Composition of IWD Statistics and Aggregates
Each statistic is represented by a transformation script in the aggregate_stats\stats subfolder of the iWD ETL package. Each aggregate is represented by a transformation script in the plugins subfolder. Either script can define more than one statistic. As deployed during installation, the aggregate_stats\stats subfolder contains the following six sample scripts that define respectively six statistics:
- department_activeheld.ktr
- department_newcompleted.ktr
- department_pendingoverdue.ktr
- process_activeheld.ktr
- process_pendingoverdue.ktr
- solution_newcompleted.ktr
Also, the \plugins directory provides a file and five aggregate subfolders that correspond respectively to the five iWD aggregates:
- \agent
- \capt
- \classif
- \queue
- \age
Each subfolder contains a plug-in script that includes the name of the aggregate: task_<agg>_fact (for example, task_queue_fact). You can add new statistics and have iWD aggregate them by creating additional scripts and identifying them to iWD.
Customizing Statistics
The recommended approach for creating custom statistics is the following:
Copy an existing sample transformation script from the aggregate_stats\stats subdirectory. Name this script appropriately.
Modify the script as appropriate using Kettle ETL Designer.
Enable the new statistic by adding it to the aggregate_stats\ file.
Customizing Aggregates
The recommended approach for creating custom aggregates is the following:
Create a new subdirectory in the \plugins directory that is copied from an existing aggregate. Name this subdirectory appropriately.
Modify the aggregate transformations as appropriate using Kettle ETL Designer.
Modify the aggregate data structures as appropriate using SQL scripts.
Enable the new aggregate by adding it to the plugins\ file.