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End Event List

Purpose: Lists the End Event resources used to describe the end of a service, state, or task.

Service End Event

Field Type Mandatory Description
service_id integer yes The unique 64-bit ID of the given service.
session_id string no The ID of the related session (for instance, the orchestration session or any other business session). Limited to 32 characters.
interaction_id string no The ID of the interaction at the service event's creation. Limited to 50 characters.
application_type long or string no The unique ID associated with the type or class of application that issued the service event. Refer to Configuration Options for more details on Business Attribute mapping. May be used to group related applications, potentially across resource types.
application_id integer no The Genesys DB ID for the application which issues the service event, such as a GVP VoiceXML application, Orchestration SCXML application, and so on.
resource_type long or string no The unique ID associated with the type or class of resource providing the service (for example, GVP, Agent Desktop, Orchestration).
resource_id integer no The unique DB ID for the specific resource which provides the service. For instance:
  • The Genesys DB ID of a specific GVP or orchestration platform
  • The DB ID of a given agent, according to the context
media_type long or string no The media type applicable to the given service, such as email, voice, chat, and so on.
disposition long or string no The unique ID for the business disposition assigned to the given service. For instance, this can be the DB ID of a Business Attribute used to enumerate a given organization’s business dispositions.
disposition_desc string no A text description that provides additional information about the business disposition. Limited to 64 characters.
timestamp date/time no The UTC time at which the service event was raised, with a precision of milliseconds, using the ISO 8601 representation : [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z.
If the application does not specify this timestamp, the server adds it when the service event is processed.
expiration_time string
Time at which the service should expire, using the ISO 8601 representation: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z.

For example : "2016-09-02T08:00:00.000Z"

This expiration time applies to the whole conversation (service, states, tasks), not only to the given service.
ttl integer
Time to live (TTL) in seconds of the full conversation (service, states, tasks) starting from this event time. If the query includes both the ttl and expiration_time parameters, GMS takes into account only the ttl value and ignores the expiration_time.
This TTL applies to the whole conversation (service, states, tasks), not only to the given service.
<extension> Any JSON type no Task attached data as key-value pairs. You can add as many key-value pairs as needed.

Related Operations

State End Event

Field Type Mandatory Description
service_id integer yes The unique 64-bit ID of the given service.
state_id integer yes The 32-bit ID of the given state.
session_id string no The ID of the related session (for instance, the orchestration session or any other business session). Limited to 32 characters.
interaction_id string no The ID of the interaction at the service event's creation. Limited to 50 characters.
application_type long or string no The unique ID associated with the type or class of application which issued the state event. Refer to Configuration Options for more details on Business Attribute mapping. May be used to group related applications, potentially across resource types.
application_id integer no The Genesys DB ID for the application which issues the state event, such as a GVP VoiceXML application, Orchestration SCXML application, and so on.
resource_type long or string no The unique ID associated with the type or class of resource providing the related service (for example, GVP, Agent Desktop, Orchestration).
resource_id integer no The unique DB ID for the specific resource which provides the related service. For instance:
  • The Genesys DB ID of a specific GVP or orchestration platform
  • The DB ID of a given agent, according to the context
media_type long or string no The media type applicable to the given state, such as email, voice, chat, and so on.
disposition long or string no The unique ID for the business disposition assigned to the given state. For instance, this can be the DB ID of a Business Attribute used to enumerate a given organization’s business dispositions.
disposition_desc string no A text description that provides additional information about the business disposition. Limited to 64 characters.
timestamp date/time no The UTC time at which the service event was raised, with a precision of milliseconds, using the ISO 8601 representation : [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z.
If the application does not specify this timestamp, the server adds it when the service event is processed.
<extension> Any JSON type no Task attached data as key-value pairs. You can add as many key-value pairs as needed.

Related Operations

Task End Event

Field Type Mandatory Description
service_id integer yes The unique 64-bit ID of the given service.
state_id integer no The ID of the related state.
If the task is optional, you have no obligation to associate it with a state. For instance, you can associate this task with a higher service level.
task_id integer yes The ID of the given task.
session_id string no The ID of the related session (for instance, the orchestration session or any other business session). Limited to 32 characters.
interaction_id string no The ID of the interaction at the service event's creation. Limited to 50 characters.
application_type long or string no The unique ID associated with the type or class of application which issued the service event. Refer to Configuration Options for more details on Business Attribute mapping. May be used to group related applications, potentially across resource types.
application_id integer no The Genesys DB ID for the application which issues the service event, such as a GVP VoiceXML application, Orchestration SCXML application, and so on.
resource_type long or string no The unique ID associated with the type or class of resource providing the service (for example, GVP, Agent Desktop, Orchestration).
resource_id integer no The unique DB ID for the specific resource which provides the service. For instance:
  • The Genesys DB ID of a specific GVP or orchestration platform
  • The DB ID of a given agent, according to the context
media_type long or string no The media type applicable to the given task, such as email, voice, chat, and so on.
disposition long or string no The unique ID for the business disposition assigned to the given task. For instance, this can be the DB ID of a Business Attribute used to enumerate a given organization’s business dispositions.
disposition_desc string no A text description that provides additional information about the business disposition. Limited to 64 characters.
timestamp date/time no The UTC time at which the service event was raised, with a precision of milliseconds, using the ISO 8601 representation : [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z.
If the application does not specify this timestamp, the server adds it when the service event is processed.
<extension> Any JSON type no Task attached data as key-value pairs. You can add as many key-value pairs as needed.

Related Operations

This page was last edited on April 27, 2017, at 10:18.
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