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Resource Interface

This functional module contains enumeration objects that can be used in other functional modules.  There are currently no events or actions generated by this functional module.

Resource Interface

A common entity that used across functional module interfaces is called a resource. A resource is an entity in a business which is involved in helping customers with the services they need. This resource can either be directly involved with the customer through an actual interaction (an IVR, website, knowledge management system, and so on) or be indirectly involved with the customer by doing the processing on behalf of the customer (for example, an agent). A resource can be either a human (for example, an agent) or a device (for example, an IVR). Each resource has a device associated with it to allow it to control the media interactions it is going to help process.

Object Model

_genesys.resource Object

This is the global root object for the Resource functional module interface. This object is maintained by the Resource functional module that implements this interface. The name of the object will be "_genesys.resource". There are currently no data properties associated with this object.

_genesys.resource.resourceType ENUM Object

This represents the resource type enumeration. This enumeration is maintained by the orchestration platform. This is the set of properties for the object:




Default Value

Valid Values


CFGNoDN read only integer none 0 This indicates that no DN type should be used.
CFGExtension read only integer none 1 This indicates that the extension DN type should be used.
CFGACDPosition read only integer none 2 This indicates that the ACD position DN type should be used.
CFGACDQueue read only integer none 3 This indicates that the ACD queue DN type should be used.
CFGRoutingPoint read only integer none 4 This indicates that the routing point DN type should be used.
CFGVirtACDQueue read only integer none 5 This indicates that the vitural ACD queue DN type should be used.
CFGVirtRoutingPoint read only integer none 6 This indicates that the virtual routing point DN type should be used.
CFGEAPort read only integer none 7 This indicates that the EA port DN type should be used.
CFGVoiceMail read only integer none 8 This indicates that the voice mail DN type should be used
CFGCellular read only integer none 9 This indicates that the cellular DN type should be used.
CFGCP read only integer none 10 This indicates that the CP DN type should be used.
CFGFAX read only integer none 11 This indicates that the FAX DN type should be used.
CFGData read only integer none 12 This indicates that the data DN type should be used.
CFGMusic read only integer none 13 This indicates that the music DN type should be used.
CFGTrunk read only integer none 14 This indicates that the trunk DN type should be used
CFGTrunkGroup read only integer none 15 This indicates that the trunk group DN type should be used.
CFGTieLine read only integer none 16 This indicates that the tie line DN type should be used.
CFGTieLineGroup read only integer none 17 This indicates that the tie line group DN type should be used.
CFGMixed read only integer none 18 This indicates that the mixed DN type should be used.
CFGExtRoutingPoint read only integer none 19 This indicates that the external routing point DN type should be used.
CFGDestinationLabel read only integer none 20 This indicates that the destination label DN type should be used.
CFGServiceNumber read only integer none 21 This indicates that the service number DN type should be used.
CFGRoutingQueue read only integer none 22 This indicates that the routing queue DN type should be used.
CFGCommunicationDN read only integer none 23 This indicates that the communication DN type should be used.
CFGEmail read only integer none 24 This indicates that the email DN type should be used.
CFGVoIP read only integer none 25 This indicates that the voip DN type should be used.
CFGVideo read only integer none 26 This indicates that the video DN type should be used.
CFGChat read only integer none 27 This indicates that the chat DN type should be used.
CFGCoBrowse read only integer none 28 This indicates that the cobrowse DN type should be used.
CFGVoIPService read only integer none 29 This indicates that the VoIPService DN type should be used.
CFGWorkflow read only integer none 30 This indicates that the workflow DN type should be used.
any read only integer none 1000 This indicates that any DN type should be used.

_event.data.resource Object

The _event.data.resource object in the queue.submit.done event will contain the resource in the format described here (ready to be used as the value of "to" in action items like redirect, singlesteptransfer, and so on). This is the set of properties for the object:




Default Value

Valid Values






A, AP, GA, GP, WB, IQ, Q, RP, DN

This is the type of resource being represented.

  • A - Agent ID
  • AP - Agent Place ID
  • GA - Agent Group ID
  • GP - Place Group ID
  • WB - Workbin ID
  • IQ - Interaction Queue
  • Q - Queue
  • RP - Route Point
  • DN - Directory number





This is for voice-related resources and is the DN for the resource. This can be a Queue, Route Point, or Directory Number.





This is for voice-related or non-voice-related resources and can be either of the following:

  • Voice - Agent (A) or Agent Group (GA)
  • Non-Voice - Agent (A)





This is for voice-related or non-voice-related resources and can be either of the following:

  • Voice - Place (AP) or Place Group (GP)
  • Non-Voice - Place (AP)





This is for non-voice-related resources and can be either of the following:

  • Interaction Queue (IQ)
  • Workbin (WB)





This is for voice-related resources and is associated with the dn property.





This is for voice-related or non-voice-related resources and is the virtual queue associated with the resource.





This is for non-voice-related workbin resources and can be one of the following:

  • Agent (A) or Agent Group (GA) or Place (AP) or Place Group (GP)





This is for non-voice-related workbin resources and is the name of the workbin owner, with the string presenting the name of the configuration layer object that is the owner of the workbin.

General rules for specifying target resources:

  • For voice interactions, the dn property is mandatory. If the switch property is not used, the specified dn property will be considered as local (with the same T-Server). All other keys except multimedia-specific ones can provide information about the target the interaction is routed to. This information can be attached to the interaction.
  • For multimedia interactions, the dn property and the switch are ignored. The required information depends on the type of target - if it is an agent, then key agent is mandatory. If it is a place, then key place is mandatory. If it is an interaction queue or a workbin, then key id is mandatory. For workbin, wb_type and wb_owner keys are also mandatory.

Samples: To route a voice call to some DN on another switch:

	var dest = {type:"DN"
  <ixn:redirect interactionid="_data.ixnid" from="'RP_sip1'" to="dest"  />

To route a multimedia call to an agent :

	var dest = {type:"A"
  <ixn:redirect interactionid="_data.ixnid" from="'RP_sip1'" to="dest"  />

To route a call to a workbin:

	var dest = {type:"WB",
  <ixn:redirect interactionid="_data.ixnid" from="'RP_sip1'" to="dest"  />

To route a call to a persistent queue:

	var dest = {type:"IQ",
  <ixn:redirect interactionid="_data.ixnid" from="'RP_sip1'" to="dest"  />
<script> dest= {"type"="IQ", "id"="InteractionQueueName"}; </script>
<redirect ...from="12345" to="dest"/>

When making a redirect, transfer, and so on, if the target contains additional information (vq, agent, place, sometimes id) before routing, the corresponding data should be attached to the interaction (in the same way URS currently does).


There are none at this time.

Action Elements

There are none at this time.


There are none at this time.

This page was last edited on August 14, 2014, at 20:20.
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