[system] Section
This section must be called system.
For more information about token-based authentication of connections to Configuration Server, refer to “Secure Communication with Configuration Server” in the Genesys Administrator Extension Deployment Guide.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: 1–2147483647
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
If GAX and Configuration Server Proxy clocks are not synchronized, this option specifies a tolerance time interval (in seconds) before the token start time and after the token expiry time, as defined by GAX. If this option is not set or set to 0 (zero), the default value is used.
GAX generates a token valid from 12:00:00 to 12:20:00.
- If token-tolerance is set to 60 (the default), Configuration Server Proxy considers the token to be valid from 11:59:00 to 12:21:00.
Default Value: 1440
Valid Values: 1–2147483647
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies how long (in minutes) the token is considered valid by Configuration Server Proxy.
If this option is set to a positive non-zero integer, the token is valid for the time interval specified by this option, but still ending at the expiration time specified by GAX (the expiration time of the token cannot be changed).
GAX generates a token valid from 12:00 to 1:00.
- If token-ttl is set to 60 minutes, Configuration Server Proxy considers the token valid from 12:00 to 1:00.
- If token-ttl is set to 65 minutes, Configuration Server Proxy considers the token valid from 11:55 to 1:00.
- If token-tolerance is set to 300 seconds and token-ttl is set to 65 minutes, Configuration Server Proxy considers the token valid from 11:50 to 1:05. If token-ttl is not set, or set to 0 (zero), Configuration Server Proxy uses the value of the token_life_in_minutes option set in the [general] section of the GAX application. If token_life_in_minutes is not set or set to 0 (zero) in the GAX application, the default value of this option (token-ttl)) is used.
- Genesys recommends that you always use the default value for this option. If necessary, you can set a required value using the token_life_in_minutes option in the GAX application.
- The value of this option must always be greater than token_life_in_minutes.