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Configuration Server section


Default Value : false
Valid Value : true/false
Changes Take Effect: After next change in Configuration Server mode (from Primary to Backup). If set to false (the default value), the master Configuration Server does not restart gracefully upon becoming the backup Configuration Server.

The purpose of this option is to avoid Master Configuration Server switch as PRIMARY-BACKUP-PRIMARY because this switch causes the cfg_maxdbid corruption. Currently, the server runs in PRIMARY mode. When the server gets the BACKUP mode change request from LCA, then the backupmode-restart option allows stopping the application by itself. If the Auto-Restart option is configured as true, then LCA immediately restarts the application.

If the Auto-Restart option is not enabled, then the application gets stopped.

The backupmode-restart option is applicable for Master Configuration Server in PEC (GenesysEngage Cloud) and Premise.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

When set to true, immediately stops database connections if the DBMS is not responding or database clients have stopped responding. When set back to false (the default), the connections are restored.

Use this option to restart database connections if the DBMS is not responding or database clients have stopped responding. This option takes effect only if dbthread=true. You can change this option only when editing the properties of the Configuration Server instance that is currently running in Primary mode.

This page was last edited on August 31, 2021, at 15:24.
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