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Workspace Web Edition 9

All of the Workspace Web Edition 9 configuration options are configured in the interaction-workspace section. This is a section that you create in the annex of the object to which you want to apply the option. Most of these options can be configured hierarchically at the Application, Agent Group, or User level; some can be configured on other objects such as DNs, skills, and switches.

The values specified for many options can also be overridden by Routing Strategies that reference Transaction objects.

Workspace options are grouped by functionality. The first word in the name of the option indicates the functional area to which the option belongs. For example, the option chat.auto-answer is part of the chat functionality group. It enables you to specify that incoming chat interactions are answered automatically. The options are named to help you know quickly what the option does.

The Workspace Web Edition Configuration Guide contains topics specific to configuring options as a group to manage each functional area. For example, you can read about setting up the Chat channel in the Chat topic.

Options for this component are contained in the following configuration sections:

In the summary table(s) below, type in the Search box to quickly find options, configuration sections, or other values, and/or click a column name to sort the table. Click an option name to link to a full description of the option. Be aware that the default and valid values are the values in effect with the latest release of the software and may have changed since the release you have; refer to the full description of the option to see information for earlier releases.

Power users: Download a CSV file containing default and valid values and descriptions.

The following options are configured on the Application, Agent Group, User, or other object.

A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT `cargo__OptionCreate`.`section` AS `Section`,CONCAT('',`cargo__OptionCreate`.`parameter`,'') AS `Option`,REPLACE(`cargo__PubOption`.`defaultvalue`,':',':') AS `Default`,IF( (`cargo__PubOption`.`shortdesc` IS NOT NULL),`cargo__PubOption`.`takeseffect`,`cargo__PubOption`.`takeseffect`) AS `Changes Take Effect` FROM `cargo__OptionCreate` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__PubOption` ON ((`cargo__OptionCreate`.`_pageName`=`cargo__PubOption`.`_pageName`)) WHERE (`cargo__PubOption`.`hidden`="false" OR `cargo__PubOption`.`hidden`="False" OR `cargo__PubOption`.`hidden`="No" OR (`cargo__PubOption`.`hidden` IS NULL)) AND `cargo__OptionCreate`.`prodshort`="HTCC" AND `cargo__OptionCreate`.`compshort`="GWS" AND (`cargo__OptionCreate`.`configobject` = "Application" OR `cargo__OptionCreate`.`configobject` IS NULL) AND (`cargo__PubOption`.`shortdesc` IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY `cargo__OptionCreate`.`section`,CONCAT('',`cargo__OptionCreate`.`parameter`,''),REPLACE(`cargo__PubOption`.`defaultvalue`,':',':'),IF( (`cargo__PubOption`.`shortdesc` IS NOT NULL),`cargo__PubOption`.`takeseffect`,`cargo__PubOption`.`takeseffect`) LIMIT 5000 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1 Can't create/write to file '/tmp/MYZt1uGg' (OS errno 28 - No space left on device) (

This page was last edited on July 28, 2022, at 19:38.
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