Configuring the ORS-based Services
Now that the basic scenarios are working, let's get started with the ORS-based advanced scenarios.
You must have completed the following:
Step 1: GMS Service – Samples
This service is responsible for receiving the GMS request from the sample application.
GMS Service Management UI > Services > Configured Services
- Click Add Service
- Set Configure Service = callback
- Set Service Name = samples.
- Set Common Default Configuration = samples
- Click Save.
- Set _target = <routetarget> Example: Customer_Service@Stat_Server.GA
- Set _urs_virtual_queue = GMS_VQ_SIP_Switch
- Set _route_point = 8999
- Set service property _chat_endpoint = Environment:gms_ors (or Resources:gms_ors if single tenant).
Step 2: Inbound SCXML Service - Voice
This inbound service matches the voice call with an existing GMS service. If a matching service is found, it moves the interaction to the GMS service (ORS session), which attaches the GMS User Data, and routes the call to the agent.
- Configuration Manager > Switches > SIP_Switch
- Configuration Manager > Scripts
- Create a route point associated with the access number configured in the procedure Resource Group Add Access Number.
- Set Annex > Orchestration section > application = script:GMSInbound.Voice.GMSMatchORS.
- Create an enhanced routing script GMSInbound.Voice.GMSMatchORS.
- Set Annex > Application section > url = http://<gmshost:gmsport>/genesys/1/document/service_template/callback/src-gen/IPD_Voice_GMSMatch.scxml
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_find_agent_timeout = 30
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_match_gms_builtin = false
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_no_match_target = <target> (Example: All_Standard_Agents@Stat_Server.GA)
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_require_access_code = false
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_require_ani = true
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_treatment_waiting_for_agent = <blank> (A blank value will force the service to use a packaged music file.)
Step 3: Inbound SCXML Service - Chat
This inbound service attaches the GMS user data to the interaction, and routes the interaction to the agent.
- Configuration Manager > Chat Server
- Configuration Manager > Scripts
- Go to Configuration Manager > Chat Server.
- Create an end point that was specified in the procedure GMS Service Create Service request chat (sub-step 6):
- gms_ors = GMSInbound.Chat.QueueORS
- Go to Configuration Manager > Scripts.
- Create interaction queue that you just specified, above.
- Name: GMSInbound.Chat.QueueORS
- Set Annex > Orchestration/application = script:GMSInbound.Chat.QueueORS.Routing
- Create an interaction queue view.
- Name: GMSInbound.Chat.QueueORS.View 1
- Set Annex > View/Queue = GMSInbound.Chat.QueueORS
- Create an Enhanced Routing Object that you just specified, above.
- Name: GMSInbound.Chat.QueueORS.Routing
- Set Annex > Application/url = http://<gms_host>:<gms_port>/genesys/1/document/service_template/callback/src-gen/IPD_Chat_QueueORS.scxml
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_find_agent_timeout = 30
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_match_gms_builtin = false
- Set Annex > ApplicationParms/app_no_match_target = <target> (Example: All_Standard_Agents@Stat_Server.GA)
Next Steps
This page was last edited on April 11, 2018, at 19:02.
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