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Contact-Processed Notifications

Starting with release 8.1.528.21, OCS can deliver contact-processed HTTP[S] notifications to an external Web or Application Server.

This feature can be used in an environment where feedback from OCS call processing results is required in real time and must be integrated with the customer's backend CRM or similar systems, to provide real-time synchronization of call results and outbound activity outside of the OCS/CX Contact solution. OCS sends notifications of call processing results through HTTP POST requests in a JSON body, delivered over HTTP and HTTPS (TLS 1.2) protocols to a Web or Application Server. HTTPS notifications can be sent via a tunneling HTTP Proxy.

In a typical scenario, a record is retrieved from a calling list and dialed; a call is considered successful and an agent dispositions the call. OCS sends a notification containing a call result to a third-party Web server, based on which the customer CRM system performs further actions.

OCS sends a contact-processed notification per contact (per chain) upon completion of the chain processing for contacts or chains in any dialing mode and for Campaign Groups handling voice, email, and SMS media types. Notifications contain only chain and primary record-specific information in the JSON body of the message.

Feature Configuration

Use the following OCS options to enable this feature:

Message Content Details

OCS generates a message for a chain when the chain reaches the processed state in its Finite State Machine. For example, a negative call result is received for a chain and a treatment (if present) is prepared to be applied, or an agent has finalized the chain processing from the desktop.

Message Headers

The message contains standard HTTP message headers (similar to pre-dial validation requests). The http-custom-headers option, defined at the Application or Host object level, specifies custom headers that can be added to the message. For example:

Accept: */*
User-Agent: OCS/8.1.528.15
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 1307

Message Body

The following table describes attributes that can be included in the JSON body.

Field Description Type Mandatory
GSW_MESSAGE ContactProcessed String Yes
GSW_MESSAGE_GUID The unique ID of the HTTP notification message being sent. It also is passed in the ETag header of the HTTP POST request. If a notification is re-sent because of the HTTP retry logic, GSW_MESSAGE_GUID remains the same. String, GUID Yes
GSW_TIMESTAMP The UTC timestamp when the message is being generated. If it is resent because of the HTTP retry logic, the timestamp remains the


String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds Yes
GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID The unique ID of the call processing attempt. String, GUID Yes
GSW_PHONE The phone number (contact_info) field of the primary record in the chain. String Yes
GSW_PHONE_TYPE The phone type (contact_info_type) field of the primary record in the chain. Integer Yes
GSW_CHAIN_ID The value of the Chain ID field of the primary record. Integer Yes
GSW_CHAIN_N The value of the Chain N field of the primary record. Integer Yes
GSW_RECORD_HANDLE The Record Handle of the primary record in the chain, for troubleshooting purposes. Integer Yes
GSW_REASON The reason code for the event generation that is equal to the Cause of the GOChainProcessed event—for example, GOCauseChainProcessingDone. Integer Yes
GSW_CHAIN_LIFO_GUID The GUID of the chain that is created by CX Contact if the Campaign Group is a CX Contact and LIFO Campaign Group. This field is CX Contact specific. It allows to identify LIFO-processed contacts vs. standard contacts. String, GUID No
GSW_CUSTOMER_ID The ID that is taken from the c_client_id field of the Calling List (this field is configured with the GSW_CUSTOMER_ID send_attribute). This field is optional but it is sent if it is defined in the Calling List table. String No
GSW_CALL_RESULT The call result field of the primary record. Integer Yes
GSW_DISPOSITION_CODE The value of the Disposition Code that is provided to OCS by the agent desktop in a record finalization request or third-party validation server in a 409 Cancel negative response body in the GSW_DISPOSITION_CODE key-value pair. This field is important; it affects processing on the remote end. String No
GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME The name of the Campaign (not Campaign Group). String Yes
GSW_CAMPAIGN_TEMPLATE_NAME The name of the Campaign Template (the Script of type Outbound Campaign, referenced by the Campaign Group via the scriptDBID attribute). This field is CX Contact specific. String No. It will not be delivered by OCS if the Campaign Group does not have a reference to the Template (possible in non-CX Contact configurations).
GSW_CONTACT_MEDIA_TYPE As set for the Campaign Group, "voice" | "sms" | "email". String Yes
GSW_CALLING_LIST The name of the Calling List. String Yes
GSW_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_NAME The name of the Campaign Group. String Yes
GSW_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_GUID The Campaign Group (Session) GUID, which is taken from uuid_generator::to_str(Session.pSessionGUID). String Yes
GSW_GROUP_NAME The Agent or Place Group name. String Yes
GSW_QUEUE_NAME The name of the Voice Transfer Destination DN. String Yes
GSW_DIAL_MODE Current dialing mode of the Campaign Group. Integer Yes
GSW_AGENT_ID The Agent ID field value. String No. The field is available for successful calls only.
GSW_RECORD_TYPE The record type of the primary record after the processing. Integer Yes
GSW_RECORD_STATUS The record status. For chains that are finalized into the calling list, the status is final (Updated), not intermediate (Retrieved). For chains that are kept processing in memory by a treatment, the status may be Retrieved. Integer Yes
GSW_OPTIMIZE_BY The optimization method. Integer No. The field is available for Predictive modes only.
GSW_OPTIMIZE_GOAL The optimization goal. Integer No. The field is available for Predictive modes only.
GSW_START_PROCESSING The timestamp when OCS starts processing a given call attempt. If pre-dial validation is in place, this is the time when a pre-dial validation request is sent. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds Yes
GSW_CALL_TIME The time when OCS sends a request to the dialer (for example, TMakePredictiveCall). String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No. The field is available when a request was actually sent. The field is not available for negative pre-dial validation.
GSW_SCHEDULED_TIME The time when the record is rescheduled. GSW_DATE_TIME in OCS desktop protocol terms. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No. The field is available only with records of particular types.
GSW_DIALING The timeDialing value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_RINGING The timeClientRinging value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_RELEASED The timeBadCallReleased value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_ANSWERED The timeClientPickedUp value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_CPD_COMPLETED The timeCPDFinished value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_QUEUED The timeQueued value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_AGENT_RINGING The timeAgentRinging value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_AGENT_ANSWERED The timeAgentEstablished value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_DIVERTED The timeAMDiverted value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_ABANDONED The timeAbandoned value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_AGENT_RELEASED The timeAgentCallReleased value that is taken from FTC timestamps. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_ACW_COMPLETED The time when After Call Work is completed. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
GSW_COMPLETE_PROCESSING The time when processing of a call attempt is completed. The time when an outbound record for the given call is considered completed and is removed from OCS active processing. String, Unix UTC epoch dot milliseconds No
User-defined fields:


Any user-defined fields with the send_attribute defined, which have been modified during this round of chain processing—for example, Other1-OtherX fields as modified by the agent desktop. String No

Feature Limitations

  • Authentication (except for providing pre-configured HTTP headers) is not supported. OAuth and similar authentication schemas with OCS acting as a client are not possible.
  • OCS delivers a notification per chain, not per record. For scenarios involving chain processing (with multiple records from the chain participating in the processing), the message will contain information for a primary record in the chain only. In the scenario below, the primary record is record 1, so the notification is sent with user data updated for record 1. No notifications to a third-party system about records 2 and 3 user data are being updated.
    • A chain consists of 3 records.
    • A call is placed using record 1 (the primary record) and delivered to the agent desktop.
    • An agent requests all chains, record 2 and 3 are sent to the desktop.
    • The agent releases the call.
    • The agent updates user data in record 2 (by sending an UpdateCallCompletionStats desktop request).
    • The agent updates user data in record 3 (by sending an UpdateCallCompletionStats desktop request).
    • The agent updates user data in record 1 and finalizes the chain with a RecordProcessed desktop request.
  • HTTP redirections are not supported.
This page was last edited on April 22, 2021, at 22:52.
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