Service API
All the queries related to data managed on the GMS side. These queries cover service management.
Service Resources
- End Event List: List of the end events that your application can receive if a service, state, or task is terminated.
- Extension: JSON extension for the service API.
- State Transition Event: Your application can receive this event if a service performs a transition between two states.
- Service: The service resource, which is a container for nested states and tasks.
- State: The state resource.
- Start Event List: List of the start events that your application can receive if a service, state, or task is started.
- Task: The task resource.
Service Operations
- Maintenance Operations
- Service Operations
- POST /genesys/1/cs/services/start
- POST /genesys/1/cs/genesys/1/cs/customers/${customer id}/services/${service id}
- POST /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/end
- GET /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}
- DELETE /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}
- GET /genesys/1/cs/services/anonymous/${contact key}/active
- GET /genesys/1/cs/services/anonymous/${contact key}/completed
- GET /genesys/1/cs/services/anonymous/${contact key}
- GET /genesys/1/cs/customers/${customer id}/services/active
- GET /genesys/1/cs/customers/${customer id}/services/completed
- GET /genesys/1/cs/customers/${customer id}/services
- PUT /genesys/1/cs/services/{service_id} (TTL, Expiration Time)
- PUT /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/extensions/${ext name}
- State Operations
- POST /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/states/${state id}/end
- POST /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/states/transition
- GET /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/states
- GET /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/states/${state id}
- POST /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/states/start
- PUT /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/states/${state id}/extensions/${ext name}
- Task Operations
- POST /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/tasks/${task id}/end
- GET /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/tasks
- GET /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/tasks/${task id}
- POST /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/tasks/start
- PUT /genesys/1/cs/services/${service id}/tasks/${task id}/extensions/${extension name}
Because extensions are replaced with flexible JSON data on the GMS side, all resources and requests specific to extensions are deprecated for services, states, and tasks. This page was last edited on April 27, 2017, at 10:04.
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