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Values for DAP Connection Parameters

During the installation of the GRAT, you will be prompted to enter various connection parameters for the database you are using as the Rules Repository (created in Creating the Rules Repository Database).

Default Values

The table below provides default values for the three supported database types (MSSQL, Oracle, and DB2). You should consult your database vendor’s documentation for specific information. The last column in the table lists the JDBC drivers that you must copy to the lib directory of your application server.

Database Type

Example Connector Class

Default Database URL

JDBC Driver to be Copied

MSSQL com.microsoft.sqlserver.


jdbc:sqlserver://{host}:{port};databaseName={database_name} sqljdbc4.jar
Oracle oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@//{host}:{port}/{SID} ojdbc6.jar
DB2 com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver jdbc:db2://{host}:{port}/{database_name} db2jcc.jar db2jcc_license_cu.jar
PostGRE SQL org.postgresql.Driver "jdbc:postgresql://{host}:{port}/databaseName" postgresql-9.3-1102.jdbc41.jar

Overriding Default Values on the Options Tab

More advanced users can use the DAP's Options tab to override the default values mentioned above; for example, if a database vendor makes changes to the JDBC driver class, or if additional options need to be specified on the DB URL.


If the GRS section is present, the value of any options specified here overrides the defaults generated by GRAT.


  1. On the Options tab, create a section called GRS.
  2. Use the URL field to override the URL value generated by GRAT.
  3. Use the Driver field to override the default driver value generated by GRAT.
This page was last edited on February 20, 2015, at 11:19.
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