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Known Issues and Corrections



This tab includes known issues found in or affecting all versions of Business Edition Premise 8.1.102. If you are using a localized version of BEP, the issues listed under the tab for your localized version also apply.

To view known issues in BEP components, click the links in the Release Note column of the Components topic.

eServices component shutdown through the eServices Solution can cause voice call routing to stop

If you have deployed the email option in Business Edition Premise, any subsequent stoppage of eServices using the eServices solution shuts down call routing due to the presence of shared components in eServices and voice solutions. (ESHDP-153)

Workaround: Do not use the eServices solution to shut down eServices while voice call routing is ongoing; to shut down eServices, shut down the individual eServices applications.

|-| English=

Latest version:

This tab includes known issues found in or affecting English (U.S.) versions of BEP. All issues under the General tab also affect the English localization.

To view known issues in BEP components, click the links in the Release Note column of the Components topic.

Genesys Administrator Extension displays incorrect time zone

The Genesys Administrator Extension application does not indicate the correct time zone for end time of deployed solutions. (GAX-5422)

Found in: BEP

Workaround: None.

This page was last edited on July 17, 2014, at 12:13.
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