Jdruker/OptionsConversionIssues-Web Engagement Cluster
Mandatory Options
Web Engagement Cluster only
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:chat:queueKey
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:chat:webengagementChatQueue
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:algorithm
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:chatGroups
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:optimizationTarget
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:queues:queueAccepted
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:queues:queueEngaged
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:queues:queueFailed
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:queues:queueMissed
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:queues:queueQualified
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:queues:queueRejected
- Options:Web Engagement Cluster:queues:queueTimeout
All options
Last Revision Dates
The following DPL shows last revision of Web_Engagement_Cluster options before 10/20/2018
- 2018-03-16 00:23:05 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:chat:connectionTimeout . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:13 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:chat:refreshTaskPeriod . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:15 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:chat:requestTimeout . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:17 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:chat:sessionRestorationTimeout . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:21 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:webcallback:phoneNumber . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:23 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:webcallback:webcallbackQueueSubmit . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:25 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:userData:attach812StyleUserData . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=true |valid=true, false |takeseffect=Immediately |shortdesc=If true, the Web Engagement Server will attach 8.1.2–style user data t..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:23:42 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:engagement:registrationFormExpirationTime . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:46 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:engagement:strictEngagementMode . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:48 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:engagement:userIdentifier . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:50 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:engagement:visitExpirationTime . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:53 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:cep:domainSeparation . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:23:55 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:cep:synchronizeDRLFilesInCluster . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:24:14 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:reporter-jmx-enabled . . Jdruker { Created page with " ..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:19 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:reporter-log-enabled . . Jdruker { Created page with " {{Pu..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:21 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:reporter-log-logFrequency . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=30min |valid=An expression containing a positive integer and the units being measured, such as ms, s, min, h, d. For example: 30min, 50s...." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:24 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:reporter-messageServer-enabled . . Jdruker { Created page with " {{Pub..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:26 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:reporter-messageServer-logFrequency . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=30min |valid=An expression containing a positive integer and the units being measured, such as ms, s, min, h, d. For example: 30min, 50s...." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:28 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:reporter-console-enabled . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=false |valid=true, false |takeseffect=Immediately |shortdesc=Enables or disables metrics reporting to the stdout consol..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:31 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:reporter-console-logFrequency . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=30min |valid=An expression containing a positive integer and the units being measured, such as ms, s, min, h, d. For example: 30min, 50s...." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:32 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:HeapMemoryUsage-threshold . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=0.8 |valid=A decimal fraction between 0 and 1 |takeseffect=Immediately |shortdesc=Defines the heap memory usage threshold value. This is..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:35 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:GcFrequency-threshold . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=24 |valid=A positive numeric value |takeseffect=Immediately |shortdesc=Defines how many times garbage collection can occur within a give..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:36 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:GcLatency-threshold . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=1000 |valid=The number of milliseconds |takeseffect=Immediately |shortdesc=Defines the garbage collection latency threshold value, in mi..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:39 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:EventDuration-threshold . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=1000 |valid=The number of milliseconds |takeseffect=Immediately |shortdesc=Defines the average event processing time threshold value in..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:42 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:metrics:monitoring-event-timer-slidingWindowSize . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=10 |valid=Any positive integer |takeseffect=After server restart |shortdesc=Defines how many of the most recent measurements will be app..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:45 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:privacy:collectActualIPs . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=false |valid=true, false |takeseffect=After server restart |shortdesc=If true, the IP addresses of visitors will be collected and stored..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:24:47 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:privacy:collectForwardedIPs . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=false |valid=true, false |takeseffect=After server restart |shortdesc=If true, the IP addresses that the visitor arrived from will be co..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:25:05 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:auth-scheme . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:25:07 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:password . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:25:09 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:user-id . . Jdruker
- 2018-03-16 00:25:11 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:provider . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default=DEFAULT |valid=DEFAULT, JKS, MSCAPI, PKCS11, PEM |takeseffect=After server restart |shortdesc=Type of trusted storage. The default provi..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:25:16 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:trusted-ca . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default= |valid=A path, which can use both forward and backward slash characters. |takeseffect=After server restart |shortdesc=Specifies the loc..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:25:18 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:truststore-password . . Jdruker { Created page with " {{PubExtende..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:25:22 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:certificate . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default= |valid=A path, which can use both forward and backward slash characters. |takeseffect=After server restart |shortdesc=Specifies the loc..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:25:27 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:certificate-key . . Jdruker { Created page with "{{PubOption |hidden=false |default= |valid=A path, which can use both forward and backward slash characters. |takeseffect=After server restart |shortdesc=Specifies the loc..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:25:29 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:keystore-password . . Jdruker { Created page with " ..." }
- 2018-03-16 00:25:32 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:security:key-entry-password . . Jdruker { Created page with " {{DraftOption}..." }
- 2018-03-20 20:28:39 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:cep:cepSessionCacheTtl . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-20 20:32:03 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:cep:cepSessionCacheSize . . Rpfeiffer
- 2018-03-20 20:50:36 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:chat:refreshPoolSize . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-20 20:52:56 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:chat:identifyCreateContact . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-20 23:53:39 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:engagement:defaultEngagementChannel . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-20 23:55:42 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:engagement:strategiesControlWebengagementIxn . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionClear action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:18:00 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:log:affectedLoggers . . Rpfeiffer
- 2018-03-21 00:20:10 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:log:compressMethod . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:25:05 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:log:expire . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:27:26 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:log:segment . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:29:12 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:log:standard . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:31:15 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:log:time convert . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:32:41 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:log:time format . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:35:50 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:log:verbose . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:48:32 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:userData:VisitStarted . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:48:36 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:userData:UserInfo . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 00:48:39 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:userData:SignIn . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-21 22:23:21 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:elasticsearch:http-read-only . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 00:29:53 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:privacy:geoMode . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 00:46:50 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:web:cors-allowedHeaders . . Rpfeiffer
- 2018-03-22 00:48:18 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:web:cors-allowedMethods . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 00:58:56 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:web:cors-urlMapping . . Rpfeiffer
- 2018-03-22 01:00:50 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:web:jsonp-whiteList . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 01:09:40 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:web:cors-allowedOrigins . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 01:11:31 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:web:staticResourcesCacheControl . . Rpfeiffer
- 2018-03-22 20:21:23 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:algorithm . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 20:24:14 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:chatGroups . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 20:28:30 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:optimizationGoal . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 20:33:04 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:optimizationTarget . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 20:35:29 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:proactiveRatio . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 20:37:22 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:refreshPeriod . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
- 2018-03-22 20:46:59 Options:Web Engagement Cluster:pacing:interactionMinProcessingTime . . Rpfeiffer { Rpfeiffer used the OptionPublish action. }
This page was last edited on October 19, 2018, at 20:07.
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