Jdruker/GIM NITR 85011
GIM 8.5.011 NITR for RN
Option 1 -- Separate entries
Support for chat session reporting — In eServices deployments with Chat Server release or later, Genesys Info Mart supports detailed reporting on Genesys Chat sessions. Two new tables, CHAT_SESSION_FACT and CHAT_SESSION_DIM, store session statistics in the Info Mart dimensional model database schema, and a control table, CTL_XML_CONFIG, is used internally to map Chat Server KVPs to the chat session tables during transformation.
In deployments that include Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA) release 8.5.003 or later and Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) release 9.0.005 or later, a new aggregate table in the Info Mart database provides the summarized chat session data required to populate new chat session reports, which are available out-of-box. For more information, see the RAA Release Notes, as well as Chat Reports in the GCXI 9.0 User's Guide. (GCXI is currently not a generally available product. For more information about including GCXI reports in your deployment, contact your Genesys account representative.) Writer's note: Suppress the GCXI link if the 9.0.0 version of the page has not been published.
To enable chat session reporting, Chat Server must be configured to attach the required statistics to a special reporting event, and ICON must be configured to store the chat session KVPs. Genesys recommends that you use the updated ICON attached-data specification file (ccon_adata_spec_GIM_Example.xml) included in the Genesys Info Mart 8.5.011 or later IP to configure ICON to store the required KVPs.
For more information about enabling chat session reporting, including related RAA configuration to enable aggregation, see Integrating with Historical Reporting in the eServices 8.5.2 Administrator's Guide. Writer's note: Suppress the link if this page has not yet been replaced by content currently on User:Jdruker/ChatReporting .
Support for chat bot reporting — In eServices deployments that have enabled chat session reporting and that include Bot Gateway Server (BGS) release 9.0.002 or later, Genesys Info Mart supports reporting on chat bot activity. A new fact table, BGS_SESSION_FACT, and three new BGS_* dimension tables store BGS-related data in the Info Mart dimensional model. (BGS is currently not a generally available product. For more information about including chat bot functionality in your eServices deployment, contact your Genesys account representative.)
In deployments that include RAA and GCXI releases that enable chat session reporting, a new aggregate table in the Info Mart database provides the summarized BGS session data required to populate a new bot dashboard, which is available out-of-box. For more information, see the RAA Release Notes, as well as Chat Bot reports and dashboards in the GCXI 9.0 User's Guide. Writer's note: Suppress the last sentence if the 9.0.0 versions of the pages have not been published.
To enable reporting on BGS activity, including related Genesys Info Mart and RAA configuration, see [link to BGS page]. Writer's note: Reviewers, since the elasticsearch<data-source-id> section was introduced in an earlier release, do you agree that we don't need to specifically mention elasticsearch-bgs0 and the client option here? Details will be in the BGS page referenced above.
Option 2 -- Chat session and chat bot combined
Support for chat reporting — In eServices deployments with Chat Server release or later, Genesys Info Mart supports detailed reporting on Genesys Chat sessions. Two new tables, CHAT_SESSION_FACT and CHAT_SESSION_DIM, store session statistics in the Info Mart dimensional model database schema, and a control table, CTL_XML_CONFIG, is used internally to map Chat Server KVPs to the chat session tables during transformation.
In deployments that include Bot Gateway Server (BGS) release 9.0.002 or later, Genesys Info Mart also supports reporting on chat bot activity. A new fact table, BGS_SESSION_FACT, and three new BGS_* dimension tables store BGS-related data in the Info Mart dimensional model. (BGS is currently not a generally available product. For more information about including chat bot functionality in your eServices deployment, contact your Genesys account representative.)
In deployments that include Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA) release 8.5.003 or later and Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) release 9.0.005 or later, new aggregate (AGT_*) tables in the Info Mart database provide the summarized session data required to populate new chat session reports and a dashboard, which are available out-of-box. For more information, see the RAA Release Notes, as well as Chat Reports and Chat Bot reports and dashboards in the GCXI 9.0 User's Guide. (GCXI is currently not a generally available product. For more information about including GCXI reports in your deployment, contact your Genesys account representative.)
- To enable chat session reporting, Chat Server must be configured to attach the required statistics to a special reporting event, and ICON must be configured to store the chat session KVPs. Genesys recommends that you use the updated ICON attached-data specification file (ccon_adata_spec_GIM_Example.xml) included in the Genesys Info Mart 8.5.011 or later IP to configure ICON to store the required KVPs. For more information about enabling chat session reporting, including related RAA configuration to enable aggregation, see Integrating with Historical Reporting in the eServices 8.5.2 Administrator's Guide.
- To enable reporting on BGS activity, including related Genesys Info Mart and RAA configuration, see [link to BGS page].