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Migrating GMS 8.1.x to 8.5

GMS Cluster Application Configuration

In order to deploy Genesys Mobile Services (GMS) 8.1.x, a specific application had to be created for each GMS, and then each application had to be configured with the same options.

The GMS 8.5 release introduces a new deployment model; a single Application Cluster object that can be configured for a cluster of GMS's. Each GMS requires its own GMS application in Configuration Manager, which includes a link to the Application Cluster Object in its Connection tab. This enables grouping the common options into a single place. See Creating an Application Object for more information about this deployment model.

GMS Cluster Migration (Cassandra)

For a cluster of three nodes:

  1. Stop one of the GMS 8.1.x nodes. This can be either a seed-node, or non seed-node.
  2. Create a new GMS application using the GMS 8.5 template (see the GMS 8.5 deployment instructions).
  3. Install GMS 8.5.
  4. Start GMS 8.5. GMS 8.5 synchronizes with the other GMS 8.1.1 nodes in the cluster.
  5. Repeat these steps for all of the GMS 8.1.x nodes. When complete, the cluster is upgraded to GMS 8.5 with data from the GMS 8.1.x cluster.

Service Migration

Starting in GMS 8.1.2, default service options are prefixed with an underscore ( _ ). The following shows an example migration:



Option Value
delete_match true
service match-interaction
type builtin



Option Value
_delete_match true
_service match-interaction
_type builtin

Parameters that begin with an underscore (_) are passed to ORS. Anything else is considered user data, and saved in storage. The stored data can be retrieved using the _data_id parameter passed in scxml.


Google has deprecated the C2DM Service, and no new users are being accepted; however, apps using C2DM will continue to work. For more information, see the Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework documentation.

For customers that want to send notifications to Android devices, using the GCM notification provider is encouraged.

Note that you do not need to prefix options with an underscore.


Existing 8.1.x Chat service will continue to work with GMS 8.5. Chat service options must be migrated according to the preceding Service Migration section. Genesys recommends migrating to Callback Chat service as defined in the Callback User's Guide.

Port Configuration

Note: This section applies to GMS 8.5.001 and higher.

Because of the port restriction feature introduced in GMS 8.5.001, the GMS HTTP port is no longer configured in the GMS <GMS_HOME>/launcher.xml file. To configure HTTP port(s), you must add the HTTP connector into the <GMS_HOME>/etc/jetty.xml file:

<Call name="addConnector">
          <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
            <Set name="host"><Property name="jetty.host" /></Set>
            <Set name="port"><Property name="jetty.port" default="8080"/></Set>
            <Set name="maxIdleTime">300000</Set>
            <Set name="Acceptors">2</Set>
            <Set name="statsOn">false</Set>
            <Set name="confidentialPort">8443</Set>
	    <Set name="lowResourcesConnections">20000</Set>
	    <Set name="lowResourcesMaxIdleTime">5000</Set>
This page was last edited on November 24, 2017, at 09:50.
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