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Section: settings
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.315.05

Enables or disables resuming push notifications after a session restoration from agent desktop and workflow as defined by the configuration option session-restore-extend-by. When enabled, flex-push-timeout (instead of flex-disconnect-timeout) is used after a session restoration and push notifications are resumed.


Section: settings
Default Value:
Valid Values: Any valid string value
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: 8.5.316.02

Specifies the value for the parameter SubmittedBy that Chat Server uses during the registration in Interaction Server. Using the same value for Chat Server applications forces Interaction Server to distribute EventProcessingStopped for all Chat Server instances instead of sending it only to the application which initially submitted the interaction.


Chat Server Release Notes

Chat Server is part of 9.x starting in
Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
10/03/22 Update X X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

  • Chat Server now supports Cassandra 4 in HA (high-availability) mode. (CHAT-3868)

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Chat Server now has the ability to force Interaction Server to notify all instances of Chat Server that the interaction has stopped in the workflow. Use the configuration option ixn-submittedby-name to enable this feature. When the notification is received, Chat Server closes the chat session. Previously, only the instance which submitted that interaction was notified. (CHAT-3853)

Chat server now correctly restores chat sessions after a loss of connection. Use the session-restore-push-send option (introduced in 8.5.315.05) to enable this feature. (CHAT-3852)

The Chat Server log no longer displays the value of the Cassandra connection password. (CHAT-3851)

Chat Server now permits the transfer of userdata within a change visibility request from a supervisor during a barge-in. (CHAT-3850)

Support for CentOS 7 is now restored on Chat Server. (CHAT-3845)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release 8.5.316.02.

This page was last edited on November 3, 2022, at 05:56.
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