access-log Section
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true or false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Determines whether to archive old logs in separate files.
Archived filenames are set to
<log-filename without extension>-%d-%i<log-filename extension>
if file-max-size's set, otherwise:
<log-filename without extension>-%d<log-filename extension>
Default Value: /GCTI/iWD/iwd_dm_access.log
Valid Values: Valid file path
Changes Take Effect: After restart
The path to log file.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true or false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Determines whether to log to the console.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true or false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Determines whether to log to the file.
Default Value:
Valid Values: The value can be expressed in bytes, kilobytes,
megabytes or gigabytes by suffixing a numeric value with KB, MB and respectively GB.
For example, 5000000, 5000KB, 5MB and 2GB are all valid values, with the first three being equivalent.
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Used if archive is true.
The maximum size of the currently active file before a rollover is triggered.
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: integer greater than or equal to 0 (zero means to keep infinite number of files)
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Used if archive is true.
Controls the maximum number of days for archive files to keep, asynchronously deleting older files.
Default Value: UTC
Valid Values: The ID for a time zone, either an abbreviation such as PST,
a full name such as America/Los_Angeles, or a custom ID such as GMT-8:00.
Changes Take Effect: After restart
The time zone to which event timestamps will be converted.