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Starting and testing

After you install and configure Web Services, you should start the nodes in the following order:

  1. Start the syncNode.
  2. Start the remaining nodes.

Starting Web Services nodes

Perform the following for each Web Services node, starting with the syncNode.

  • To start the node, enter the following command as one complete command line entry, replacing items in square brackets [ ] with the appropriate values as described below:
    [java dir]/java -Xmx8G -Xms8G -jar [home dir]/gws.jar
    • [java dir] — The home directory for Java. For example, /usr/bin/java.
    • [home dir] — The home directory you created for your Web Services web application. For example, /web-services.
    The memory allocation -Xmx8G and -Xms8G are mandatory for the Web Services node.

For example, your command line might look like the following:

/usr/bin/java -Xmx8G -Xms8G -jar /web-services/gws.jar

Testing Web Services

Complete the steps below to verify each Web Services node is up and running.

  1. Type the following URL into a web browser:
    • ws_host — The host name or IP address for the Web Services node.
    • ws_port — The port for the Web Services node.
    For example, the URL might be

    If the request is successful, the version is printed in the browser:

Testing Workspace Web Edition

Complete the following steps for each Web Services node to confirm that Workspace Web Edition is working.

  1. Launch Workspace Web Edition by navigating to http://ws_host:ws_port/ui/ad/v1/index.html in a web browser.
    • ws_host — The host name or IP address for the Web Services node.
    • ws_port — The port for the Web Services node.
    For example, the URL might be

  2. Enter the credentials for a WWE agent, see Setting Up Agents On The System. Note that the user must be of the agent type.
  3. After clicking Log In, Workspace Web Edition displays the agent desktop view and the agent is ready to work.

Testing Gplus Adapter for Salesforce

Complete the following steps for each Web Services node to confirm that Gplus Adapter for Salesforce is working.

  1. Launch Gplus Adapter for Salesforce by navigating to http://ws_host:ws_port/ui/crm-adapter/index.html in a web browser.
    • ws_host — The host name or IP address for the Web Services node.
    • ws_port — The port for the Web Services node.
    For example, the URL might be

  2. Enter the credentials for any of the previously created agents. Note that the user must be of the agent type.
  3. After clicking Log In, Gplus Adapter for Salesforce displays in the web browser. For details about how to deploy the adapter in Salesforce, see Gplus Adapter for Salesforce in this guide.
This page was last edited on February 22, 2021, at 17:56.
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