UC Connector GUI
UC Connector shows a thin-client GUI to users, which allows limited agent operations. The GUI allows users to log into and out of Genesys, to change their Genesys status, to set up alternative phone numbers to be reached (if enabled), and to access current interactions.
Logging into Genesys is done directly from the UC Connector GUI only in standalone mode. If UC Connector is also integrated with Microsoft Lync or Skype for Business, logging into the Microsoft platform automatically logs the user into Genesys as well. So this window is shown only for standalone deployments:
Users simply enter their Genesys username and password, and click on Login. The Help link points to a special URL that can be customized from the UC Connector options and so it can be changed as appropriate for each deployment.
Once the user is logged in, the GUI has two tabs. The first tab shows information about the current interaction (when an interaction is ongoing). The states that can be set from the presence control button are customizable (see Customized Knowledge Worker States). Also, when in standalone mode the button allows to log out of UC Connector.
The second tab shows the channels (DNs) that are enabled for the Knowledge Worker, and allows the user to enable / disable them individually. For instance, a user may be ready to receive IM interactions and not voice calls, or may wish calls to be sent to a mobile phone instead of the desk phone.