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Section: server
Default Value:
Valid Values: http://<hostname>:<port>/ or https://<hostname>:<port>/
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the external URL used by the Storage Service to allow the retrieval of a binary attachment. Configure this option in the case of a Load Balancer deployment.

The valid value is http://<hostname>:<port>/, where:
  • <hostname> is used by the cluster service to identify a node
  • <port> is used by the cluster service to identify a node.

The <port> value must be the same as the GMS port described in the jetty configuration file, otherwise, an alarm will be displayed in Solution Control Interface (SCI) and GMS will stop.


Section: server
Default Value: 1
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect:

Specifies a two digit number that should be unique in the GMS deployment. It is used in the generation of DTMF access tokens.


Section: server
Default Value: http
Valid Values: http or https
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Scheme of the internal URL to https if GMS jetty is configured to support only SSL/TLS for one node or for a cluster of nodes.

Optional, required for GMS internode communication.


Section: server
Default Value: 80
Valid Values: Valid TCP port; for HTTPS internode communication, 8443 or check either your jetty configuration or restriction port
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Sets a port different from the port that GMS uses. Note: GMS uses port 8080, which can be changed in the jetty-http.xml file. This option can be used in the case of proxy role of the customer to forward requests.

At startup, GMS checks that a GMS is available on the port specified by web_port. If a GMS is not available, the web_port option alarm (EventId 2002) is thrown.

Required to ensure the GMS internode communication.


Section: server
Default Value: Result of InetAddress.getLocalHost()
Valid Values: Valid host name
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The default InetAddress.getLocalHost() value will be used in the most cases. Change this configuration value if you have issues obtaining the local name when your environment has multiple network interfaces. In this scenario, to ensure GMS internode communication, set this option's value to the IP Address used by the Jetty interface (which is not configurable).

This option is required for internode communication.


Section: server
Default Value: 1
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect:

Specifies a two digit number that should be unique in the GMS deployment. It is used in the generation of DTMF access tokens.

Create an Application Object

Configuration objects can be created and configured in Genesys Administrator and Configuration Manager. To learn how to start Genesys Administrator, refer to the Genesys Administrator Help.

Import the GMS Application Templates


In Genesys Administrator Extension, find the Configuration Manager > Environment menu and click Application Templates.


Click +New, then click Import Application Template. Navigate to the Templates directory of your Installation Package (IP) and add the following files:

  • GMS_851.apd - This template is used to deploy GMS with default options.
  • ApplicationCluster_851.apd - You do not need this template for a single node deployment. This template is used for deploying all GMS's into the same cluster. The Cluster Application will contain shared configuration for GMS nodes.


Click +New, then click Import Application Template. Navigate to the Templates directory of your Installation Package (IP) and add the following files:

  • GMS_851.apd - This template is used to deploy GMS with default options.
  • ApplicationCluster_851.apd - You do not need this template for a single node deployment. This template is used for deploying all GMS's into the same cluster. The Cluster Application will contain shared configuration for GMS nodes.


Confirm the Import action, then Save the template.

Create a GMS Administrator


If an Administrator changes a user's role during a Service Management UI session, the user will have to disconnect/reconnect for the new role to go into effect.

Set Administrator Permissions

This step is required only for versions older than

In the Permissions tab, make sure to add Environment\Administrators.

This step enables your GMS administrator to manage configuration objects that GMS reads and writes.


Select the Accessible Objects tab. For other GMS objects, you need to set the following permissions:

  • Application (GMS/GMS Cluster): Read, Change
  • Transactions: Read, Change
  • Hosts: Read
  • Persons: Read

Next Steps:

Single Node Deployment

Purpose: To create and configure a GMS Application object for a single GMS node (no cluster).


Create the GMS Application Object (Single Node)


In the Configuration Manager tab, click the Applications link in the Environment menu; then, click + New .

Browse your template


Enter a name for your GMS application (with no space). Click GAX-Folder-icon.png to browse the GMS template. In Select Application Templates, click Application Templates and select the GMS_851 application template that you imported previously.

General Settings

  • Select Component for Component Type.
  • In the Command Line Arguments text box, enter a dummy value. It will be overwritten when Genesys Mobile Services is installed; however, having values in these fields is required to save the Application object.


Check that the State is enabled, and browse your hostname for this application.
Click Apply or Save.
Your application is created.

Configure the GMS Application Object for Single Node


In the General tab, uncheck Log On As System option and browse your GMS Admin account to set up Log On Account. If you do not set up Log On Account, the GMS Admin UI will throw permission errors when you will try to create GMS Built-in services.

Set up your Connections


In the Connections tab, click Add to add the following connections:

  • Orchestration Server (ORS) - optional: Add this connection (using HTTP) if you plan to use GMS Callback features.
  • Solution Control Server - optional: Add this connection if you plan to use GMS Chat features.
  • Chat Server - optional: Add this connection if you plan to use GMS Chat features.
  • Stat Server - optional: Add this connection if you plan to use GMS Reporting features.
  • Message Server - optional: Add this Connection if you plan to use Log features.
  • URS Server - optional: Add this Connection if you plan to use EWT features.

In the Ports tab, check that a default dummy port is created.


If you do not plan to use GMS configuration defaults at startup or if you plan to use a Configuration Server proxy, refer to the following documentation:

Set up Server Information


In the Tenants tab, click Add to set up the list of tenants that use your Genesys Mobile Services application.

Verify your Metadata


You may need to these metadata, for instance, if you are installing a Context Services application.

Set up Permissions for GMS Users


In the Permissions tab, you must add a user that is allowed to read/write data into GMS related configuration objects (for example, GMS Application, Transaction Lists for Resources/Patterns, and so on).
To do this, either click Add Access Group to browse the Environment\Administrators or Add User to browse the GMS Administrator set up previously.
Alternatively, you can simply use the Default user, which is already part of the Administrator Group.

Set up GMS options


In the Application Options tab, you can set up all your GMS options. Refer to the Options reference for details and check further chapters of this book. For Digital Channels API configuration options, refer to Configuring the Digital Channels API.

You can now save and close your GMS application object.

Next Steps: Install Genesys Mobile Services.

Cluster Deployment

Purpose: To create and configure a GMS Application Cluster object for Genesys Mobile Services.

Prerequisites: Import the Application Templates.

Create a folder for the GMS cluster (Best practice)


In the Configuration Manager tab, click the Applications link in the Environment menu; then, click More > New Folder to create a folder that will contain all of your application nodes. Set the new folder to a meaningful name, such as GMSCluster851.

Do not use spaces in the folder name.

Create a GMS cluster application


Create a new application with the wizard (as detailed for a single node), but use the ApplicationCluster_851.apd template instead of the regular template.

  • Select Unknown Component Type in Component type.
Do not use spaces in the application cluster name.

Set the Cluster General Settings

  • Type dummy values in Working Directory field; this option will be overwritten when Genesys Mobile Services is installed; however, having values in these fields is required to save the Application object.
  • Uncheck Log On As System option and browse to your GMS Admin account to set up Log On Account. If you do not set up Log On Account, the GMS Admin UI will throw permission errors when you will try to create GMS Built-in services.
  • Check that the State is enabled, and browse a dummy hostname for this application (mandatory to be able to save the application).

Click Apply or Save. Your application is created.


Set the Connections list and specify all of the servers to which Genesys Mobile Services must connect:

  • Orchestration Server (ORS) - optional: Add this connection (using HTTP) if you plan to use GMS Callback features.
  • Solution Control Server - optional: Add this connection if you plan to use GMS Chat features.
  • Chat Server - optional: Add this connection if you plan to use GMS Chat features.
  • Stat Server - optional: Add this connection if you plan to use GMS Reporting features.
  • Message Server - optional: Add this Connection if you plan to use Log features.
  • URS Server - optional: Add this Connection if you plan to use EWT features.

If you do not plan to use GMS configuration defaults at startup or if you plan to use a Configuration Server proxy, refer to the following documentation:

  • In the Tenants section, click Add to set up the list of tenants that use your Genesys Mobile Services applications (one or more in a multi-tenant environment).

Create and Configure a GMS Application Node (Cluster)

Purpose: To create and configure a GMS Application object for a GMS node that is part of a cluster.


Create your nodes


To create a GMS Node, you must create a GMS application in your newly created Application Cluster folder.

Make sure to set up permissions for all nodes.

When setting your node connections, add the GMS Application Cluster that you just created previously.


For each node, select the Application Options tab and configure node_id in the server section. The node ID is used to identify each GMS node and will be used for resource allocation, access code, and more. node_id must be unique and must be defined in each GMS application, and not at Cluster level.

Configure the following optional parameters in the server section if you need to force GMS to discover your nodes:

web_host is used for GMS communications between other GMS nodes and other servers like ORS and URS. You can use web_port and web_scheme with web_host to build the GMS address for other servers that need to communicate with GMS.

Share Options Across the GMS Cluster


Set up additional configuration options in one of your nodes (as detailed in further chapters), and then click Export to save these options to a file.


  1. Remove all these options from your node, and save.
  2. Edit the GMS Application Cluster and click Import in the Options tab to load the options file.
  3. Make sure to remove the node_id setting from your cluster's configuration.
You can set up options in your GMS node, but these options will not be shared. This is useful to set specific settings for Cassandra storage, logs, and more.

If your GMS version is lower than 8.5.202, and if you configure a section in one of the GMS Nodes, its content overwrites the same section defined in your cluster application object. Starting in 8.5.202, only the options that you define in your GMS node supersede those configured in the same section of your cluster. This means that the options that are defined in your cluster apply to your node even if they are not configured in this node.

GMS Cluster GMS Node Result




Prior to 8.5.202, the expiration parameter does not apply to the GMS node, because the cview section of the GMS node overwrites the one defined in the GMS Cluster.
Starting in 8.5.202, the expiration parameter applies to the GMS node, because it is configured in the cluster and not overwritten in the node's section.

Enable Load Balancing in your Cluster Application


In the Options tab of your GMS Cluster application, section server, select external_url_base.

Set this option to the external URL of your cluster's load balancer, which will receive the requests submitted by your client applications.

This step ensures that all GMS Nodes will share the same load balancer. See the Options reference for more details.

You can now save and close your GMS application cluster object.

Next Steps: You must now install Genesys Mobile Services for each node of the cluster.

This page was last edited on May 31, 2024, at 08:42.
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