Service-Level Agreement
Also known as an SLA. A contract that commits an ASP to a specific level and/or Quality of Service (QoS). A set of performance objectives that are reached by consensus between the user and the provider of a service, or between an outsourcer and an organization. An SLA specifies a variety of performance standards that may or may not include service levels.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: 5000
Valid Values: 0 or any positive integer, where 0 means there is no limit imposed
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
If positive, the value imposes a limit on the number of GIDB_GO_FIELDHIST or GIDB_GO_CHAINREC_HIST records that can be associated with a particular CHAINGUID. If the actual number of records exceeds the configured limit, error message 55-20176 is logged, and the chain is ignored.
The option was introduced to prevent OutOfMemory errors during transformation in scenarios where suboptimal SCXML logic results in an excessive number of redial attempts. For example, when an internal case gets reopened from the closed state and the result of the dialed call to the customer is NO_ANSWER, if SCXML keeps adding a record to the calling list and Outbound Contact Server (OCS) keeps dialing the number until the customer answers the call, there can be a very large number of GIDB_GO_FIELDHIST and GIDB_GO_CHAINREC_HIST records for this one CHAINGUID.
Consider setting an alarm on log message 55-20176, so that you can correct problematic scenario logic if necessary.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 8
Valid Values: 0 or any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None. Applies only when the Info Mart database is partitioned.
Specifies the maximum expected duration, in hours, of the processing of a single chain by Outbound Contact Server (OCS). Chain processing starts when the chain is loaded from the OCS database and ends when the chain is unloaded. For more information, see the section about the Chain Model in the chapter about integrating with Outbound Contact in the Interaction Concentrator 8.x User’s Guide.
The option affects Genesys Info Mart behavior only when the Info Mart database is partitioned.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 168
Valid Values: 1-10000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Specifies the amount of time, in hours, after which Genesys Info Mart ends campaign group states if the transformation process has not extracted a stopped row that brackets a previously extracted started row from the IDB GO_CampaignHistory table.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 168
Valid Values: 1-10000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Specifies the amount of time, in hours, after which Genesys Info Mart ends active campaign group sessions if the transformation process encounters a campaign session row in IDB’s GO_Campaign table that has no terminated time.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: populate-workbin-as-hold=false
For the Interaction Workbin defined by the Script object, enables or disables the population of eServices/Multimedia workbin activity to the MSF table. For workbins that are associated with handling resources of type Agent or Place, this option comes into effect only if Genesys Info Mart has not been configured to consider workbin time as hold. For the circumstances under which Genesys Info Mart considers workbin time as hold, see the description of the populate-workbin-as-hold option.
This setting overrides a value that is set on the Genesys Info Mart Application object.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
For the Interaction Queue defined by the Script object, enables or disables the population of eServices/Multimedia queue activity to the MSF table. This setting overrides a value that is set on the Genesys Info Mart Application object.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Introduced: 8.1.2
Related Options: link-msf-userdata-voice and link-msf-userdata-mm
Specifies whether associated user data will be stored in mediation segment facts (MSFs) for interactions that are in mediation at this DN (in other words, in this queue), including user data for interactions that are not distributed to a handling resource after the mediation.
- true—MSFs will store associated user data.
- false—MSFs will not store associated user data.
Section: gim-etl-media-email
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1-1000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.003
On a DN of type Virtual Queue, specifies the maximum duration of mediation, in seconds, that is used to indicate that an email interaction that was abandoned while in the queue should be considered a “short” abandon. Genesys Info Mart uses this value to determine the state of SHORT_ABANDONED_FLAG in the MSF row for email interactions that are abandoned in virtual queues.
This setting overrides the value of the option with the same name configured on the Application, tenant-specific Media Type Business Attribute, or Switch objects.
Section: gim-etl-media-email
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: 1-600000
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
On a DN of type Virtual Queue, specifies the default duration, in seconds, that is used as a target time to accept an email interaction that entered the queue. This setting overrides the value of the option with the same name configured on the Application, tenant-specific Media Type Business Attribute, or Switch objects.
Section: gim-etl-media
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1-1000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Introduced: 8.5.003
For multimedia interactions of the particular media type for the particular tenant, specifies the maximum duration of mediation, in seconds, that is used on all configured queues to indicate that an interaction that was abandoned while in an interaction queue or workbin should be considered a “short” abandon. Genesys Info Mart uses this value to determine the state of SHORT_ABANDONED_FLAG in the MSF row for multimedia interactions that are abandoned in a virtual queue, interaction queue, or workbin.
This setting overrides a value that is set in the Genesys Info Mart Application object. The tenant-level value can, in turn, be overridden for virtual queues by an option with the same name configured on the Switch or individual Virtual Queue DN objects or, for interaction queues or workbins, by an option with the same name configured on the individual Script objects.
In releases earlier than 8.5.003, this value could not be set on a DN or Script object.
Section: gim-etl-media
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: 1-600000
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
For multimedia interactions of the particular media type for the particular tenant, specifies the default duration, in seconds, that is used on all configured queues as a target time to accept a multimedia interaction that entered a queue.
This setting overrides a value that is set in the Genesys Info Mart Application object. The tenant-level value can, in turn, be overridden for virtual queues by an option with the same name configured on the Switch or individual Virtual Queue DN objects or, for interaction queues or workbins, by an option with the same name configured on the individual Script objects.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of queue names
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.1.402
In multimedia deployments that use stop-interaction queues in their business processes, this option specifies the Interaction Queues that are used to handle stopping an interaction (for example, Twitter_StopIxn). When an interaction is placed into one of these queues, Genesys Info Mart considers the interaction to be terminated. The transformation job assigns the technical result/reason combination of COMPLETED/UNSPECIFIED in the IRF of the handling resource that placed the interaction in the queue, and Genesys Info Mart excludes the interaction from further processing. The agent who placed the interaction in the queue is represented as the party that stopped the interaction, and the strategy that actually stops the interaction and performs any associated post-processing is not represented in Genesys Info Mart reporting.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.007 (replaces expand-mediation-time-for-gapless)
In eServices deployments, controls whether all mediation time for multimedia interactions, even mediation time that does not occur within a queue, is represented by an MSF.
- false — MSFs for multimedia interactions are focused only on the portion of the mediation time that occurs in a queue, whether it is an Interaction Queue or a virtual queue. There may be gaps in time between MSFs, because the multimedia interaction may not be in a queue, or may not be in a queue that is represented in Genesys Info Mart with an MSF.
- true — Provided that there is an MSF for the first Interaction Queue in a mediation (which is true for mediation time of unhandled interactions), all mediation time for multimedia interactions that occurs after the first Interaction Queue, even mediation time that does not occur within a queue, is represented by one or more MSFs. Additional, non-queue MSFs are created for multimedia interactions to represent mediation time that occurs outside an Interaction Queue MSF — for example, mediation time that occurs after an MSF for an Interaction Queue, when a routing strategy is attempting to find a routing target without the use of a virtual queue.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.002
Modified: 8.5.003 (default value changed from false to true)
Discontinued: 8.5.007 (replaced by show-non-queue-mediation-mm)
In eServices deployments in which routing activities are performed without the use of virtual queues, enables or disables reporting of the time that a multimedia interaction spends in a routing strategy as mediation time. To prevent a reporting gap between the end of mediation at the Interaction Queue and the start of handling by the agent, set this option to true. If routing involves more than one Interaction Queue, this configuration also removes a reporting gap between the end of the MSF for one Interaction Queue and the start of the MSF for another Interaction Queue.
- false—The time that an interaction spends in a routing strategy will not be reflected in the MSF record for the Interaction Queue.
- true—The time that an interaction spends in a routing strategy will be included in the MSF record for the Interaction Queue. If virtual queues are configured to route certain interactions, an additional, separate MSF record represents the interaction's placement in a virtual queue, and the duration of the virtual-queue MSF might also be adjusted.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: iWD_Completed
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of queue names
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.1.3
In multimedia deployments that use archive queues in their business processes, specifies the Interaction Queues that are used as archives for completed interactions. When an interaction is placed into one of these queues, Genesys Info Mart considers the interaction to be terminated. The transformation job assigns the technical result/reason combination of COMPLETED/ARCHIVED in the IRF of the handling resource that placed the interaction in the queue, and Genesys Info Mart excludes the interaction from further processing.
The option was introduced in release 8.1.3. In earlier 8.x releases, Genesys Info Mart handled these situations as transfers to a queue.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: iWD_Canceled
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of queue names
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.1.3
In multimedia deployments that use archive queues in their business processes, specifies the Interaction Queues that are used as archives for canceled interactions. When an interaction is placed into one of these queues, Genesys Info Mart considers the interaction to be terminated. The transformation job assigns the technical result/reason combination of COMPLETED/CANCELED in the IRF of the handling resource that placed the interaction in the queue, and Genesys Info Mart excludes the interaction from further processing.
The option was introduced in release 8.1.3. In earlier 8.x releases, Genesys Info Mart handled these situations as transfers to a queue.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Starting with release 8.1.1, specifies whether Genesys Info Mart will adjust the mediation duration in MSFs for virtual queues to include time that was spent in strategies but not in associated virtual queues—for example, if an interaction spends 3 minutes in a strategy and is in a virtual queue for 2 of those minutes, whether the MSF for the virtual queue will report the duration as 3 minutes or 2 minutes.
- false—Genesys Info Mart never includes strategy time that is outside the virtual queue in the mediation duration. This setting means that there might be gaps between the end time of the MSF for a virtual queue that is used by a strategy and the IRF that follows the strategy’s routing, or between the start time of the MSF for a virtual queue and the end time of a previous MSF (for example, the MSF for an Interaction Workbin).
- true—Genesys Info Mart includes strategy time that is outside the virtual queue in the mediation duration in MSFs for virtual queues.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether the time that an interaction is in an Interaction Workbin is considered to be hold time or mediation.
- false—Workbin time is considered to be mediation. Whether or not the workbin activity will be represented by an MSF record depends on the value of the populate-mm-workbin-facts option.
- true—Workbin time is considered to be hold if the handling resource places the interaction into its own personal workbin. The hold ends when any resource takes the interaction out of the workbin. Various hold metrics are reported in the IRF record that is associated with that handling resource.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: populate-workbin-as-hold
Enables or disables the population of eServices/Multimedia Interaction Workbin activity to the MSF table. For workbins that are associated with handling resources of type Agent or Place, this option comes into effect only if Genesys Info Mart has not been configured to consider workbin time as hold (populate-workbin-as-hold=false). For the circumstances under which Genesys Info Mart considers workbin time as hold, see the description of the populate-workbin-as-hold option.
Genesys Info Mart uses this value for all configured eServices/Multimedia Interaction Workbins, unless you configure an option that has the same name on an individual Script object for a specific Interaction Workbin in the interface you use for configuration.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Enables or disables the population of eServices/Multimedia Interaction Queue activity to the MSF table. Genesys Info Mart uses this value for all configured eServices/Multimedia Interaction Queues, unless you configure an option that has the same name on an individual Script object for a specific Interaction Queue in the interface you use for configuration.
- false—The placement of an interaction in an Interaction Queue will not be represented in the MSF table.
- true—The placement of an interaction in an Interaction Queue will be represented in the MSF table.
Starting with release 8.5.003, Genesys Info Mart always creates an MSF record for the first Interaction Queue that an inbound interaction enters, regardless of the setting of this option.
Section: gim-etl-media-email
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1-1000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Specifies the maximum duration of mediation, in seconds, that is used on all configured queues to indicate that an interaction that was abandoned while in a queue should be considered a “short” abandon. Genesys Info Mart uses this value to determine the state of SHORT_ABANDONED_FLAG in the MSF row for multimedia interactions that are abandoned in a Virtual Queue, Interaction Queue, or Workbin.
Genesys Info Mart uses the option setting in the Genesys Info Mart Application object unless you override this value by configuring an option that has the same name in the interface you use for configuration:
- On a Media Type Business Attribute for a particular tenant, for interactions of that media type for that tenant.
- Starting with release 8.5.003, on a Switch object, for all virtual queues that belong to that switch, or on an individual Virtual Queue DN object, for email interactions that come through that virtual queue.
- Starting with release 8.5.003, on an individual Script object that corresponds to a particular Multimedia Interaction Queue or Multimedia Interaction Workbin, for email interactions that come through that interaction queue or workbin.
In releases earlier than 8.5.003, this value could not be set on an individual Switch, DN, or Script object.
Section: gim-etl-media-email
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: 1-600000
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Specifies the default duration, in seconds, that is used on all configured queues as a target time to accept an email interaction that entered a queue. Genesys Info Mart uses the option setting in the Genesys Info Mart Application object unless you override this value by configuring an option that has the same name in the interface you use for configuration:
- On a Media Type Business Attribute for a particular tenant, for interactions of that media type for that tenant.
- On a Switch object, for all virtual queues that belong to that switch, or on an individual Virtual Queue DN object, for email interactions that come through that virtual queue.
- On an individual Script object that corresponds to a particular Multimedia Interaction Queue or Multimedia Interaction Workbin, for email interactions that come through an interaction queue or workbin.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Introduced: 8.5.003
Related Options: link-msf-userdata (DN) and link-msf-userdata (Script)
Specifies whether associated user data will be stored in mediation segment facts (MSFs) for multimedia interactions that are in mediation.
- true—MSFs for multimedia interactions will store associated user data.
- false—MSFs for multimedia interactions will not store associated user data.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Introduced: 8.1.2
Related Options: link-msf-userdata-voice and link-msf-userdata-mm
Specifies whether associated user data will be stored in mediation segment facts (MSFs) for interactions that are in mediation at this DN (in other words, in this queue), including user data for interactions that are not distributed to a handling resource after the mediation.
- true—MSFs will store associated user data.
- false—MSFs will not store associated user data.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1-1000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.003
On a DN of type ACD Queue or Virtual Queue, specifies the maximum duration of mediation, in seconds, that is used to indicate that an interaction that was abandoned while in a queue should be considered a "short" abandon. Genesys Info Mart uses this value to determine the state of SHORT_ABANDONED_FLAG in the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT (MSF) row for voice interactions that are abandoned in this virtual queue or ACD queue.
This setting overrides a value that is set on the Application or Switch objects.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: Any integer in the range of 1 to 10000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
On a DN of type ACD Queue or Virtual Queue, specifies the default duration, in seconds, that is used as a target time to answer voice interactions that were distributed by the virtual queue or ACD queue. This setting overrides the value of the option with the same name configured on the Application or Switch objects.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Specifies which party is recorded as the target of mediation in the MSF table in “route-thru-queue” scenarios—scenarios in which a call is routed from a Routing Point through an ACD queue to an agent, using Direct Agent Call functionality (such as Avaya’s).
- true—Genesys Info Mart considers the next handling resource to be the target. In other words, Genesys Info Mart considers the party to which the ACD queue eventually diverts the call to be the target of the virtual-queue distribution as well. In the previously described scenario, the target would be the agent to whom the ACD queue diverts the call.
- false—Genesys Info Mart uses the party immediately following the Routing Point as the target. In the previously described scenario, the target would be the ACD queue.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.003
Related Options: link-msf-userdata (DN)
Specifies whether associated user data will be stored in mediation segment facts (MSFs) for voice interactions that are in mediation.
- true—MSFs for voice interactions will store associated user data.
- false—MSFs for voice interactions will not store associated user data.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1-1000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Modified: 8.5.003
Specifies the maximum duration of mediation, in seconds, that is used on all configured queues to indicate that an interaction that was abandoned while in a queue should be considered a “short” abandon. Genesys Info Mart uses this value to determine the state of SHORT_ABANDONED_FLAG in the MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT (MSF) row for voice interactions that are abandoned in a virtual queue or ACD queue.
Genesys Info Mart uses this value unless, in the interface you use for configuration, you configure an option that has the same name on a Switch object or, starting with release 8.5.003, an individual virtual queue or ACD queue DN object. In releases earlier than 8.5.003, this value could not be set on an individual DN object.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: 1-10000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Specifies the default duration, in seconds, that is used on all configured queues as a target time to answer voice interactions that were distributed by virtual queues or ACD queues.
Genesys Info Mart uses this value unless, in the interface you use for configuration, you configure an option that has the same name on an individual Virtual Queue or ACD Queue DN object or on the Switch object.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None for release 8.1.1 and later; in earlier releases, has an effect only on the tables that are populated when the values of the following options are set to true: populate-sm-resource-session-facts, populate-sm-resource-state-facts, and populate-sm-resource-state-reason-facts.
Enables or disables the population of Genesys eServices/Multimedia e-mail resource activity in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT, SM_RES_STATE_FACT, and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None for release 8.1.1 and later; in earlier releases, has an effect only on the tables that are populated when the values of the following options are set to true: populate-sm-resource-session-facts, populate-sm-resource-state-facts, and populate-sm-resource-state-reason-facts.
Enables or disables the population of Genesys eServices/Multimedia chat resource activity in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT, SM_RES_STATE_FACT, and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Enables or disables the population of voice resource activity in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT, SM_RES_STATE_FACT, and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables. The option also affects population of INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT columns related to agent states—namely, AFTER_CALL_WORK_* and *_ACW_* metrics and RES_PREVIOUS_SM_STATE_* and RES_PREV_SM_STATE_* references.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: FALSE (for voice and SIP switches), TRUE for eServices/Multimedia switches
Valid Values: TRUE, FALSE
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle. The new option value is not applied to previously loaded facts.
Specifies whether DND (do-not-disturb) status for a resource on a given switch is factored into resource states and reasons in SM_RES_STATE_FACT and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables.
- FALSE—Genesys Info Mart does not factor DND into summarized resource states and reasons.
- TRUE—DND is factored into summarized resource states and reasons.
Section: gim-transformation
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of reason codes
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.1.4
Specifies agent-state reason codes that will be ignored by reporting. Each reason code that you specify must exactly match the key name for that reason code. Any hardware or software reason code keys specified by this option will not appear in the RESOURCE_STATE_REASON and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables.
The option was introduced in release 8.1.4.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.002
Enables or disables population of the summarized resource states across all media (including voice, e-mail, chat, and 3rd Party Media media types) in the SM_MEDIA_NEUTRAL_STATE_FACT table. The value of the applicable populate-sm-*-resource-activity option must be set to true for agent states on those media to be reflected in the media-neutral agent states. The media-neutral state is the highest-priority state in effect for any of the agent's media, where the priority is determined by the sm-resource-state-priority option.
Section: gim-etl
Valid Values: ACW, BUSY, NOT_READY, READY (all four in any order)
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: populate-sm-resource-activity
Modified: 8.5.002
Specifies a list of the state names—BUSY, ACW, NOT_READY, or READY—in order of decreasing priority. When an agent simultaneously has different states on different DNs for a given media type, Genesys Info Mart uses this list to determine which state has the highest priority when determining a summarized state to store in the SM_RES_STATE_FACT or SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table. Starting with release 8.5.002, Genesys Info Mart uses this list to evaluate the priority for media-neutral states (the agent's state across all media types), as well, if the populate-media-neutral-sm-facts option is set to true.
If you change the value of this option, you must specify all four values, in the changed order. If you do not specify all the values, Genesys Info Mart considers the option value to be invalid and uses the default value instead.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 14400
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 900
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: No direct dependency, but it would not be meaningful to set max-state-duration > (value of max-session-duration-in-hours expressed in seconds)
Introduced: 8.1.3
Specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, for an agent state in the SM_RES_STATE_FACT table. Genesys Info Mart ends the agent state if the IDB data does not show the agent transitioning to a different state by the time that the maximum duration (the state timeout) expires. The option enables you to:
- Improve performance of agent-activity transformation by reducing the amount of active data that Genesys Info Mart must maintain and by limiting the period of time for which lookups must be performed for agent-activity data.
- Recognize in a timely manner when an agent session has gone inactive.
The option was introduced in release 8.1.3.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 24
Valid Values: 1-10000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Modified: 8.1.3 (minimum valid value changed)
Specifies the maximum duration, in hours, for a resource session in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT table. Genesys Info Mart will end a resource session for an agent/media type after this timeout elapses if the session end has not been extracted from the IDB GX_SESSION_ENDPOINT table.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Enables or disables the population of both interaction data and agent activity data from SIP Instant Messaging (IM) interactions. The default value of this option is false, indicating that Genesys Info Mart will not transform SIP IM data.
Section: gim-etl-media
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 0-60
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
For interactions of the particular media type for the particular tenant, specifies the minimum duration, in seconds, of an abandoned multimedia interaction in order for it to be considered truly abandoned. Genesys Info Mart uses this value to determine the state of SHORT_ABANDONED_FLAG in the IRF row.
This setting overrides a value that is set in the Genesys Info Mart Application object.
Section: gim-etl-media-chat
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 0-60
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Specifies the minimum duration, in seconds, of an abandoned chat interaction in order for it to be considered truly abandoned. Genesys Info Mart uses this value to determine the state of SHORT_ABANDONED_FLAG in the IRF row. Genesys Info Mart uses the option setting in the Genesys Info Mart Application object unless you override this value by configuring an option that has the same name in the interface you use for configuration:
- On a Media Type Business Attribute for a particular tenant, for interactions of that media type for that tenant.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.001
Enables or disables the population of thread-related metrics in the ANCHOR_FLAGS dimension in multimedia deployments.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 31
Valid Values: Any positive integer greater than days-to-keep-active-facts
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: populate-thread-facts=true
Introduced: 8.1.1
Specifies the maximum duration, in days, of an interaction thread after all of the interactions that belong to the thread have terminated. After the timeout expires, Genesys Info Mart considers the thread to be closed.
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 50
Valid Values: 10-10000
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.1.401.02
Specifies the limit for the number of MSF records that are associated with a given multimedia interaction that will be represented in the Info Mart database. When the number of MSF records associated with a single IRF record exceeds the limit, the transformation job processes only the first n mediation DNs and the last n mediation DNs in the interaction, where n = max-msfs-per-irf/2. In this way, ETL performance avoids being degraded by huge numbers of MSF records for unsuccessful routing attempts for "stuck strategy" scenarios.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.004
Enables or disables reporting on Active Switching Matrix (ASM) engage duration (for voice interactions only). Applies only to deployments with Outbound Contact in a VoIP environment where campaigns are running in an ASM dialing mode.
- false—Genesys Info Mart does not differentiate between ASM engage duration and regular talk time.
- true—Genesys Info Mart populates the ASM_COUNT and ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION columns in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) table as follows:
- ASM_COUNT is set to 1 to indicate that an attempt was made to engage an agent. If no attempt was made, then the column shows a value of 0.
- ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION indicates the amount of time that a successfully-engaged agent waited to be connected to a customer. This duration will be excluded from regular talk time.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Controls whether Genesys Info Mart populates ROUTING_TARGET records for each distinct regular external DN, or folds them into a single record.
- true — Genesys Info Mart creates a single ROUTING_TARGET record with TARGET_OBJECT_SELECTED = EXTERNAL, to represent the routing target dimension for all regular external DNs used as routing targets.
- false — Genesys Info Mart creates separate ROUTING_TARGET records for each distinct regular external DN used as a routing target. (This is the legacy behavior.)
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any nonnegative integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.001
Specifies a time threshold, in seconds, for Genesys Info Mart to treat a conference as an introduced transfer. If the conference initiator's participation is less than the threshold, while the receiving agent continues on the call, Genesys Info Mart treats this call flow as a special case of transfer. The option applies only to voice calls.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Specifies how Genesys Info Mart will treat IVRs when the IPurpose attached data KVP is not defined, or when it has an incorrect value.
- false—The IVR is treated as a nonself-service IVR (in other words, as a mediation device).
- true—The IVR is treated as a self-service IVR (in other words, as a handling resource).
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 0-60
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Specifies the minimum duration, in seconds, of an abandoned voice interaction in order for it to be considered truly abandoned. Genesys Info Mart uses this value to determine the state of SHORT_ABANDONED_FLAG in the IRF row.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Specifies whether the time that an interaction is in an Interaction Workbin is considered to be hold time or mediation.
- false—Workbin time is considered to be mediation. Whether or not the workbin activity will be represented by an MSF record depends on the value of the populate-mm-workbin-facts option.
- true—Workbin time is considered to be hold if the handling resource places the interaction into its own personal workbin. The hold ends when any resource takes the interaction out of the workbin. Various hold metrics are reported in the IRF record that is associated with that handling resource.
Data-Processing Options for Genesys Info Mart
Genesys Info Mart behavior and functionality are controlled by configuration option settings on the Genesys Info Mart Application and other supporting objects, such as DNs and Scripts.
The tables on this page list the configuration options that affect the content and quality of data that is stored in the Info Mart database. The tables group the options by functional area and, within each functional area, by type of data. Some options are set on the Genesys Info Mart Application object, and some on other objects.
Review the options to identify the ones that are relevant to the reports that you are required to provide on the data types that are relevant to your environment, and modify the option values if necessary.
For example, suppose that you would like to report on interactions and agent activity at the DN and ACD queue levels, using Genesys Info Mart pre-aggregated data, in a contact center that processes inbound voice interactions. Review the options in the following tables:
- Voice media interactions data
- Agent activity data not specific to media type
- Voice agent activity data
- Queue activity data for voice (ACD queue or Virtual Queue)
Carefully consider the values that you set for data-related options. Changing these settings after Genesys Info Mart has started collecting data compromises data consistency, especially for long-lived multimedia interactions.
Example of consistency issue
For example, if an agent works on an e-mail reply over a period of time and periodically saves drafts to an Interaction Workbin, there might be mixed results for the workbin activity that is associated with the e-mail interaction if the value of the populate-workbin-as-hold option changes: Some of the workbin time might be considered to be mediation (which Genesys Info Mart might or might not represent in the dimensional model, depending on other configuration), and some might be reported as hold.
Related Information
In addition to the data-processing options on this page, you might be interested in the following:
- Operations-Related Options for Genesys Info Mart — Affect the day-to-day operations of the Genesys Info Mart components and control the ETL process.
- Genesys Info Mart Aggregation-Related Options for GCXI and RAA — Enable aggregation in your deployment, if GCXI or RAA is installed.
Data-Processing Options Summary Tables
The following tables summarize the Genesys Info Mart data-related options:
- Voice media interactions data
- Multimedia interactions data
- SIP Instant Messaging Data
- Agent activity data not specific to media type
- Voice agent activity data
- Multimedia agent activity data
- Queue activity data for voice (ACD queue or Virtual Queue)
- Queue activity data for multimedia (Virtual Queue, Interaction Queue, or Interaction Workbin)
- Outbound Contact data
See Summary of options configurable at different levels for a comparison of similar options on various configuration objects.
Voice media interactions data
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl] | short-abandoned-threshold=10 | In the Application object, configure the option on the Options tab. |
[gim-transformation] | default-ivr-to-self-service=false introduced-transfer-threshold=0 | ||
[gim-etl-populate] | populate-irf-asm-engage-duration=false |
Multimedia interactions data
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl] | max-msfs-per-irf=50 |
In the Application object, configure the option on the Options tab. |
[gim-etl-populate] | populate-thread-facts=false | ||
[gim-etl-media-<media type>] where <media type> exactly matches the name of the applicable Media Type Business Attribute (for example, chat). |
For example, in the [gim-etl-media-chat] section: |
Each [gim-etl-media-<media type>] section contains options that apply for the specific media type only. By default, sections for eServices email and chat are predefined.
This setting can be overridden at the tenant level. In the Application object, configure the option on the Options tab. | |
Tenant Media Type Business Attribute | [gim-etl-media] | short-abandoned-threshold=10 | For the particular Media Type attribute, which is configured for a particular tenant, this setting overrides the same option that is configured at the application level.
In the Media Type Business Attribute object for the tenant, configure the option on the Annex tab. |
SIP Instant Messaging data
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl-populate] | populate-sip-im-facts=false | In the Application object, configure the options on the Options tab.
The option controls both interaction data and agent activity data. |
Agent activity data not specific to media type
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl] | max-session-duration-in-hours=24 max-state-duration=14400 |
In the Application object, configure the options on the Options tab. |
[gim-etl-populate] | populate-media-neutral-sm-facts=false | ||
[gim-transformation] | ignored-reason-codes=INTERACTION_WORKSPACE | ||
Switch | [gim-etl] | factor-dnd-into-sm-resource-states=FALSE (for voice-handling and SIP switches); TRUE (for multimedia-handling switches) | In the Switch object, configure the option on the Annex tab. |
Voice agent activity data
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl-populate] | populate-sm-voice-resource-activity=true | In the Application object, configure the option on the Options tab. |
Multimedia agent activity data
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl-populate] | populate-sm-chat-resource-activity=true |
In the Application object, configure the options on the Options tab. |
Queue activity data for voice (ACD queue or Virtual Queue)
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl] | q-answer-threshold-voice=60 q-short-abandoned-threshold-voice=10 |
The q-answer-threshold-voice setting and, starting with release 8.5.003, the q-short-abandoned-threshold-voice setting can be overridden at the Switch or DN object level.
The link-msf-userdata-voice option can be overridden at the DN object level. In the Application object, configure the options on the Options tab. |
[gim-transformation] | msf-target-route-thru-queue=false | In the Application object, configure the option on the Options tab. | |
DN (Virtual Queue or ACD Queue), Switch | [gim-etl] | q-answer-threshold-voice=60 q-short-abandoned-threshold-voice=10 (starting with release 8.5.003) |
Overrides the same option that is configured at the application level.
In the Switch or DN object, configure the option on the Annex tab. |
DN (Virtual Queue or ACD Queue) | [gim-etl] | link-msf-userdata=false | Overrides the value of the link-msf-userdata-voice option configured at the application level.
In the DN object, configure the option on the Annex tab. |
Queue activity data for multimedia (Virtual Queue, Interaction Queue, or Interaction Workbin)
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl] | link-msf-userdata-mm=false | The link-msf-userdata-mm option can be overridden at the DN or Script object level.
In the Application object, configure the options on the Options tab. |
[gim-etl-media-<media type>] where <media type> exactly matches the name of the applicable Media Type Business Attribute (for example, email) |
q-answer-threshold=60 |
Each [gim-etl-media-<media type>] section contains options that apply for the specific media type only. By default, sections for eServices email and chat are predefined.
These settings at the Application level can be overridden at the tenant level. In addition, for each specific media type, the q-answer-threshold setting and, starting with release 8.5.003, the q-short-abandoned-threshold setting at the Application level can be overridden for Virtual Queues at the Switch or DN object levels or, for Interaction Queues and Workbins, at the Script level. In the Application object, configure the options on the Options tab. | |
[gim-etl-populate] | populate-mm-ixnqueue-facts=false populate-mm-workbin-facts=true |
The populate-mm-ixnqueue-facts and populate-mm-workbin-facts settings can be overridden on the Script object level.
In the Application object, configure the options on the Options tab. | |
[gim-transformation] | adjust-vq-time-by-strategy-time=false canceled-queues=iWD_Canceled |
In the Application object, configure the option on the Options tab. | |
Tenant Media Type Business Attribute | [gim-etl-media] | q-answer-threshold=60 | For the particular Media Type attribute, which is configured for a particular tenant, these settings override the same options that are configured on the Application object. In addition, for each specific media type, the q-answer-threshold setting and, starting with release 8.5.003, the q-short-abandoned-threshold setting at the tenant level can be overridden in the Switch or individual DN objects (for Virtual Queues) or in individual Script objects (for Interaction Queues or Interaction Workbins).
In the Media Type Business Attribute object for the tenant, configure the options on the Annex tab. |
DN (Virtual Queue), Script (Interaction Queue or Interaction Workbin), Switch | [gim-etl-media-<media type>]
where <media type> exactly matches the name of the applicable Media Type Business Attribute (for example, email) |
q-answer-threshold=60 q-short-abandoned-threshold=10 (starting with release 8.5.003) |
Each [gim-etl-media-<media type>] section contains options that apply for the specific media type only. By default, sections for eServices email and chat are predefined.
If configured, this setting overrides the same option that is configured at the application or tenant level. In the Switch or DN object for a Virtual Queue or in the Script object for an Interaction Queue or a Workbin, configure the option on the Annex tab. |
DN (Virtual Queue) or Script (Interaction Queue or Interaction Workbin) | [gim-etl] | link-msf-userdata=false | Overrides the value of the link-msf-userdata-mm option configured at the application level.
In the DN object for a Virtual Queue or in the Script object for an Interaction Queue or a Workbin, configure the option on the Annex tab. |
Script (Interaction Queue or Interaction Workbin) | [gim-etl-populate] | populate-mm-ixnqueue-facts=false | Overrides the same option that is configured at the application level.
In the Script object for an Interaction Queue or a Workbin, configure the options on the Annex tab. |
Outbound Contact data
Configuration Object | Section Name | Option Name and Default Value | Comments |
Genesys Info Mart Application | [gim-etl] | max-camp-group-session-duration-in-hours=168 max-camp-group-state-duration-in-hours=168 |
In the Application object, configure the options on the Options tab. |
[gim-transformation] | ocs-chain-history-limit=5000 |
Summary of options configurable at different levels
The following tables for the Voice and Multimedia data domains, respectively, summarize the options that can be configured on different objects. The scope of the option depends on the level at which you configure it. An option configured at a more granular level overrides the value of the equivalent option configured at a broader level. A checkmark in a table cell indicates that the option can be configured at that particular level. The order of priority (lowest to highest) is: Application -> Tenant (Media Type Business Attribute) -> Switch -> DN/Script. (The tenant-specific Media Type Business Attribute and Script levels apply only for Multimedia.)
The flexibility to selectively override option values at different levels of the hierarchy enables you to fine-tune your reporting. For example, for an option that can be configured at the application, switch, and DN levels, you can specify the desired option value you want to take effect for all DNs, then specify a different value to apply to all the DNs of a particular switch, and then specify yet another different value for a particular DN. For multimedia-related options, you can further specify different values for each media type at all levels of the hierarchy.
RAA relies on threshold values that are used to calculate SLA (and other threshold-related measures metrics), which are controlled by aggregation-specific [agg-gim-thld-*] options. For more information, see How Do I Configure Genesys Info Mart for Aggregation? in the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Deployment Guide.
Functionality | Option | Configuration Section | Configuration Object | ||
Application | Switch | DN | |||
IRF metrics: Abandoned threshold | short-abandoned-threshold | [gim-etl] | ✔ | ||
MSF metrics: Abandoned threshold | q-short-abandoned-threshold-voice | [gim-etl] | ✔ | ✔
(8.5.003 and later) |
(8.5.003 and later) |
MSF metrics: Answer threshold | q-answer-threshold-voice | [gim-etl] | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
User data in MSFs | link-msf-userdata | [gim-etl] | Use link-msf-userdata-voice | ✔ | |
link-msf-userdata-voice | [gim-etl] | ✔
(8.5.003 and later) |
Use link-msf-userdata |
Functionality | Option | Configuration Section | Configuration Object | ||||
Application | Tenant Media Type Business Attribute | Switch | DN | Script | |||
IRF metrics: Abandoned threshold | short-abandoned-threshold | Depends on the configuration object: [gim-etl-media] on the Media Type Business Attribute |
✔ | ✔ | |||
MSF metrics: Abandoned threshold (virtual queues) | q-short-abandoned-threshold | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ (8.5.003 and later) | ✔ (8.5.003 and later) | ||
MSF metrics: Abandoned threshold (interaction queues or workbins) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ (8.5.003 and later) | ||||
MSF metrics: Answer threshold (virtual queues) | q-answer-threshold | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
MSF metrics: Answer threshold (interaction queues or workbins) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||
User data in MSFs | link-msf-userdata | [gim-etl] | Use link-msf-userdata-mm | ✔ | ✔ | ||
link-msf-userdata-mm | [gim-etl] | ✔ (8.5.003 and later) |
Use link-msf-userdata | Use link-msf-userdata | |||
Data population | populate-mm-ixnqueue-facts | [gim-etl-populate] | ✔ | ✔ | |||
populate-mm-workbin-facts | [gim-etl-populate] | ✔ | ✔ |