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WFM Data Aggregator Options

From the Options tab you can modify the default WFM Data Aggregator configuration settings. The tab contains four sections. The options in each of these sections are described below.

Client Section

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Dependencies: None

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from Configuration Server before timing out. This key is used when requesting the list of objects from Configuration Server for synchronization purposes. The value should be increased in configurations with a high number of objects or slow network connections.

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: 90
Valid Value: Any positive integer
Dependencies: None

Specifies the SOAP connection timeout, in seconds.

Identity Section

Type: Optional in a Framework 8.x environment.
Default Value: WFMDataAggregator
Valid Value: WFMDataAggregator
Dependencies: None

Specifies the Workforce Management component for which this application is used. Configure this option only if you are using an application of the type ThirdPartyServer.

Logs Section

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: all
Valid Values: all, trace, standard, none, yes (= all), no (= none)
Dependencies: None

Filters output of log messages based on their assigned priority. All enables output of all messages to the log file. Setting the option value to:

  • trace—Enables informational and error messages and disables debug messages.
  • standard—Enables error messages only and disables informational and debug messages.
  • none—Disables all messages.

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: no
Valid Values: yes, no
Dependencies: None

Turns system file buffering on (yes) or off (no).

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: no
Valid Values: no, <number>, <number>KB, <number>MB, <number>Hr
Dependencies: None

Sets the maximum size (in KB, MB, or hours) of the log file segment, after which a new segment is created. The default size is in KB. The number cannot be less than 100 KB or less than one hour. Setting this option value to no indicates no segmentation of the log file.

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: no
Valid Values: no, <number>, <number> file, <number> day
Dependencies: None

Sets the Expiration mode for old segments. The number to be stored cannot be less than 1 file or 1 day or more than 100 files or 100 days. Setting this option value to no indicates that files do not expire.

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: wfmdataaggregator.lms
Valid Value: wfmdataaggregator.lms
Dependencies: None

Sets the name of the file that stores application-specific log messages. The only valid value is wfmdataaggregator.lms.

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: stdout
Valid Values (log output types): stdout, stderr, syslog, network, <filename>
Dependencies: None

Specifies that log events of the Standard level are to be sent to the listed outputs. For centralized logging, set this option value to network. You can use a local file name or stdout, as well as network.

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: stdout
Valid Values (log output types): stdout, stderr, syslog, network, <filename>
Dependencies: None

Specifies that log events of the Trace level are to be sent to the listed outputs. For centralized logging, set this option value to network. You can use a local file name, stdout, as well as network.

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: stdout
Valid Values (log output types): stdout, stderr, syslog, network, <filename>
Dependencies: None

Specifies that log events of the Debug level are to be sent to the listed outputs.

Do not use network unless requested by Genesys Professional Services, because it generates extremely heavy message loads that can degrade system performance.

Type: Mandatory
Default Value: stdout
Valid Values (log output types): stdout, stderr, syslog, network, <filename>
Dependencies: None

Specifies that log events of all levels, Standard, Trace, and Debug, are to be sent to the listed outputs.

Do not use network unless requested by Genesys Professional Services, because it generates extremely heavy message loads that can degrade system performance.

Type: Optional
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: yes, no
Dependencies: None

When set to yes (or true or 1), this option enables an additional logging option that is used by Data Aggregator to record how a statistic's records are being stored in the database.

Type: Optional
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: yes, no
Dependencies: None

Specifies whether or not Data Aggregator writes agent event data to a log file. This option is used for debugging only.

Type: Optional
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: yes, no
Dependencies: None

Specifies whether or not Data Aggregator writes Configuration Server connection data to a log file. This option is used for debugging only.

Type: Optional
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: yes, no
Dependencies: None

Indicates whether Data Aggregator should write Configuration Server process data to a log file. This option is used for debugging only.

Type: Optional
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: yes, no
Dependencies: None

Specifies whether or not Data Aggregator writes WFM Server process data to a log file. This option is used for debugging only.

Options Section

Type: Optional
Default Value: false
Valid Value: true, false
Dependencies: None

Specifies whether or not WFM Data Aggregator can set an agent skill level to 0. When this option is set to true it enables Data Aggregator to set an agent skill level to 0. When set to false it prevents (disables) Data Aggregator from setting an agent skill level to 0.

Type: Optional
Default Value: No default value
Valid Value: Any valid file name
Dependencies: None

Specifies a file to which WFM Data Aggregator writes its current data if it loses its connection to the database. When Data Aggregator is restarted or the connection to the database is restored, it locates the dump file, retrieves the data, writes it to the database, and then deletes the dump file. If you do not specify a file name, the file is DBdump.dat located in \\...\Workforce Management\Data Aggregator.

Type: Optional
Default Value: No default value
Valid Value: 1-12
Dependencies: None

Enables Data Aggregator to transfer the handling time of the recent timestep to a previous timestep and adjust the average handling time (AHT) value of the previous timestep when there were no calls handled in the current timestep, but a handling time was registered. This option prevents Data Aggregator from setting the AHT value to 0 (zero) for timesteps, in which agents performed after-call work (ACW) on calls that occurred in a previous timestep.

If this key is present and has an integer value between 1 and 12, Data Aggregator searches for the previous timestep that is no further back than the specified key value and, in which at least one call was handled. If Data Aggregator finds a timestep like this, it updates the AHT of that timestep to incorporate the handle time registered during the recent timestep.

The value for this key determines the number of timesteps that WFM Data Aggregator searches back. Therefore, the ACW must occur within 12 timesteps, or 3 hours, after call completion. A value of 0 (zero) disables this option.

Some calls are brief enough to be considered short-abandoned calls, but they begin and end in different timesteps and thus require special handling to avoid skewing Call Center data. WFM Data Aggregator can identify a call like this because the timestep where it ends has an associated HandleTime statistic but no HandleVolume statistic. WFM Data Aggregator uses the value of the HandleTimeWriteBack option when searching for the beginning of a short-abandoned call like this, to adjust the prior timestep where that call began. See the topic "Configuration > Activities > Statistics > Configuring Statistics for Activities” in Workforce Management Web for Supervisors Help.

Type: Optional
Default Value: ReasonCode
Valid Value: Any valid reason-code key name
Dependencies: None

Specifies the reason (aux)-code key used in the enterprise. It is not necessary to configure this option if you do not use reason codes. Data Aggregator can process reason codes that come from hard and/or soft phones. To receive reason codes from hard phones, or in a mixed hard/soft phone environment, set the Data Aggregator Application’s ReasonCodeKeyName option value to ReasonCode in Configuration Manager.

You can only use reason codes from hard phones if you are using Stat Server 7.x.

Type: Optional
Default Value: 15
Valid Value: 2600
Dependencies: None

Necessary only if you are using a pre-6.5 release of Stat Server and are using reason codes. It specifies how long, in seconds, Data Aggregator delays processing information during a timestep while waiting for reason code information. This parameter is useful when Stat Server and/or the network are busy enough to delay reason code data.

Type: Optional
Default Value: No default value
Valid Value: 0-1440
Dependencies: None

Specifies how many additional minutes of agent schedules should be loaded from WFM Server for adherence calculations. Should be used only in environment where agent schedules and configuration are updated infrequently.

This page was last edited on August 11, 2017, at 13:50.
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