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Configuring WFM Statistics for Voice Interactions

You can copy-and-paste a generic set of these recommended statistics, into those described in the topic Using Copy-and-Paste Format for Statistics.

Table 1: Interaction Volume

Item Description
Statistic Name TotalNumberCallsEntered


Statistic Configuration

Option/Value pairs

Objects = Queue, RoutePoint, GroupQueues

Category = TotalNumber
MainMask = CallEntered
Subject = DNAction

Comments Predefined. Collects the number of interactions that enter the object.

Table 2: Abandonment Volume

Item Description
Statistic Name TotalNumberCallsAband


Statistic Configuration

Option/Value pairs

Objects = Queue, RoutePoint, GroupQueues

Category = TotalNumber
MainMask = CallAbandoned
Subject = DNAction

Comments Predefined. Collects the number of interactions abandoned while waiting in the object.

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Table 3: Short Abandonment Volume

Item Description
Statistic Name TotalNumberShortAbandons
Statistic Configuration

Option/Value pairs

Objects = Queue, RoutePoint, GroupQueues

Category = TotalNumberInTimeRange
MainMask = CallAbandoned, CallAbandonedFromRinging
Subject = DNAction

Comments Predefined. Collects the number of interactions abandoned within a configurable time period—typically a few seconds—while waiting in the object. Short Abandons are usually considered to be wrong numbers or similar, and are typically excluded when computing statistics.

Quality of Service

Table 4: Distributed Interactions

Item Description
Statistic Name TotalNumberCallsDistrib


Statistic Configuration

Option/Value pairs

Objects = Queue, RoutePoint, GroupQueues

Category = TotalNumber
MainMask = CallDistributed
Subject = DNAction

Comments Predefined. Reports the number of interactions distributed to other objects from the specified object.

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Table 5: Service Factor

Item Description
Statistic Name ServiceFactor1


Statistic Configuration

Option/Value pairs

Objects = Queue, RoutePoint, GroupQueues

Category = ServiceFactor1
MainMask = CallAnswered, CallAbandoned,
Subject = DNAction

Comments Predefined. You must configure a time range to use this statistic. Reports the percentage of interactions answered by agents within the time range. Calculated as interactions answered divided by total interactions (answered + abandoned).

Table 6: Average Speed of Answer

Item Description
Statistic Name AverTimeBeforeAnswering


Statistic Configuration

Option/Value pairs

Objects = Queue, RoutePoint, GroupQueues

Category = AverageTime
MainMask = CallAnswered
RelMask = CallAnswered
Subject = DNAction

Comments Not predefined. Reports the average time an interaction rang before being answered. Calculated as a ratio of total wait time for interactions to be answered divided by the number answered. Only interactions answered during the current time interval are counted.

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Handle Time

Table 7: Total Handle Time

Item Description
Statistic Name TotalHandleTime


Statistic Configuration

Option/Value pairs

Objects = Agent, Place, GroupAgents,

Category = TotalAdjustedTime
MainMask = CallInbound, CallOutbound,
Subject = DNAction

Comments Predefined. Reports the total time an agent spent handling inbound or outbound interactions and doing offline work.

Table 8: Interactions Handled

Item Description
Statistic Name TotalNumberCallsHandled


Statistic Configuration

Option/Value pairs

Objects = Agent, Place, GroupAgents,

Category = TotalNumber
MainMask = CallInbound, CallOutbound
Subject = DNAction

Comments Not predefined. Reports the number of inbound and outbound interactions that ended during a specific timestep.
This page was last edited on April 3, 2015, at 14:09.
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