Broadcast Options
- Default Value: #FFCCCCCC
- Valid Values: <hexidecimal color value>
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: The color of the Interactive Notification border that indicates that the message has the lowest (minimal) priority.
- Default Value: #FF999999
- Valid Values: <hexidecimal color value>
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: The color of the Interactive Notification border that indicates that the message has low priority.
- Default Value: #FFDFE8F6
- Valid Values: <hexidecimal color value>
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: The color of the Interactive Notification border that indicates that the message has normal priority.
- Default Value: #FF663399
- Valid Values: <hexidecimal color value>
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: The color of the Interactive Notification border that indicates that the message has high priority.
- Default Value: #FFFF0000
- Valid Values: <hexidecimal color value>
- Changes take effect: Immediately.
- Description: The color of the Interactive Notification border that indicates that the message has highest priority.
- Default Value: MessageTypeIcon,MessageType,Sender,Subject,Priority,Date,Topic
- Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: MessageTypeIcon, MessageType, Sender, Subject, Priority, Date, Topic, Id, <any custom key>
- Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
- Description: Specifies the names of the columns that are displayed, and the column, order in the My Messages view.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: <DN@switch>
- Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
- Description: Specifies the name of the DN and switch used for broadcasting messages.
- Default Value: 5
- Valid Values: Any integer from 0 to MAXINT.
- Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
- Description: Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the broadcast message tooltip is displayed before the message is marked as read. If the duration is 0, this feature is not applied; then, the message is not considered to be read until the agent selects it for reading.
- Default Value: Subject, Sender, Priority, Date, Topic, Body
- Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Subject, Sender, Priority, Date, Topic, Body, MessageType, Id, <any custom key>
- Changes take effect: At the next message.
- Description: Specifies the content of the message when the message window is displayed. This option also configures the content of the tooltip in the My Messages tab. Any property that is not listed is not displayed.
- Default Value: 10
- Valid Values: Any integer from 0 to MAXINT.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the broadcast message Interactive Notification is displayed if the agent does not click Show or Dismiss. The value 0 means that the Interactive Notification is not displayed.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify sound that is played when the Interactive Notification is displayed if the priority of the message is minimal (lowest) priority using the new message configuration string -- for example: Sounds\minimal-bell.mp3|7|0
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority. The higher the integer, the higher the priority.
The duration:
- -1 means play the whole sound and repeat the sound until the Interactive Notification is closed.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify sound that is played when the Interactive Notification is displayed if the priority of the message is low priority using the new message configuration string -- for example: Sounds\low-bell.mp3|7|0
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority"The higher the integer the higher the priority.
The duration:
- -1 means play the whole sound and repeat the sound until the Interactive Notification is closed.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify sound that is played when the Interactive Notification is displayed if the priority of the message is normal priority using the new message configuration string -- for example: Sounds\normal-bell.mp3|7|0
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority -- The higher the integer the higher the priority.
The duration:
- -1 means play the whole sound and repeat the sound until the Interactive Notification is closed.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify sound that is played when the Interactive Notification is displayed if the priority of the message is high priority using the new message configuration string -- for example: Sounds\high-bell.mp3|7|0
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
The priority -- The higher the integer the higher the priority.
- -1 means play the whole sound and repeat the sound until the Interactive Notification is closed.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
- Changes take effect: At the next interaction.
- Description: Specify sound that is played when the Interactive Notification is displayed if the priority of the message is important (highest) priority using the new message configuration string -- for example: Sounds\important-bell.mp3|7|0
The value has three components that are separated by the character '|':
- The file name and folder relative to the application folder.
- The priority -- The higher the integer the higher the priority.
The duration:
- -1 means play the whole sound and repeat the sound until the Interactive Notification is closed.
- 0 means play the whole sound one time.
- An integer > 0 means a time, in milliseconds, to play and repeat the sound.
- Default Value: All,$Agent$,$AgentGroup$
- Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid message topics.
- Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
- Description: Specifies the list of topics to which agents can be subscribed. $Agent$ defines the username of the agent; $AgentGroup$ defines all agent groups that contain the agent.
- Default Value: Sender,Priority,Subject,FewWords
- Valid Values: A comma-separated of valid object types from the following list: Sender, Priority, Subject, FewWords, Topic, MessageType, <any key of custom data>
- Changes take effect: At the next message.
- Description: Specifies the content of the Interactive Notification. Items are displayed in the Interactive Notification in the order that is specified. Any item that is not specified is not displayed.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: A valid name of a Business Attribute.
- Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
- Description: Specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the attribute values that are used for the custom attribute of the message
This page was last edited on February 19, 2013, at 17:25.
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