interaction-workspace Section
- display-format.interaction-facebook-name
- display-format.interaction-rss-name
- display-format.interaction-twitter-name
- facebook.check-possible-actions
- facebook.comments-order-direction
- facebook.comments-pagination-size
- facebook.default-queue
- facebook.disable-attachment-preloading
- facebook.font-name
- facebook.font-size
- facebook.hashtag-regex
- facebook.image-attachment-max-size
- facebook.outbound-interaction-creation-mode
- facebook.outbound-queue
- facebook.prompt-for-done
- facebook.response-wait-time
- facebook.subject-max-chars
- facebook.text-flow-type
- facebook.toast-information-key
- facebook.ucs-timeout
- facebook.url-regex
- facebook.use-esp-broadcast
- facebook.webclient-user-agent
- facebook.webproxy-mode
- facebookprivatemessage.default-queue
- facebookprivatemessage.hashtag-regex
- facebookprivatemessage.outbound-queue
- facebookprivatemessage.response-wait-time
- facebookprivatemessage.subject-max-chars
- facebookprivatemessage.url-regex
- facebooksession.background-color-agent
- facebooksession.background-color-client
- facebooksession.background-color-client-structured
- facebooksession.background-color-error
- facebooksession.background-color-external
- facebooksession.delayed-time
- facebooksession.enter-send-pm
- facebooksession.font-size-text
- facebooksession.generic-thumbnail-height
- facebooksession.generic-thumbnail-width
- facebooksession.get-transcript-interactions
- facebooksession.image-thumbnail-height
- facebooksession.image-thumbnail-width
- facebooksession.max-chars
- facebooksession.outbound-attachment-max-size
- facebooksession.outbound-nonimage-attachment-max-size
- facebooksession.reconnect-attempts
- facebooksession.reconnect-timeout
- facebooksession.response-wait-time
- facebooksession.toast-information-key
- facebooksession.transcript-interactions-count
- facebooksession.url-regex
- interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.facebook
- interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.facebookprivatemessage
- interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.facebooksession
- interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.rss
- interaction-bar.quick-access-modes.twitter
- intercommunication.facebook.queue
- intercommunication.facebook.routing-base-actions
- intercommunication.facebook.routing-based-targets
- intercommunication.facebooksession.queue
- intercommunication.facebooksession.routing-base-actions
- intercommunication.facebooksession.routing-based-targets
- intercommunication.rss.queue
- intercommunication.rss.routing-base-actions
- intercommunication.rss.routing-based-targets
- intercommunication.twitter.queue
- intercommunication.twitter.routing-base-actions
- intercommunication.twitter.routing-based-targets
- intercommunication.twitterdirect.queue
- intercommunication.twitterdirect.routing-base-actions
- intercommunication.twitterdirect.routing-based-targets
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook.move-to-workbin
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook-pm.delete
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook-pm.move-to-workbin
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook-pm.transfer
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebook.transfer
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebookoutbound.delete
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebookoutbound.move-to-workbin
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebookoutbound.transfer
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebooksession.disconnect
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebooksession.move-to-workbin
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebooksession.transfer
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitter.move-to-workbin
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitter.transfer
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitterdirect.move-to-workbin
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitterdirect.transfer
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitteroutbound.delete
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitteroutbound.move-to-workbin
- keyboard.shortcut.interaction.twitteroutbound.transfer
- log.filter-data._facebookPictureBody
- rss.prompt-for-done
- rss.response-wait-time
- rss.toast-information-key
- rss.url-regex
- socialmedia-tls-enabled
- twitter.default-queue
- twitter.disable-attachment-preloading
- twitter.emojis-business-attribute
- twitter.font-name
- twitter.font-size
- twitter.hashtag-regex
- twitter.image-attachment-char-length
- twitter.image-attachment-max-size
- twitter.max-chars
- twitter.mention-regex
- twitter.outbound-attachment-filter
- twitter.outbound-interaction-creation-mode
- twitter.outbound-queue
- twitter.prompt-for-done
- twitter.response-wait-time
- twitter.sentmessages-image-max-height
- twitter.shortened-url-char-length
- twitter.subject-max-chars
- twitter.text-flow-type
- twitter.toast-information-key
- twitter.ucs-timeout
- twitter.url-regex
- twitter.use-check-candm
- twitter.use-esp-broadcast
- twitter.webclient-user-agent
- twitterdirect.default-queue
- twitterdirect.disable-attachment-preloading
- twitterdirect.hashtag-regex
- twitterdirect.mention-regex
- twitterdirect.outbound-queue
- twitterdirect.prompt-for-done
- twitterdirect.response-wait-time
- twitterdirect.sentmessages-image-max-height
- twitterdirect.shortened-url-char-length
- twitterdirect.toast-information-key
- twitterdirect.url-regex
- twitterdirect.use-esp-broadcast
- workbin.facebook.draft
- workbin.facebookprivatemessage.draft
- workbin.twitter.draft
- workbin.twitterdirect.draft
Default Value: $Interaction.Type$ ($Contact.FirstName$ $Contact.LastName$|
Valid Values: A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
This option defines the format of the tooltip that is displayed when you place your mouse pointer on the 'Case' tab at the top of the window.
Default Value: $Interaction.Type$ ($Contact.FirstName$ $Contact.LastName$|
Valid Values: A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
This option defines the format of the tooltip that is displayed when you place your mouse pointer on the 'Case' tab at the top of the window.
Default Value: $Interaction.Type$ ($Contact.FirstName$ $Contact.LastName$|
Valid Values: A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
This option defines the format of the tooltip that is displayed when you place your mouse pointer on the 'Case' tab at the top of the window.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether Facebook interactions are (true) or are not (false) answered automatically.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether the plugin checks for the possibility of sending comments, replies, like and hide features
Default Value: ASC
Valid Values: ASC or DESC.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies the order that comments are shown in, top to bottom.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the number of comments (a) shown initially and (b) added when 'show more' is clicked.
Default Value: *queue name*
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the name of the queue in which outbound interactions are first created. This name must be identical with the the name of the default queue in the Business Process that the plugin uses.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies disabling of attachments preloading from UCS.
Default Value: *font name*
Valid Values: Valid font name.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Font name used to display emojis in inbound interactions and in emoji picker.
Default Value: 14
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Font size used to display emojis in inbound interactions and in emoji picker.
Default Value: (?:(?<=\s)|
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Highlights hashtags and makes them clickable.
Default Value: 8192
Valid Values: Any valid integer from 1 to 8192
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Sets the maximum file size for sending images in public Facebook messages (unsolicited posts and comment replies).
Default Value: default
Valid Values: default, on-reply-button
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Administrators can control when an outbound Facebook interaction must be created. For example, an agent can create an outbound interaction after clicking Send or after clicking Comment.
Default Value: *queue name*
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the name of the queue in which an outbound interaction is to be placed when an agent is done editing it.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when a user clicks the 'done' button.
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 2,147,483,647
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of time that Interaction Workspace waits for a response to a request to Interaction Server, before displaying an error message.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Maximum characters length for the Subject field.
Default Value: auto
Valid Values: auto or leftside or rightside
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies the flow of text representation. Possible values: auto - automatic detection of text flow type based on text characters, leftside - forcely move text to left, rightside - forcely move text to right
Default Value: Subject
Valid Values: Any valid attached data key name.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether the Information area is displayed in the Facebook Messenger interaction notification. The option specifies the name of the attached data key that contains the information. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in the Workspace Desktop Edition Deployment Guide.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: Any valid integer from 10 to 180
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the timeout (in seconds) to connection to UCS.
Default Value: ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])*
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Regular expression for identifying url links
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether the ESP request GetChannelsDescription is sent in broadcast mode.
Default Value: 25600
Valid Values: Any valid integer from 1 to 25600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Sets the maximum file size for sending videos in public Facebook messages (unsolicited posts and comment replies).
Default Value: Mozilla / 5.0(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 92.0.4515.159 Safari / 537.36
Valid Values: Valid user agent
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the user agent header value that internal web client uses for sending of HTTP(s) requests
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, auto, manual
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Allows administrators to configure the proxy mode for Facebook public interactions. none—The proxy mode is disabled (default value). auto—The plugin reads Windows settings related to proxy and uses them. Use 'auto' in case of proxy without authorization. manual—The plugin reads proxy configuration such as webproxy.address, webproxy.username, and webproxy.password from the WDE configuration.
Default Value: *queue name*
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the name of the queue in which outbound interactions are first created. This name must be identical with the the name of the default queue in the Business Process that the plugin uses.
Default Value: (?:(?<=\s)|
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Highlights hashtags and makes them clickable.
Default Value: *queue name*
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the name of the queue in which an outbound interaction is to be placed when an agent is done editing it.
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 2,147,483,647
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of time that Interaction Workspace waits for a response to a request to Interaction Server, before displaying an error message.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Maximum characters length for the Subject field.
Default Value: ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])*
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Regular expression for identifying URLs.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether FacebookSession interactions are (true) or are not (false) answered automatically.
Default Value: #FFF3F7FB
Valid Values: Color hexadecimal (#RRGGBB)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Background color for agent messages.
Default Value: #FFDBE5F4
Valid Values: Color hexadecimal (#RRGGBB)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Background color for client messages.
Default Value: #F9E8CE
Valid Values: Color hexadecimal (#RRGGBB)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Background color for client structured messages.
Default Value: #FFFF6347
Valid Values: Color hexadecimal (#RRGGBB)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Background color for error messages.
Default Value: #FFF5F5F5
Valid Values: Color hexadecimal (#RRGGBB)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Background color for external messages.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies the delay time (in seconds) for showing the message originated time as the time of interaction to agents in WDE. When the difference between the message origination time and message arrival time exceeds the time configured in the facebooksession.delayed-time option, agents are shown the message originated time instead of the message arrival time. Otherwise, agents will see the message arrival time as the time of interaction.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether hitting Enter does (true) or does not (false, the default) have the effect of sending a Private Message that is being composed.
Default Value: 15
Valid Values: Any integer from 10 to 50
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Font size for message text in transcript.
Default Value: 40
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 1080
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies attachment icon height in transcript view of facebooksession.
Default Value: 40
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 1920
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies attachment icon width in transcript view of facebooksession.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether the main interaction window does (true) or does not (false) show transcripts of past interactions with the contact.
Default Value: 150
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 1080
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies thumbnail height in transcript view of facebooksession.
Default Value: 200
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 1920
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies thumbnail width in transcript view of facebooksession.
Default Value: 2000
Valid Values: Any valid integer from 100 to 2000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the max length of the message in chars - from 100 to 2000.
Default Value: 8192
Valid Values: Any valid integer from 1 to 8192
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Sets the maximum file size for sending images in Facebook private messages.
Default Value: 25600
Valid Values: Any valid integer from 1 to 25600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Sets the maximum file size for sending files other than images in Facebook private messages.
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: Any non-negative integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the number of attempts to reconnect to the chat session to make in the case of a connection loss.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any nonnegative integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the duration, in seconds, between each attempt to reconnect to the chat session in the case of connection loss.
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 2,147,483,647
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of time that Interaction Workspace waits for a response to a request to Interaction Server, before displaying an error message.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether system messages (such as joined/left session, error messages, and so on) are (true) or are not (false) shown when displaying previous chat sessions.
Default Value: Subject
Valid Values: Any valid attached data key name.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether the Information area is displayed in the FacebookSession notification. The option specifies the name of the attached data key that contains the information. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in the Workspace Desktop Edition Deployment Guide.
Default Value: 20
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 1000
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
The number of previous chat sessions that are shown when the Agent clicks "See older messages...".
Default Value: ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])*
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Regular expression for identifying URLs.
Default Value: Pinned
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether interaction windows are docked or undocked.
Default Value: Pinned
Valid Values: Pinned or Floating or Pinned,Floating
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies the list of modes that are available when interactions are displayed in "quick access" mode.
Default Value: Pinned
Valid Values: Pinned or Floating or Pinned,Floating
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies the list of modes that are available when interactions are displayed in "quick access" mode.
Default Value: Pinned
Valid Values: Pinned or Floating or Pinned,Floating
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies the list of modes that are available when interactions are displayed in "quick access" mode.
Default Value: Pinned
Valid Values: Pinned or Floating or Pinned,Floating
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies the list of modes that are available when interactions are displayed in "quick access" mode.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem mediatype to specify the name of the Interaction Queue that is used by the Routing Based feature for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: OneStepTransfer.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of routing-based actions that an agent is allowed to perform for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, InteractionQueue.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of targets that are contacted through the routing based mechanism for the requests that are defined in the option intercommunication.<media-type>.routing-based-actions.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem mediatype to specify the name of the Interaction Queue that is used by the Routing Based feature for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value: OneStepTransfer
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: OneStepTransfer.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of routing-based actions that an agent is allowed to perform for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, InteractionQueue, AgentGroup, Skill.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of targets that are contacted through the routing based mechanism for the requests that are defined in the option intercommunication.<media-type>.routing-based-actions.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem mediatype to specify the name of the Interaction Queue that is used by the Routing Based feature for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: OneStepTransfer.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of routing-based actions that an agent is allowed to perform for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, InteractionQueue.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of targets that are contacted through the routing based mechanism for the requests that are defined in the option intercommunication.<media-type>.routing-based-actions.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem mediatype to specify the name of the Interaction Queue that is used by the Routing Based feature for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: OneStepTransfer.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of routing-based actions that an agent is allowed to perform for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, InteractionQueue.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of targets that are contacted through the routing based mechanism for the requests that are defined in the option intercommunication.<media-type>.routing-based-actions.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem mediatype to specify the name of the Interaction Queue that is used by the Routing Based feature for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: OneStepTransfer.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of routing-based actions that an agent is allowed to perform for the specified workitem media-type.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, InteractionQueue.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media type to define the list of targets that are contacted through the routing based mechanism for the requests that are defined in the option intercommunication.<media-type>.routing-based-actions.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+W
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to move to workbin facebook interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+D
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to cancel facebook PM interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+W
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to move to workbin facebook PM interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+T
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to transfer facebook PM interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+T
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to transfer Facebook interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+D
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to cancel facebook outbound interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+W
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to move to workbin facebook outbound interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+T
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to transfer facebook outbound interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+D
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to disconnect facebook session.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+W
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to move to workbin facebook session interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+T
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to transfer facebook session interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+W
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to move to workbin twitter interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+T
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to transfer twitter interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+W
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to move to workbin twitterdirect interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+T
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to transfer twitter direct interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+D
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to cancel twitter outbound interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+W
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to move to workbin twitter outbound interaction.
Default Value: Ctrl+Shift+T
Valid Values: Only the name of a key or a key combination the begins with one of the following modifier key names: Ctrl, Shift, and Alt, and ends with a character key. Separate the modifier key name from the character key with the '+' character.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The combination of keys that can be used as a keyboard shortcut to transfer twitter outbound interaction.
Default Value: skip
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies whether the value of _facebookPictureBody in attached data is printed in log files.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether RSS interactions are (true) or are not (false) answered automatically.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when a user clicks the 'done' button.
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 2,147,483,647
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of time that Interaction Workspace waits for a response to a request to Interaction Server, before displaying an error message.
Default Value: Subject
Valid Values: Any valid attached data key name.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether the Information area is displayed in the RSS interaction notification. The option specifies the name of the attached data key that contains the information. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in the Workspace Desktop Edition Deployment Guide.
Default Value: ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])*
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Regular expression for identifying URLs.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether TLS encryption is enabled (true) or not (false).
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether Twitter interactions are (true) or are not (false) answered automatically.
Default Value: *queue name*
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the name of the queue in which outbound interactions are first created. This name must be identical with the the name of the default queue in the Business Process that the plugin uses.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Disables (true) or enables (false, the default) the Reply and Replay All buttons in Direct Message tweets.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether to disable the attachments preloading from UCS or not. This option is specific to Twitter public message interactions. The value 'true' disables attachment preloading and the value 'false' enables attachment preloading.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Any valid busines attribute name.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Valid Name of Business Attribute containing emojis.
Default Value: *font name*
Valid Values: Valid font name.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Font name used to display emojis in inbound interactions and in emoji picker.
Default Value: 14
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Font size used to display emojis in inbound interactions and in emoji picker.
Default Value: (?:(?<=\s)|
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Highlights hashtags and makes them clickable.
Default Value: 23
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Number of characters that are used toward allotment of the maximum number of characters allowed for a tweet. When an agent adds a picture to a tweet, this number of characters is added to the total number of the characters the agent has typed in the tweet text.
Default Value: 5120
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 5120
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Sets the maximum image size for Twitter public replies.
Default Value: 140
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed per tweet.
Default Value: @(\w+)
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Highlights mentions and makes them clickable.
Default Value: Image files|
Valid Values: Valid filter dialog string in format: Filter name|*.extension1;*.extension2
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Opens file dialog filter string with list of extensions, which can be used as an attachment.
Default Value: default
Valid Values: default, on-reply-button
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Administrators can control when an outbound Twitter or TwitterDirect interaction must be created. For example, an agent can create an outbound interaction after clicking Send or after clicking Reply.
Default Value: *queue name*
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the name of the queue in which an outbound interaction is to be placed when an agent is done editing it.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when a user clicks the 'done' button.
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 2,147,483,647
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of time that Interaction Workspace waits for a response to a request to Interaction Server, before displaying an error message.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: Any integer from 50 to 1000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the maximum height, in pixels, of attached images in the History pane.
Default Value: 23
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Twitter replaces all URLs in the outbound message text with shortened URLs. This option specifies the length, in characters, of this shortened URL.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Maximum characters length for the Subject field.
Default Value: auto
Valid Values: auto, leftside, rightside
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Allows users to change alignment of chat text. The default value, auto, aligns text automatically based on the text language.
Default Value: Subject
Valid Values: Any valid attached data key name.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether the Information area is displayed in the Twitter interaction notification. The option specifies the name of the attached data key that contains the information. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in the Workspace Desktop Edition Deployment Guide.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: Any valid integer from 10 to 180
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the timeout (in seconds) to connection to UCS.
Default Value: ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])*
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Regular expression for identifying Twitter interaction url links
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether the plugin checks for the possibility of sending direct messages or not. If the option is set to 'true', the plugin checks the friendship status of the Twitter recipient before sending the direct message. Therefore, the message is always delivered successfully. If the option is set to 'false', the plugin sends the direct message without checking the friendship status of the Twitter recipient.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether the ESP request GetChannelsDescription is sent in broadcast mode.
Default Value: Mozilla / 5.0(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 92.0.4515.159 Safari / 537.36
Valid Values: Valid user agent
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the user agent header value that internal web client uses for sending of HTTP(s) requests
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether TwitterDirect interactions are (true) or are not (false) answered automatically.
Default Value: *queue name*
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the name of the queue in which outbound interactions are first created. This name must be identical with the the name of the default queue in the Business Process that the plugin uses.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Disables (true) or enables (false, the default) the Reply and Reply All buttons in Direct Message tweets.
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed per message.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies disabling of attachments preloading from UCS.
Default Value: (?:(?<=\s)|
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Highlights hashtags and makes them clickable.
Default Value: @(\w+)
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Highlights mentions and makes them clickable.
Default Value: *queue name*
Valid Values: Valid queue name.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Specifies the name of the queue in which an outbound interaction is to be placed when an agent is done editing it.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when a user clicks the 'done' button.
Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 2,147,483,647
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of time that Interaction Workspace waits for a response to a request to Interaction Server, before displaying an error message.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: Any integer from 50 to 1000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the maximum height, in pixels, of attached images in the History pane.
Default Value: 23
Valid Values: Any valid integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Twitter replaces all URLs in the outbound message text with shortened URLs. This option specifies the length, in characters, of this shortened URL.
Default Value: Subject
Valid Values: Any valid attached data key name.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether the Information area is displayed in the TwitterDirect interaction notification. The option specifies the name of the attached data key that contains the information. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in the Workspace Desktop Edition Deployment Guide.
Default Value: ((http|https|ftp)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?(\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+\&\%\$\#\!\=\~\)\(\*\:])*
Valid Values: Valid regular expression
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Regular expression for identifying TwitterDirect interaction URLs.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false.
Changes Take Effect: At the next interaction
Specifies whether the ESP request GetChannelsDescription is sent in broadcast mode.
Default Value: Facebook Workbin Draft
Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The name of the workbin that is used to store draft Facebook interactions.
Default Value: Facebook Workbin InProgress
Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The name of the workbin that is to be used to store inbound Facebook posts for later processing, after an agent explicitly saves the Facebook post or submits an outbound reply.
Default Value: Facebook Workbin Draft
Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The name of the workbin that is used to store draft Facebook PM interactions.
Default Value: Twitter Workbin Draft
Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The name of the workbin that is used to store draft Twitter posts.
Default Value: Twitter Workbin InProgress
Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The name of the workbin that is to be used to store inbound Twitter posts for later processing, after an agent explicitly saves the Twitter post or submits an outbound reply.
Default Value: Twitter Workbin Draft
Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The name of the workbin that is used to store draft TwitterDirect interactions.
Default Value: Twitter Workbin InProgress
Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
The name of the workbin that is to be used to store inbound TwitterDirect interactions for later processing, after an agent explicitly saves the Twitter post or submits an outbound reply.