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Recently Asked Questions

This article contains recently asked questions (RAQ) that might be helpful if you cannot find what you are looking for or have questions similar to those you'll find here. If you still have questions after reading this page, contact us by using the Disqus commenting feature at the bottom of each page.

We've also included information about things you cannot do.

Click the plus sign (+) beside any question to see the answer.

Time Off

[+] How do I check my available paid time off (PTO) balance?

[+] How do I calculate my PTO balance after booking future PTO?

[+] How do I recall or delete time-off requests that I entered for dates in the past?

[+] Where can I find a history of changes to my time-off?

[+] Where can I find credits for a ''day in lieu of''?

[+] Is it possible to check the time-off limits grid for an entire week or month, instead of just a single day?

[+] How do I determine how many time-off requests are ahead of mine in the wait-list?

[+] When I submit a request for time off and it's wait-listed, when will I know if my request is approved or denied?

[+] When I request time off and get an error message that the request date has not yet occurred, is there a way to be put on the wait list?


[+] Where can I see any changes that were made to my schedule throughout the day?

[+] How do I export my schedule to Outlook?

Preferences and Availability Patterns

[+] What is the difference between creating an Availability Pattern and setting Preferences?

[+] Do Availability Patterns affect schedule bidding?

Changing Settings

[+] How do I change the timezone in my application?

[+] How do I change the colors of my scheduled activities?

[+] How do I change my application from the default view to Classic Agent?

[+] How do I change the Web for Agents default view?

Logged In Session Expiry

[+] How do I extend the login time-out period to log back into Genesys?

Things Agents Cannot Do

Sometimes you ask us about settings or functionality that you do not have access to or cannot change. Often they are controlled by supervisors or administrators, or governed by contact center policies or rules. It might be helpful for you to know what you cannot do.

[+] Are there things I cannot do?

This page was last edited on February 26, 2019, at 12:45.
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