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The cengine section applies only to Classification Server.



Default Value: standard
Valid Values: standard, none
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Discontinued: 8.5.2

Sets the logging level for the server


Default Value: CEngineLog
Valid Values: Any valid path
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Discontinued: 8.5.2

Sets the path to the server log folder


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: in Classification Server only

Turns on (true) or off (false) extended matching mode for screening rules. In extended matching mode, all matches of a screening rule produce key-value pairs, which are returned as a result of the screening request.


Default Value: 15000
Valid Values: 1-300000
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: in Classification Server only

Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, of a Screening Rule's regular expression processing. If processing a Screening Rule takes more than the specified time (the option setting), Classification Server terminates the processing and sends the Fault ESP response to the requester. This prevents Classification Server from being unresponsive when processing a regular expression takes an excessively long time.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: In Classification Server only

Specifies how an e-mail's Subject, Body, and Header fields are treated during screening.

  • If the option is set to true, the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box for each individual rule is ignored, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
  • If the option is set to false:
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is selected, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is not selected, a screening rule is applied to each selected content separately and a screening result is calculated as follows: a screening result for the Subject AND a screening result for the Header AND a screening result for the Body. All selected email areas are included in a screening result calculation.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The default value, false, preserves the current behavior of the Classification Server while matching screening rules. The value, true, forces the server to treat empty elements (subject, text, headers) as not matched with any rule.

This page was last edited on May 19, 2020, at 20:06.
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