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In the Column List:

  • P = Primary key
  • M = Mandatory field
  • F = Foreign key
  • In the Data Type column, varchar/nvarchar means that the data type is varchar except in multi-language databases that use Unicode, in which case the data type is nvarchar.


The control table for the gls role, which stores data that pertains to agent states and agent login sessions. The data sources are T-Server and Interaction Server.

To assist you in preparing supplementary documentation, click the following link to download a comma-separated text file containing information such as the data types and descriptions for all columns in this table: Download a CSV file.

Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.

Column List


Column Data Type P M F Description
DSS_ID integer X X The data source session ID. Refer to the GSYS_DOMAIN field in all corresponding operational tables.
ICON_DBID integer X X The DBID of the ICON instance that created this record.
DS_DBID integer The DBID of the data source to which ICON connected.
DS_DBID_PRIM integer The DBID of the primary data source server (if defined in the Configuration Layer).
DS2_DBID integer The DBID of the Switch for the T-Server or Interaction Server.
DS_TYPE integer The type of data source server:
  • 1—T-Server
  • 2—Interaction Server
ICON_STIME datetime The timestamp when ICON was started.
DSCONN_STIME datetime The timestamp when connection to the data source server was established.
DSCONN_SDSTIME datetime The data source server timestamp when the connection to ICON was established. If the data source server timestamp is not available, the ICON timestamp is used.
DSCONN_SDSTS integer The UTC-equivalent value of the DSCONN_SDSTIME field.
DSCONN_TYPE integer The type of connection:
  • 1—First connection
  • 2—Reconnect
  • 3—Data source server restart (when possible)
  • 4—Switch reconnection (when possible)
  • 5—Switchover (when possible)
ICON_ETIME datetime The timestamp when ICON shut down.
DSCONN_ETIME datetime The timestamp when the data source server disconnected.
FEVENT_ITIME datetime The timestamp of the first event for which data was stored on the connection (ICON time).
FEVENT_DSTIME datetime The timestamp of the first event for which data was stored on the connection (time from the data source server event).
FEVENT_DSSEQ varchar(255) The event sequence number of the first event for which data was stored on the connection (sequence number from the data source server event).
FEVENT_CSEQ bigint The transaction ID (CSEQ) of data storage for the first stored event on the connection.
FEVENT_DSUTC integer The UTC-equivalent value of the FEVENT_DSTIME field.
LEVENT_ITIME datetime The timestamp of the last event for which data was stored on the connection (ICON time).
LEVENT_DSTIME datetime The timestamp of the last event for which data was stored on the connection (time from the data source server event).
LEVENT_DSSEQ varchar(255) The event sequence number of the last event for which data was stored on the connection (sequence number from the data source server event).
LEVENT_CSEQ bigint The transaction ID (CSEQ) of data storage for the last stored event on the connection.
LEVENT_DSUTC integer The UTC-equivalent value of the LEVENT_DSTIME field.
NODATA_IUTC integer The UTC equivalent of the ICON timestamp in situations in which no data is received during a predefined time interval. The value of the time interval is 5 minutes.
ICON_DBID_PRIM integer The DBID of the Primary ICON. Currently not used (reserved).
DS_VERSION varchar(255) Reserved
CFG_SERVER varchar(255) Reserved
R_CREATE_DBLT datetime The timestamp for record creation (IDB local time).
R_UPDATE_DBLT datetime The timestamp of record update when event data changes (IDB local time).
R_CREATE_UTC integer The UTC-equivalent value of the R_CREATE_DBLT field.
R_UPDATE_UTC integer The UTC-equivalent value of the R_UPDATE_DBLT field when event data changes.
EXT_INT1 bigint Reserved
EXT_INT2 bigint Reserved
EXT_INT3 bigint Reserved
EXT_VCH1 varchar(255) Reserved
EXT_VCH2 varchar(255) Reserved
EXT_VCH3 varchar(255) Reserved
This page was last edited on January 10, 2020, at 15:27.
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