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Section: dataset-<name>
Default Value: 120
Valid Values: integers 1 to 180
Changes Take Effect: on initial startup

Specifies the number of days of data Data Loader should upload from Genesys Info Mart when it starts for the first time. The data for each day is uploaded to a separate file.

Warning! Do not change the default value without consulting with your Genesys representative to avoid unintended results.

After this initial upload, Data Loader uploads daily on the schedule you configure using the upload-schedule and chunk-size options.

Note: Do not change the chunk-size option value from the default, which is one day.

To avoid uploading partial data for calls in progress, Data Loader does not upload data from the current day. If Data Loader does miss any in-progress interactions, it uploads them the following day.

Genesys strongly recommends that you run uploads between the hours of 00:05am and 5:00am. This enables GPR to retrain your models on the new data during a period that is typically less active.

Predictive Routing - Data Loader Release Notes

Predictive Routing - Data Loader is part of 9.x starting in
Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
09/03/21 General Under Shipping Control X

Helpful Links

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • A new dataset field, num-days-upload has been introduced in this release to support initial uploading of data. (PRR-7239)
  • The base image has been updated to Red Hat Universal Base Image from CentOS for improved security. (PRR-7273)

Resolved Issues

This release contains no resolved issues.

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on September 3, 2021, at 15:05.
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