConfService is now able to use the channel's invoker.

Platform SDK for .NET


  • Platform SDK for .NET now supports Windows 11.
  • TLS configuration now supports the TLSv13 constant when setting TLS version.
  • The handshake procedure with Configuration Server now distinguishes between specific exception types, allowing improved Warm Standby performance.


  • Starting with release, Platform SDK for .NET supports Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.


  • Platform SDK for .NET now supports Windows Server 2019.


This release includes only resolved issues.


This release includes only resolved issues.


  • Platform SDK for .Net now supports .NET Framework 4.7.x.
  • A new group of document management messages has been added to support OMService.
  • Platform SDK now supports the GroupBy feature for StatServer.


This release includes only resolved issues.


  • The Application Template application configuration structure has been extended to provide information about referred tenants.
  • ESP-based cluster protocols have been extended with RequestorInfo support.
  • Platform SDK now supports Windows Server 2016.
  • Platform SDK now supports .NET Framework 4.6.x.
  • Platform SDK now supports NLog library 4.4.x version. Tests were performed using version 4.4.10, installed with the package manager command: Install-Package NLog -Version 4.4.10
  • Improvements to the TLS layer allow Platform SDK to keep data that must be sent in an encrypted state.


  • XML printer now shares the KeyValuePrinter filter set, ensuring that sensitive information is not printed to log files.
  • The WarmStandby reconnection algorithm now attempts reconnection when the nodes list is no longer empty.
  • Platform SDK for .NET has been extended with a new library to support UCS 9.0 clusters.
  • Basic and Chat protocols have been extended with the new eventAttribute attribute of type kvlist.
  • Interaction Server Protocol has been extended with three new messages in order to support ESP messages:
    • EspRequest3rdServer
    • EspEvent3rdServerResponse
    • EspEvent3rdServerFault
  • The TLS certificate verification algorithm has been improved in order to support wildcard certificates.
  • The Application Template application block has been extended with GFApplicationConfigurationManager.
  • The WSConfig class has been extended with the new Name string property.
This page was last edited on July 31, 2024, at 10:16.
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