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Outbound routing application

The Business Edition Premise Outbound solution is an Outbound VoIP deployment that allows for the following types of dialing modes:

  • Predictive: This dialing mode predicts agent availability when it dials calls from a calling list and is recommended for high-volume, low-value campaigns.
  • Progressive: This dialing mode dials calls from a calling list when an agent is actually available and is recommended for low-volume, high-value campaigns.
  • Preview: This dialing mode allows an agent to request one or several records from Outbound Contact Server (OCS), preview each record, and decide whether to dial a call.

For more information about dialing modes, see Dialing Modes in the Outbound documentation.

Outbound routing

The Outbound routing strategy directs the outbound call to an agent group according to the options configured in the Outbound Parameter Group. For more information about Outbound routing, see the Outbound documentation.

This section describes how to deploy the Outbound routing application.

You must obtain and install a valid license for Outbound before deploying the application.
  1. Log into the core host.
  2. Go to Start > All Programs > Genesys Solutions and select Activate Outbound Contact Server.

    Important: Confirm that the appropriate Outbound license is installed before proceeding.

  3. Click Yes to start the deployment.
  4. After the deployment completes, verify that it was successful (see video):

    1. In GA, confirm that Outbound Contact Server (OCS) is started.
    2. In GA, load and start the sample campaign:
      • Go to Operations > Outbound Contact > Dialing Sessions.
      • Select Campaign ID: TestCampaign and Outbound Contact Server: OCS.
      • Click Load, and then click Start.
    3. Log into IWS using the TestAgent ID:
      • Navigate to http://UI VM name or IP address/InteractionWorkspace/publish.htm and select Launch.
    4. Add a record to be dialed:
      • Go to Operations > Outbound Contact > Calling Lists.
      • Select Calling Lists: Test > TestCallingList.
      • Select Insert record.
      • Enter the details for a valid destination, changing contact_info to the telephone number to be dialed by SIPS.
      • Select OK.
        Important: You might need to adjust the following options, depending on the time of day and your timezone:
        daily_from — The time you want calling to start
        daily_till — The time you want calling to cease.
        tz_dbid — Your timezone.
  5. When the outbound call is established, TestAgent receives a call using IWS.

There are no specific Business Edition Premise configuration requirements for the outbound routing application. By default, the Outbound Parameter Group is loaded against Routing Point 7000 (in GAX, under Environment > Resources). To edit the Outbound Parameter Groups, login to GAX and go to Operations > Parameter Groups.

Also, Genesys recommends that you configure automatic pruning of the Universal Contact Server (UCS) database to prevent it from growing too large in size. To configure automatic pruning of the UCS database, do the following:

Changes made to the UCS database maintenance settings will apply to all deployed media strategies (Voice, Email, Chat, and Outbound).
  1. On the UI host, log in to Universal Contact Server Manager.
  2. Select the Scheduled task on Main DB tab.
  3. Configure the Main DB maintenance settings as desired.
  4. Click Save.

To edit the Outbound Parameter Groups, log in to GAX and under Operations, select Parameter Groups.

Outbound Parameter Group

Parameter Values (default in bold) Mandatory? Description
Voice Target TestAgentGroup, agent group Yes The Agent Group to which the call is routed.
Voice Target Timeout 2, integer between 1 and 99999 Yes The timeout (in seconds) after which the call is routed to the overflow target.
Overflow Voice Target (none) No The number to which the call is routed if no target is specified or if the target timeout is exceeded.

This page was last edited on May 21, 2015, at 18:39.
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