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This is a sample User page.

This is a demo

My Work in Progress items and Pages I modified.

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
enableScheduledIndexVerification No false Enables scheduled index verification on the Web Services node. This means that the node goes through all objects handled by Elasticsearch and makes sure they still exist in Configuration Server and vice versa.
indexVerificationInterval No 15 minutes Specifies an interval, in minutes, between index verifications for this Web Services node.
ImportantIn GWS 8.5, the default interval was 720 minutes.
enableIndexVerificationAtStartUp No true Enables index verification at start-up on this node. This means that, at start-up, the node goes through all objects handled by Elasticsearch and makes sure they still exist in Configuration Server and vice versa.
retriesOnConflict No 3 Controls how many times to retry if there is a version conflict when updating a document.
transportClient Yes Values specified in TransportClientSettings TransportClientSettings in the next table.


This will display an estimated reading time for a page.

var numWords = $("#mw-content-text > div").text().split(" ").length;
var headerWords = $("h1").text().split(" ").length;
var totalWords = numWords + headerWords;
var minutes = totalWords / 200;
var rminutes = Math.floor(totalWords / 200);
var seconds= (minutes - rminutes) * 60;
var rseconds = Math.floor(seconds);

var header = $("h1").text().replace('[edit | edit source]+link+','');
$("h1").text(header + " (" + rminutes + "m " + rseconds + "s)");

I work on the following products:

Work In Progress




GSM Temp Files





This page was last edited on October 29, 2024, at 05:04.
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