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Configuration Server 8.5.x Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
07/01/14 General X X X X

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What's New

This release contains the following resolved issues:

  • These Language Packs are supported only by 8.5.x releases of Configuration Server, starting with this release. The Language Packs are not supported by 8.1.3 or earlier releases of Configuration Server.
  • If you plan to deploy Configuration Server in multi-language mode, first read the White Paper entitled Deploying Genesys for Key Mixed Language Scenarios.
  • On UNIX platforms, Configuration Server can now specify the protocol to be used to secure its connections, by using the new configuration option sec-protocol. Security Pack is required for this functionality to work properly. Refer to the Security Pack on UNIX 8.5 Release Note for more information about this option and how to use it. (MFWK-15844)

  • Resolved Issues

    This release contains the following resolved issues:

    On the Solaris platform, Configuration Server now successfully creates and deletes large numbers of objects when running for an extended period of time. Previously in this scenario, Configuration Server sometimes terminated. (MFWK-15779)

    Configuration Server now properly validates a permanent license file for all features. Previously, this file failed validation because it did not contain at least one technical license with an expiration date in the future. This restriction does not apply to the permanent license file. (MFWK-15749)

    Configuration Server now maintains the integrity of Virtual Agent Groups (VAGs) if, during startup, a backup Configuration Server loses its connection to the primary Configuration Server before it completes data retrieval. Previously in this scenario, when the backup Configuration Server switched to primary, it did not calculate the VAGs. (MFWK-15721)

    There is no longer a noticeable degradation in the performance of Configuration Server 8.5 during object creation and update. Previously, this performance degradation could only be remedied by disabling all internal threads used by Configuration Server. (MFWK-15707)

    Configuration Server now uses the latest 1.0.1g version of the OpenSSL library when connecting securely to external LDAP authentication servers. (MFWK-15706)

    When using external authentication over a secured connection with the LDAP authentication server, Configuration Server now accepts certificates with either subject name (CN=host name) or alternative subject name (DNS=host name) attributes specified.

    Note: host name is case-sensitive and must match the DNS record.


    The spelling of the message-format option has been corrected in the Application metadata of the Configuration Server Application Template. Previously, this option was spelled incorrectly, and you had to manually update it, either in the Application Template object itself, or in the Application objects created from the template. (MFWK-15683)

    Recursive permission changes on a folder, requested through Configuration Server Proxy, are now applied correctly to the objects in that folder. Previously, Configuration Server Proxy sent an incorrect response to the client, which then requested recursive permission changes through the proxy server. As a result, the recursive permission change on a folder requested through the proxy server was not applied to the objects in the folder located in the memory of Configuration Server Proxy. (MFWK-15681)

    Configuration Server now distributes correct notifications about changes made in certain fields, such as the Change password on next login checkbox of a Person object. Previously, under some conditions, wrong notifications were generated, causing data to get out of synchronization between Configuration Server instances and their client applications. A restart of all involved components was required in those cases to restore normal operations. (MFWK-15593)

    You can now use the apostrophe character (') character in the name of an object. Previously, this caused a database syntax error. If it was used when creating a new object, the transaction failed and the new object was not created. If it was added into the name of an existing object, the modification was saved, but any subsequent changes to that object could not be saved because of that database error.

    In addition, you can now specify how the backslash character (\) is to be interpreted when using Postgre databases. In PostgreSQL 9.1 and earlier, the backslash character is treated by default as an escape character. Configuration Server replaces it with the escaped character when processing the string. In PostgreSQL 9.1 and later, the backslash character is treated as a literal character. This conforms to the new SQL standard.

    Use the new postgre-standard-conforming-strings option to specify if Configuration Server is to interpret backslashes literally (as per the SQL standard), or as escape characters. Set this option in the [system] section of the Configuration Server Application object. (MFWK-15568)

    The Configuration Database now generates a syntax error if an object's name or any other attribute contains a non-alphanumeric character, such as an apostrophe ('), accent (`), or a back/forward slash (\ or /). Previously, Configuration Server would terminate unexpectedly.

    Recommendation: Do not use a non-alphanumeric character in any value to be stored in a database, unless specifically told to do so.


    Upgrade Notes

    No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

    Supported Languages

    The following table lists the languages supported by this release.

    X X X X X X X X
    This page was last edited on April 10, 2015, at 19:11.
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