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Section: server
Default Value:
Valid Values: http://<hostname>:<port>/ or https://<hostname>:<port>/
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the external URL used by the Storage Service to allow the retrieval of a binary attachment. Configure this option in the case of a Load Balancer deployment.

The valid value is http://<hostname>:<port>/, where:
  • <hostname> is used by the cluster service to identify a node
  • <port> is used by the cluster service to identify a node.

The <port> value must be the same as the GMS port described in the jetty configuration file, otherwise, an alarm will be displayed in Solution Control Interface (SCI) and GMS will stop.


Section: callback
Default Value: ""
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The credentials to be used for the Callback strategy.


Section: callback
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The retry interval before a retry is made for the Session/Fetch.


Section: callback
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Defines the retry attempts for a Session/Fetch action.


Section: callback
Default Value: 15
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Timeout interval (in seconds) at which GMS should verify if the fetch operation is timed out.


Section: callback
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect:

Enables using DFM. Set to false to enable Fetch/Session.

Using Callbacks without DFM

To use the Callback strategy without using DFM, the GMS API can be used with the Session/Fetch requests (HTTP requests) using the URL configured in the external_url_base configuration option in the server section.

The GMS API will be called from the Callback strategy using the Session/Fetch requests (HTTP request), the URL used for these HTTP operations is the GMS application option external_url_base in server section. The following options are available to configure this feature.

[service.<callback service name>]

You can also create a GMS Services Credentials Transaction List when accessing the GMS API with credentials:

When GMS API are using credentials, create GMS Services Credentials Transaction List (called for example GMS_Credentials) with the following annex:


The server username is the same username as the username option in GMS Application options in server section and the server password is the same password as the password option in GMS Application options in server section.

Add an _services_credentials option in Callback service section:

[service.<callback service name>]


When using the Callback strategy without using DFM, the following limitations apply:

  • The Session/Fetch HTTP request uses the URL from GMS: external_url_base option value.
  • There are no round-robin hosts as in the DFM definition.
  • Credentials on GMS API are activated on server section only (not per service) via a Transaction List.
This page was last edited on November 25, 2022, at 11:04.
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