Installing and Uninstalling WFM Components
This topic provides information and procedures about how to install and uninstall the Workforce Management (WFM) components. All of the component installations are straight forward, but you will need to complete additional tasks for WFM Web. See Installing WFM Web.
To uninstall any or all WFM components, see Uninstalling Workforce Management.
Installing the Components
Before you begin installing the WFM components, determine whether to install more than one component on a single machine. If you do so, determine which components should be installed together.
See Deploying WFM, for some general deployment guidelines and recommendations. See the Genesys Hardware Sizing Guide for more extensive recommendations.
By default, all the servers are installed as Windows Services. For instructions about how to use Windows services, see the Windows Help file.
For instructions about how to install the WFM components, see the procedures on this page and Installing WFM Web.
Date and Time Dependencies for WFM Applications
The following are the sources of the date and time setting for WFM applications:
- In WFM Web Supervisor, the date, time, and number formats depend on the language preferences configured in the browser you are using.
- In WFM Web Agent, the date and time format depends on the locale of Web Server and is identical for all agents connected to the same server.
Uninstalling Workforce Management
Use the Task Summary in this section to ensure you have completely uninstalled WFM.
Task Summary: Uninstalling WFM Web
Task | Description and procedures |
Stop all WFM components, including those running as Windows Services. | See Starting and Stopping WFM Components. |
If you are using Tomcat, delete WFM from Tomcat. | For instructions, see Deleting WFM Web from Tomcat. |
If you are using WebSphere, delete WFM from WebSphere. | For instructions, see Deleting WFM Web from WebSphere and your WebSphere documentation. |
Use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall the WFM components from the Windows platform. | For instructions, see Using Add/Remove Programs to Uninstall WFM. |
If you are using a Unix-based platform, delete all files in the relevant folders. | Be sure to use caution when deleting files. |
Use the procedures in this section to install WFM components.
Installing WFM Server
Purpose: To install WFM Server.
Start of Procedure
- On your Workforce Management release disk, navigate to the solution_specific\WFMServer\windows directory.
- Double-click Setup.exe.
The WFM Server Installation Wizard opens. - Click Next to begin using the Wizard.
- Enter your Configuration Server host name, port number, user name, and password, and then, click Next.
A list of WFM Server Application objects displays. - Select the correct Application object and then click Next.
The properties for each WFM Server Application object display in the Application Properties list when that Application is selected. - Specify the destination directory into which you want to install WFM Server. Then, click Next.
- In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
A progress bar shows the setup status.
End of Procedure
Installing WFM Builder
Purpose: To install WFM Builder.
Start of Procedure
- On your Workforce Management release disk, navigate to the solution_specific\WFMBuilder\windows directory.
- Double-click Setup.exe.
- The WFM Builder Installation Wizard opens.
- Click Next to begin using the Wizard.
- Enter your Configuration Server host name, port number, user name, and password, and then, click Next.
- A list of WFM Builder Application objects displays.
- Select the correct Application object and then click Next.
- The properties for each WFM Builder Application object display in the Application Properties list when that Application is selected.
- Specify the destination directory into which you want to install WFM Builder. Then, click Next.
- In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
- A progress bar shows the setup status.
- Click Finish to close the Installation Wizard.
End of Procedure
Installing WFM Data Aggregator
Purpose: To install WFM Data Aggregator.
Start of Procedure
- On your Workforce Management release disk, navigate to the solution_specific\WFMDataAggregator\windows directory.
- Double-click Setup.exe.
The WFM Data Aggregator Installation Wizard opens. - Click Next to begin using the Wizard.
- Enter your Configuration Server host name, port number, user name, and password. Click Next.
A list of WFM Data Aggregator Application objects displays. - Select the correct Application object and then click Next.
The properties for each WFM Data Aggregator Application object display in the Application Properties list when that Application is selected. - Specify the destination directory into which you want to install WFM Data Aggregator. Then, click Next.
- In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
A progress bar shows the setup status. - Choose to restart your computer now or later and then click Finish to close the Installation Wizard.
TipYou must restart your computer before starting WFM Data Aggregator. If you are installing multiple components on one machine, you can install them all before restarting. However, you cannot install multiple instances of the same component on the same host.
End of Procedure
Installing WFM Daemon
Purpose: To install WFM Daemon.
Prerequisites: Framework and Java SDK are installed and configured. To determine the required versions
of Framework and Java, consult the WFM section at the end of the table “Product Prerequisites” in the
Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Manual.
Start of Procedure
- On your Workforce Management release disk, navigate to the solution_specific\WFMDaemon\windows directory.
- Double-click Setup.exe.
The WFM Daemon Installation Wizard opens. - Click Next to begin using the Wizard.
- Enter this information for your Configuration Server: host name, port number, user name, and password. Then click Next.
A list of WFM Daemon Application objects displays. - Select the correct Application and then click Next.
The properties for each WFM Daemon Application object displays in the Application Properties list when that Application is selected.TipIf you are using Genesys Configuration Server 7.6 or later, your WFM Daemon’s Application type must be named WFM Daemon. - Specify the destination directory into which you want to install WFM Daemon. Then, click Next.
- In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
A progress bar shows the setup status. - Choose to restart your computer now or later and then click Finish to close the Installation Wizard.
TipYou must restart your computer before starting WFM Daemon. If you are installing multiple components on one machine, you can install them all before restarting. However, you cannot install multiple instances of the same component on the same host.
End of Procedure
For more information about WFM Daemon, see Using E-mail Notifications in WFM.
Deleting WFM Web from Tomcat
Purpose: To delete WFM Web from Tomcat.
- Genesys recommends using Tomcat Manager to correctly deploy/undeploy WFM Web.
- Uninstalling WFM Web does not remove the .war file or the WFM directory from the webapps folder. Genesys recommends that you remove the .war file and WFM directory prior to reinstalling or updating WFM Web.
- If you reinstall or update WFM Web, before clients can access the software, you must remove the old file and replace the .war file with the new version of the file. The default file name is wfm.war and the default directory name is wfm.
- If you reinstall WFM Web without first manually deleting these files, the files are not updated. WFM Web will not run if you install a later version of WFM Web over an earlier one without first deleting these files.
Start of Procedure
- Open the >CATALINA_HOME>\webapps directory.
- Delete the WFM .war file and the WFM directory from the webapps folder.
- Delete the $CATALINA_BASE\work\Catalina\localhost\wfm folder.
End of Procedure
Deleting WFM Web from WebSphere
Purpose: To delete WFM Web from WebSphere.
Start of Procedure
- Delete WFM Web by using your WebSphere Administrative Console. For procedures on how to do this, see your WebSphere documentation.
TipAfter completing the uninstall, you can then deploy a new version of WFM Web by using the WebSphere Administrative Console.
End of Procedure
Using Add/Remove Programs to Uninstall WFM
Purpose: To uninstall WFM components using the Add/Remove Programs tool on Windows platforms.
Start of Procedure
- Select Start > Settings > Control Panel and open Add/Remove Software.
- Scroll through the list of programs to locate the one you intend to uninstall.
- Click Change/Remove.
- When the UninstallShield Wizard opens, follow the prompts.
TipAlthough you might not be prompted to restart your computer after removing a WFM component, it is recommended.
End of Procedure