NSSW: Add Profile Agents, Based on Real Agents
In the New Schedule Scenario Wizard (NSSW), Profile agents are generic agents that you create by omitting preferences and exceptions.
About Scheduling with Profiles
You can create schedule scenarios using a mix of real agents and profiles. You can also create schedule scenarios based on user-defined profiles, and then assign agents to the resulting schedules. See the Scenario Profiles View for instructions.
When you use profiles, you generate a schedule scenario that includes open schedules. An open schedule is one that has no agents assigned to it. You can then insert agents into the open schedules using any criteria. (WFM automatically filters the list of qualified agents, based on the selected schedule.)
Agents are displayed in a tree, which is inside a table with these columns:
- Agents—Each agent's name.
- Present—The number of agent profiles, based on this real agent, that are already present in scenario. This number is read-only.
- Add—Select the check box in this column to add this agent's profile to the scenario. Clear the check box to not add the profile. As a shortcut, you can select a single check box for any branch of the tree—business unit, site, or team—to select all items beneath it.
To add profile agents who are based on real agents into the same team as real agents:
- Select or clear individual agent check boxes, as needed.
ImportantA profile agent inherits the contract and skill set of the selected real agent, but the profile agent's schedule slot is not assigned to this (or any other) real agent. One reason to use profile agents is when you create a bidding scenario. See the topic Configure Bidding Scenario in the Schedule Bidding section.
- Select or clear the Place Profile Agents, Based On Real Agents, Into Their Teams check box.
- Click Next to proceed to the next screen.