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Configuring GAX Properties

After GAX starts for the first time, it generates the following files and folders in the installation directory:

  • conf/gax.properties
  • webapp
  • logs
  • jsp

You can configure GAX by editing the gax.properties file. The options specified in the gax.properties file are used by GAX before it connects to Configuration Server. To set additional configuration options, see Configuration Options.

Click this link to read more general information about Java-based .properties files.

The following options can be configured:

Option Description Possible Values Default Value
accesslog_enabled Enables HTTP access logging true, false true
accesslog_filename File name for the HTTP access log valid filename ./logs/http-yyyy_mm_dd.log
accesslog_timezone Time zone for the HTTP access log Any valid timezone code (see Time Zones for a list). GMT
accesslog_append After GAX is restarted, specifies whether to append to existing HTTP access log true, false true
accesslog_extended Specifies whether to include extended information in the HTTP access log true, false false
accesslog_cookies Specifies whether to include cookies in the HTTP access log true, false false
accesslog_retaindays Specifices number of days to retain the HTTP access log integer 90
app Specifies the GAX Application object Existing Application object name
backup_port Specifies the backup Configuration Server Port integer
backup_host Specifies the backup Configuration Server Host, written as a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP Valid FQDN or IP
host Specifies the primary Configuration Server Host, written as a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP Valid FQDN or IP
http_port Defines the HTTP port integer 8080
https_port Defines the HTTPS port integer 8443
keystore_path Specifies the keystore path Valid path
keystore_password Specifies the keystore password Note: The password is encrypted and must not be modified directly. Instead, refer to Step 4 of Setting up HTTPS for use with Genesys Administrator Extension.
max_cfg_connection Specifies the maximum number of connections to allow from GAX to Configuration Server. To allow unlimited connections, set the value to -1. -1 or any positive integer 200
max_idle_time Specifies the maximum idle time, in milliseconds, before automatic logout integer 1000*60*60
port Specifies the primary Configuration Server Port integer
root_url Specifies the root URL (host:port/rootURL) /gax
supported_protocol Defines the protocol to use when communicating with the server http/https/both http
This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 15:53.
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