channel-Facebook/Twitter-*any-name* Section
- 1 channel-Facebook/Twitter-*any-name* Section
- 1.1 driver-classname
- 1.2 fetch-image
- 1.3 gsa-account-name
- 1.4 gsa-api-key
- 1.5 gsa-batch-limit
- 1.6 gsa-batch-reserve-time
- 1.7 gsa-channel-id
- 1.8 gsa-channel-name
- 1.9 gsa-user-name
- 1.10 gsa-user-password
- 1.11 gsa-url-base
- 1.12 inbound-route
- 1.13 itx-resubmit-attempts
- 1.14 itx-resubmit-delay
- 1.15 itx-submit-timeout
- 1.16 reconnection-timeout
- 1.17 sampling-period
- 1.18 submit-as-chat
- 1.19 x-debug-mode
- 1.20 x-faulty-conditions-delay
- 1.21 x-history-length
- 1.22 x-inbound-media
- 1.23 x-max-comments-per-post-to-process
- 1.24 x-print-rss-channel
- 1.25 x-print-rss-items
- 1.26 x-sampling-period
- 1.27 x-submit-comments-itx
- 1.28 x-submit-internal-itx
- 1.29 x-submit-own-all
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid driver class name
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the class name of the media driver for a specific media service. The class name of the Genesys Driver for Genesys Social Analytics (GSA) cloud. For example, com.<your domain>
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
When set to true, the Social Messaging Server downloads images attached to inbound messages. When this option has value false, an http link to a remote location storing message attachments is added to inbound messages. The link to remote location is provided by Facebook and Twitter. If using Workspace Desktop Edition as your desktop, you must set fetch-image to false.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies Genesys Social Analytics cloud account name that is used by the driver to access a service. Contact Genesys Customer Care to configure an account in Genesys Social Analytics cloud platform. This field should be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team.
CRITICAL: Changing this field without taking care will stop the connection between your Social Engagement system and Twitter or Facebook, and may cause a loss of data.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies an access key that is used by the driver to access Genesys Social Analytics cloud API. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field should be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team.
CRITICAL: Changing this field without taking care will stop the connection between your Social Engagement system and Twitter or Facebook, and may cause a loss of data.
Default Value: 200
Valid Values: In the range 1 to 500
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the maximum number of posts retrieved by the driver from GSA cloud API in a single request. If loads are high, changes may be made to this field in order to throttle the stream of incoming messages to improve performance of the on premise system.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: In the range 10 to 3600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies a period of time, in seconds, for which an inbound message is removed from the GSA cloud channel queue after it was fetched by the Social Messaging Server. If the Social Messaging Server does not send confirmation to the GSA cloud channel that the message was successfully processed within this period, it will be placed back into the queue.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies a channel ID in Genesys Social Analytics cloud platform. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field should be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team.
CRITICAL: Changing this field without taking care will stop the connection between your Social Engagement system and Twitter or Facebook, and may cause a loss of data.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies a name associated with a channel in Genesys Social Analytics cloud platform. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field should be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team.
CRITICAL: Changing this field without taking care will stop the connection between your Social Engagement system and Twitter or Facebook, and may cause a loss of data.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies a user's email address associated with a channel in Genesys Social Analytics cloud platform. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field should be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team.
CRITICAL: Changing this field without taking care will stop the connection between your Social Engagement system and Twitter or Facebook, and may cause a loss of data.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the administrator user's password to access the Genesys Social Analytics cloud platform. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field should be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team.
CRITICAL: Changing this field without taking care will stop the connection between your Social Engagement system and Twitter or Facebook, and may cause a loss of data.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid string
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the Genesys Social Analytics cloud platform URL. Contact Genesys Customer Care to obtain the value of this option. This field should be set up once and not changed without first communicating with the Genesys team.
CRITICAL: Changing this field without taking care will stop the connection between your Social Engagement system and Twitter or Facebook, and may cause a loss of data.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: <tenant id> : <access point name> or
<tenant id> : <access point name1>, <tenant id> : <access point name2>
Changes Take Effect: After restart
The value <tenant id> : <access point name> specifies the access point that is used to place submitted interactions for incoming messages. The access point name can either be the actual name of the endpoint, or a reference to the option in section *tenant dbid*:endpoints. For example, value 101:facebook_queue is a reference to option 101:endpoints/facebook_queue=“Facebook Inbound Queue”.
The value <tenant id> : <access point name1>, <tenant id> : <access point name2> is applicable only in support of Facebook session mode. <access point name2> specifies the access point used by Chat Server.
The name of this option was changed from inbound-route-default to inbound-route in eServices 8.1.
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: 0-9
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
This option controls the way that Social Messaging Server submits interactions. The Social Messaging Server submits a request with an inbound message to Interaction Server and waits itx-submit-timeout seconds for a positive response from the Interaction Server. If the expected response has not been received within this time period, the Social Messaging Server repeats the submit request up to itx-resubmit-attempts times, with a delay of itx-resubmit-delay seconds between successive attempts.
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: In the range 1 to 120
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
The time, in seconds that Social Messaging Server waits between attempts to resubmit an interaction. See itx-submit-timeout for a full description of the submission process.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: 1-60
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that Social Messaging Server waits for a positive response when it submits a request with an inbound message to Interaction Server.
Default Value: 180
Valid Values: Any positive integer greater than or equal to 10
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the delay, in seconds, before the server starts the reconnection procedure to the GSA cloud platform for this media channel if the connection was lost.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: In the range 1 to 3600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies how frequently, in seconds, data-fetching from a Genesys Social Analytics cloud platform will occur. Increasing the default may improve performance of the on-premise system, but also increase the time in which interactions appear on the agent’s desktop.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies how new incoming Facebook private messages are introduced into the system. With the value true, the driver submits a new Facebook private chat session via Chat Server. With the value false, the driver submits a regular interaction of media-type facebookprivatemessage.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the form of logging. If set to true, an extended form of logging is set for the driver. If set to false, a reduced form of logging is set for the driver.
Default value: 60
Valid values: 0 - 3600
Changes take effect: Immediately.
Specifies, in seconds, a timespan that takes effect in the event of problems with Facebook communications. Depending on the scenario, the Driver either restarts the affected monitor after the timespan or puts the monitor into sleeping mode for the length of the timespan. This option was introduced in release
Following are the possible scenarios, with the Driver's current and previous behavior contrasted:
- FacebookOAuthException received while the monitor is starting.
- Previous versions: the driver shut down the monitor with the error message "Unknown reason. Shutting down monitor" in the log.
- Current version: the driver restarts the affected monitor after the time specified by the option.
- FacebookException received while the monitor is starting.
- Previous versions: the driver restarted the monitor in two seconds.
- Current version: the driver restarts the affected monitor after the time specified by the option.
- FacebookOAuthException received while the monitor is working normally.
- Previous versions: the driver ignored this exception and continued working normally.
- Current version: the driver puts the affected monitor to sleep for the time period specified by the option, unless the option is set to 0.
- FacebookNetworkException received while the monitor is working normally.
- Previous versions: the driver restarted the affected monitor in two seconds.
- Current version: the driver restarts the affected monitor after the time specified by the option.
Background: When certain issues arise on the Facebook side, Facebook returns errors such as "unknown error, please repeat later" or "Service is temporarily unavailable" and so on. The best available behavior for the Genesys Driver in these cases is one of the following:
- Not to send any requests to Facebook for an appropriate amount of time—at least 15 minutes to be safe.
- To restart the monitor; that is, close the current connection to Facebook and open a new one after an appropriate amount of time—again about 15 minutes is suggested.
Note that there is no way of knowing if Facebook will come back on line in the time specified by the option, and that during that time period no interactions will be submitted to the Genesys solution or delivered to agents' desktops.
It may also be advisable to configure an Alarm condition for Social Messaging Server for the log message "Standard 45102": Exception caught and processed: <description>.
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: After the time interval specified in the sampling-period or x-sampling-period options
Specifies how many successfully submitted interaction IDs the RSS/ATOM driver will keep in the history file in order to avoid duplicate submissions.
Default Value: facebook for a Facebook channel, rss for an RSS channel, twitter for a Twitter channel
Valid Values: Any valid media name
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the media type that is assigned to interactions that are submitted to
Interaction Server.
Default Value: 50
Valid Values: In the range 1 to 5000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the maximum number of comments that can be attached to an interaction. For example, if a Post has one hundred comments and this option is set to 50, only the fifty most recent comments are attached to the interaction and passed to an Agent. If the option is set to 0, all comments are attached to the interaction and passed to an Agent. This option does not count parent comments, regardless of whether they were created inside or outside of the scan time bracket.
Default value: false
Valid values: true, false
Changes take effect: After the time interval specified in the sampling-period or x-sampling-period options.
Specifies whether the driver should print common fields of the received RSS/ATOM feed to a log file.
Default value: 0
Valid values: Any integer above 0.
Changes take effect: After the time interval specified in the sampling-period or x-sampling-period options.
Specifies how many received RSS/ATOM items the driver prints to a log file.
Default Value: 3
Valid Value: In range of 1 to 3600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies how frequently, in seconds, data-fetching from the Genesys Social Analytics cloud platform occurs.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether a new interaction with Facebook type comment will be created for each comment (true).
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
When the Facebook driver is monitoring the Facebook wall, it reads all of the posts and comments; some of the posts and comment might be created by agents. If this option is set to true, all Facebook interactions (regardless of who created the posts and comments) are created. If this option is set to false, only interactions in which there is new content (posts or comments) created by customers are created. All interactions that have older posts created prior to monitor read times and comments created only by agents are not be submitted.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether the inbound messages originating from the media account associated with this channel ("own" messages) are submitted to Interaction Server. This option applies to Twitter channels only.