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A result code is a system- or agent-assigned value that is set upon the completion of a task. Result codes are often included in reports to enable further understanding of the disposition of a task — for example, the outcome of a routing strategy, a result code from the source system, or the invocation/termination of after-call work. The RESULT_CODE dimension is populated from the iWD extended attribute, resultCode.

The RESULT_CODE Dimension
Field Data Type Description
RESULT_CODE_KEY int Primary key of this table.
RESULT_CODE_NAME varchar(64) Descriptive name of the result code.
CREATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY int Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that created this record.
UPDATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY int Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that last updated this record.
This page was last edited on November 1, 2018, at 15:20.
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