Contact Center Advisor Map
The Contact Center Advisor map contains the business and technical alerts on the current day in a carousel.
To display these alerts for a specific contact center, click the red or yellow dot representing the contact center. Then, at the bottom of the map, click the tile that represents the alert.
The carousel displays the violation description, subject, start time, and duration of the alert.
Manual Alert Display
Manual alerts are displayed as follows:
- If both a site contact center and a network contact center are selected for the manual alert and the network contact center has latitude and longitude coordinates, an alert for each contact center appear on the map.
- If both a site contact center and a network contact center are selected for the manual alert, the network contact center alert and the site contact center alert appears in the Alerts window.
- If only a site contact center is selected for the manual alert, the site contact center alert appears in the Alerts window.
Alerts are created from threshold violations that persist for a specified amount of time. Threshold violation alerts are business alerts that occur when violations, based on metric threshold rules, persist for a configured amount of time. Manual alerts are created by an administrator and can be either business alerts or technical alerts. Alerts about offline peripherals are technical alerts and are created only by conditions in Cisco Intelligent Contact Management (ICM).
An alert is generated when an event occurs in which a target or threshold is reached. Based on the threshold trigger delay rate set on the System Configuration page, a metric value that violates a threshold must remain above or below the threshold for a set amount of time (for example, 15 minutes) before the violation creates an alert that displays on the map. Peripheral offline and manual alerts display immediately.
In a network contact center configuration, alerts generated for an application are associated with the network contact center, as well as with all site contact centers to which the application is related via at least one agent group. An alert for an application displays on the map for a network contact center (if latitude and longitude are defined), as well as for the site contact center that handles that particular application.
E-mail messages that notify users about alerts are only sent to individuals who have rights to the following objects that could be related to the alert:
- Metric
- Application group
- Regions
- At least one contact center
E-mail messages are not sent for manual alerts.
An alert re-notification is sent if the severity level of an alert changes, and otherwise at the notification refresh rate set by an administrator.
An e-mail re-notification is not sent for:
- An update to a metric value
- Expiration of an alert