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VBW: Select Data Build Method

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Use the Select Data Build Method screen in the Volume Build Wizard (VWB) to define how you want to build your volumes data.

  1. Select the statistic(s) you want from the Forecast drop-down list:
    • Interaction Volume and AHT
    • Interaction Volume
    • AHT
  2. Under Target Dates, select the date range for the forecast data. The date range cannot be outside the scenario date range.
  3. Select the forecast build Method: Template Based, Expert Average Engine, Universal Modeling Engine, Copy Historical Data, or Use Value (see definitions below).
  4. Click Next to open the wizard's next screen.

The following sections explain the Method options that are available:

Template Based

The default selection. For detailed information about templates, and instructions on how to create them, see Forecast Templates List View. With template-based forecasting, you can build a forecast using preconfigured interaction volume and/or average handling time (AHT) templates.

You also can have the template-based forecasting engine apply percentage growth rate to historical data.

Template-based forecasting is best used by contact centers with very stable interaction patterns or for activities that can be manually forecast, such as back-office work, media interactions, or outbound campaigns.

If you select Template Based, after you click Next, the screen that opens depends on the Forecast type selected at the top of the Select Data Build Method screen.

Expert Average Engine

This method uses the statistical analysis of historical data to produce day-of-week, weekly, and (if sufficient historical data exists) yearly trend patterns.

The Expert Average Engine requires at least one full week of historical data. For high-quality day-of-week and weekly results, Genesys recommends that you use a minimum of six weeks' worth of data.

The Expert Average Engine applies events in a linear fashion, and this linear perspective smooths out the impact of events across the forecast. Therefore, this engine is best suited to contact centers with fairly stable interaction patterns.

If you select Expert Average Engine, after you click Next, the Select Historical Data screen opens. If a selected activity does not have historical data, an error message appears and the Select Historical Data screen does not open.

Universal Modeling Engine

This method uses a complex algorithm to identify trends and patterns in historical data, which it then uses to create a forecast.

The Universal Modeling Engine requires one year's worth, or more, of historical data.

The Universal Modeling Engine is configured so that, in its analysis of historical data, it disregards days that contain special events, if those events don’t occur during the forecast period. This configuration eliminates misleading noise from the forecasts. However, if a special event does occur during the forecast period, the Universal Modeling Engine uses the historical data to calculate the impact of the event, and applies it to the baseline forecast. The Universal Modeling Engine is best suited to sites with a large quantity of high-quality historical data.

If you select Universal Modeling Engine, after you click Next, the Select Historical Data screen opens. If a selected activity does not have historical data, an error message appears and the Select Historical Data screen does not open.

Copy Historical Data

Appropriate selection if you have some historical data, but not enough to use the Expert Average or Universal Modeling engines. You can combine the historical data with overlap templates, which fill in gaps in the historical data.

If you select Copy Historical Data, after you click Next, the Select Historical Data screen opens. If a selected activity does not have historical data, an error message appears and the Select Historical Data screen does not open.

Use Value

Appropriate selection if your site activity load is very regular. Applies a specific interaction volume or AHT to each time interval in the scenario.

If the Forecast type is Interaction Volume and AHT, selecting Use Value enables both the IV and AHT fields.

If the Forecast type is Interaction Volume, only the IV field is enabled.

If the Forecast type is AHT, only the AHT field is enabled.

  1. Enter the appropriate value(s) to be used for each cell in the forecast. For IV, enter number of interactions per timestep (example: number of interactions per 15-minute interval). For AHT, enter the number of seconds that represents average handling time.
  2. Click Finish.

WFM builds the volumes forecast and the Scenario Volumes View reappears, showing your results.

This page was last edited on October 2, 2020, at 12:35.
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