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Configuration Server 8.5.x Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
06/25/15 General X X X X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Secure Connections to Oracle Databases: You can now configure secure connections between Configuration Server and Oracle databases. Refer to the Environment Settings section of the Framework Database Connectivity Reference Guide.
  • Genesys Deployment Agent not Installed Automatically: The Genesys Deployment Agent, used by Genesys Administrator for Solution Deployment on remote hosts, is no longer automatically installed with LCA. This is the new default behaviour, and affects only new customers and existing customers installing LCA on new hosts.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Configuration Server no longer stores links to the Agent objects in a Virtual Agent Group (VAG) in the Configuration Database for the scenario in which the VAG is first created with an empty value for the script option (in the virtual section in the Annex of the VAG object), and then the script value is updated. Previously in this scenario, Configuration Server stored links to the Agent objects in this VAG, with the result that the VAG object became corrupted. (MFWK-16733)

The backup master Configuration Server and Configuration Server Proxies no longer overload the CPU while processing notifications for configuration options additions and deletions in folders that contain a large number of objects. Previously in this scenario, the backup master Configuration Server and Configuration Server Proxies sometimes approached a CPU utilization rate of 100%, significantly slowing their processing rate. The only way to avoid the problem was to disable the Audit Trail feature by setting [history-log].write-former-value to false on both the master and backup Configuration Server Proxies.

This problem was introduced in 8.5.


Configuration Server now properly interprets trailing bytes of multi-byte characters as part of that character. Previously, when the trailing byte of a multi-byte character had the same code as an ASCII special character, Configuration Server interpreted the trailing byte as that special character.

For example, Configuration Server previously misinterpreted the trailing byte (Ox5c) of the Japanese character 圭 (encoded in Shift-JIS as two bytes 0x8c 0x5c) as a backslash. When storing string data in PostreSQL, this trailing character, which Configuration Server took to be a backslash, was duplicated. This resulted in the character to be displayed after restart as two characters, 圭¥ in any string that contained . Now, the character is displayed correctly, as .

This problem arose when a PostgreSQL database was operating with standard_conforming_strings=on and in the Shift-JIS locale. However, this caused Configuration Server to generate the Configuration History Log error message Incorrect history data format (can't read id); at startup. The only way to avoid this message was to set standard_conforming_strings=off (and postgre-standard-conforming-strings=off in Configuration Server).

Now, neither of these issues occur in the given scenarios.


In an HA configuration, if you start the backup Configuration Server Proxy while the primary server's host is not available, the backup server now properly switches to primary mode. Previously in this scenario, the backup Configuration Server Proxy sometimes stopped responding and did not switch to primary mode. (MFWK-16164)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on November 4, 2016, at 19:43.
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