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iWD Manager Server

Options for this component are contained in the following configuration sections:

In the summary table(s) below, type in the Search box to quickly find options, configuration sections, or other values, and/or click a column name to sort the table. Click an option name to link to a full description of the option. Be aware that the default and valid values are the values in effect with the latest release of the software and may have changed since the release you have; refer to the full description of the option to see information for earlier releases.

Power users: Download a CSV file containing default and valid values and descriptions.

The following options are configured at the application level (in other words, on the application object).

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
clientApplication name After restart
iWD cfgConnectionTimeout 60000 After restart
iWD filterElementValuePattern (?U)([\p{Alnum} _%.\-\\]\p{M}*)* After restart
iWD ixnConnectionTimeout 60000 After restart
iWD msgConnectionTimeout 60000 After restart
iWD pullRetryDelayMillis 30 After restart
iWD pullRetryTimeoutMillis 500 After restart
iWD queryEscapeCharacter ^ After restart
iWD taskHistorySizeLimit 5000 After restart
iWD ucsConnectionTimeout 60000 After restart
log archive false After restart
log centralized-log-level STANDARD After restart
log centralized-logging false After restart
log console-log-level After restart
log file-log-level After restart
log level INFO After restart
log log-filename /GCTI/iWD/iwd_manager.log After restart
log log-to-console false After restart
log log-to-file true After restart
log max-file-size After restart
log max-history 5 After restart
log time-zone UTC After restart
oauth base.uri After restart
oauth client_id After restart
oauth enabled false After restart
oauth password After restart
oauth redirect.uri Empty After restart
tomcat accessLogDirectory /GCTI/iWD After restart
tomcat accessLogEnabled false After restart
tomcat accessLogPattern common After restart
tomcat accessLogPrefix iwd_manager_access After restart
tomcat accessLogSuffix .log After restart
tomcat allowBackslash true After restart
tomcat allowEncodedSlash true After restart
tomcat connectionTimeout 60000 After restart
tomcat contextPath /iwd_manager After restart
tomcat host After restart
tomcat jsDebugEnabled false After restart
tomcat proxyName localhost After restart
tomcat proxyPort 80 After restart
tomcat proxySslEnabled false After restart
tomcat proxySupportEnabled false After restart
tomcat relaxedPathChars After restart
tomcat relaxedQueryChars After restart
tomcat serverName Apache After restart
tomcat sessionTimeout 60 After restart
This page was last edited on March 13, 2020, at 15:50.
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