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Deploying the web application


Complete the following steps for each Web Services node.


  1. Copy the installation_CD/ gws-<version>.noarch.rpm file to a local folder.
  2. Perform the installation using the RPM package manager:
    rpm -ivh [--prefix installation_location] gws-<version>.noarch.rpm
    If --prefix is not specified, the default installation location is /usr/share folder.
  3. Copy the *.sample files from the /installation_path/gws/config/config-templates directory to the /installation_path/gws/config directory and remove the .sample extension.
  4. Run following command to register the new service on your host: chkconfig gws on


Next Steps

  1. Configuring Web Services
  2. Initializing Cassandra
  3. Starting and Testing Web Services

Installation package files

Web Services configuration and initialization files (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6)

File/folder name Description
/etc/default/gws The configuration file for the Web Services service.
/etc/init.d/gws The initialization script for the Web Services service.

Web Services configuration and initialization files (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7)

File/folder name Description
/usr/bin/gws The initialization script for the Web Services service.
/usr/lib/systemd/system/gws.service The default configuration file for the Web Services service.

The following scripts extend service functionality on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 platform:

  • /usr/libexec/initscripts/legacy-actions/gws/config
  • /usr/libexec/initscripts/legacy-actions/gws/version
/usr/lib/systemd/system/gws.service.d/gws.conf The custom configuration file for the Web Services service. The settings defined in this file override the default settings.

Web Services and Applications files

File/folder name Description
/installation_path/gws The home directory of Web Services and Applications.
/installation_path/gws/gws.jar The application .jar file.

GWS Configuration files

File/folder name Description
/installation_path/gws/config The folder containing configuration files of Web Services and Applications, including:
  • /installation_path/gws/config/feature-definitions.json
  • /installation_path/gws/config/hystrix.properties
  • /installation_path/gws/config/logback.xml
/installation_path/gws/config-templates The folder that contains templates of the Web Services and Applications configuration files. After installation, files from the folder must be modified according to Web Services and Applications Configuration Guide and moved to /installation_path/gws/config. The templates include:
  • /installation_path/gws/config-templates/application.yaml.sample
  • /installation_path/gws/config-templates/elasticsearch.yml.sample
  • /installation_path/gws/config-templates/statistics.yaml.sample

Cassandra schema

File/folder name Description
/installation_path/gws/data The folder that contains scripts to deploy database schema. Files include:
  • Scripts for Cassandra schema deployment using the cqlsh tool:
    • /installation_path/gws/data/ks-schema-local.cql
    • /installation_path/gws/data/ks-schema-prod.cql
    • /installation_path/gws/data/ks-schema-prod_HA.cql
    • /installation_path/gws/data/cf-schema.cql
  • Scripts for Cassandra schema deployment using the cassandra-cli tool:
    • /installation_path/gws/data/ks-schema-local.txt
    • /installation_path/gws/data/ks-schema-prod.txt
    • /installation_path/gws/data/ks-schema-prod_HA.txt
    • /installation_path/gws/data/cf-schema.txt

Elastic search templates and routing templates

  • /installation_path/gws/elasticsearch
  • /installation_path/gws/routing-templates
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:33.
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