Section: settings
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.315.05
Enables or disables resuming push notifications after a session restoration from agent desktop and workflow as defined by the configuration option session-restore-extend-by. When enabled, flex-push-timeout (instead of flex-disconnect-timeout) is used after a session restoration and push notifications are resumed.
Section: settings
Default Value: 300
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-1728000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)
Modified: 8.5.310.09
Specifies timeout (in seconds) after which Chat Server sends ping notification for push-flex connected client. If no request from the client is submitted within the next "flex-push-timeout", Chat Server activates flex-disconnect-timeout. Inactivity is defined as the absence of protocol requests, not the absence of messages
Section: settings
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-3
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.315.05
Enables or disables different chat session transcript content features. The value of the option can be set to the sum of the following integers:
- 0: The functionality is disabled (default value).
- 1: Messages and notices with '{"content-control":{"exclude-store":"true"} }' in eventAttributes are not saved into the chat transcript (in UCS and/or Cassandra).
- 2: Messages and notices with '{"content-control":{"expire-sec":"<seconds>"} }' in eventAttributes are removed from the chat transcript after specified number of <seconds>.
Chat Server Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Mac | Solaris | Windows |
01/31/22 | Update | X | X |
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What's New
This release contains the following new features and enhancements:
- Chat Server now provides the ability to exclude specific messages (such as temporal notifications from the Workflow) from being saved in a chat session transcript. This functionality is described in a new configuration option, transcript-content-control. (CHAT-3828)
- The Chat solution now provides the ability to send intermediate updates to historical reporting for long-running async chat sessions. For more information on intermediate updates, see "Configure Chat Server" in Setting up historical reporting. (CHAT-3802)
Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:
Chat Server now provides the ability to resume sending push notifications and to enforce the flex-push-timeout option after a chat session restoration by Agent Desktop or the Workflow. Previously, push notifications and flex-push-timeout was resumed only after a session restoration from the customer side. A new configuration option session-restore-push-send must be set to true to enable this functionality. (CHAT-3821)
When Agent Desktop provides the personId (implemented in Genesys Workspace Desktop Edition), Chat Server now only counts the participant once in the csg_PartiesAsAgentCount during the Hold and Resume operations for async chat. (CHAT-3472)
Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release 8.5.315.05.