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Social Media Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition


Genesys provides a plugin that adds functionality to Workspace Desktop Edition, enabling agents to handle social media interactions.

Outline of Deployment

The 8.5.0 release of Social Media Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition for Social Media requires Workspace 8.5.1 or later.
  1. Configure Interaction Workspace. Note that to use role-based access control, you must use Genesys Administrator to configure Workspace Desktop Edition and the plugin.
  2. Install Interaction Workspace using the non-ClickOnce deployment procedure, also known as "installing the Interaction Workspace Application."
    The social media plugin does not support ClickOnce deployment.
  3. Configure and install the social media plugin, being sure that your configuration procedure includes importing the template and metadata for the plugin (see Genesys Administrator 8.1 Help for information on importing metadata). This makes roles and other required items available.
  4. Assign privileges, if you are using role-based access control.
    • You must assign all Workitem privileges. The plugin does not support unassigned Workitem privileges.
    • Assign <socialmedia> privileges.
  5. Provide values for the configuration options that you added to your Interaction Workspace Application, as described in the next section of this page.

Setting Options

This section provides an outline of the options for the Social Media plugin. Full descriptions of all options can be found in the eServices 8.5 Reference Manual. Some options are similar enough for all media that they can be described together. In the following descriptions, <media-type> substitutes for twitter, facebook, facebooksession, or rss. For example, <media-type>.response-wait-time stands for facebook.response-wait-time, facebooksession.response-wait-time, rss.response-wait-time,and twitter.response-wait-time. All options are located in the interaction-workspace section.

Queue Options (mandatory)

You must set a value for these options.

  • <media-type>.default-queue&#151;Specifies the name of the queue in which outbound interactions are first created. This name must be identical with the the name of the default queue in the Business Process that the plugin uses. In the sample business processes that are provided with Genesys Social Engagement, the names are:
    • Facebook Outbound Init Queue
    • Twitter Outbound Init Queue
  • <media-type>.outbound-queue&#151;Specifies the name of the queue in which an outbound interaction is to be placed when an agent is done editing it.

Regex Options

These options allow for certain strings to be highlighted and made clickable when interactions are displayed.

  • <media-type>.url-regex&#151;Highlights URLs and makes them clickable. Default value: (http|https|ftp)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'/\\\+&%\$#!\=~\)\(\*])*[^\^\u2026\<\"\.\,\)\(\s]
  • <media-type>.hashtag-regex&#151;Highlights hashtags and makes them clickable. Default value: (?:(?<=\s)|^)#(\w*[A-Za-z_]+\w*)
  • twitter.mention-regex&#151;Highlights mentions in Twitter and makes them clickable.

Color Options

These options allow messages to be displayed in different colors in the Facebook Session view using Hexadecimal color codes.

  • facebooksession.agent.text-color&#151;Specifies the color of the text of the messages that are entered by the agent in the Facebook Session view.
  • facebooksession.agent.prompt-color&#151;Specifies the color of the prompt for the messages that are entered by the agent in the Facebook Session view.
  • facebooksession.client.prompt-color&#151;Specifies the color of the text of the messages that are entered by the target client in the Facebook Session view.
  • facebooksession.client.text-color&#151;Specifies the color of the client text in the Facebook Session view.
  • facebooksession.other-agent.prompt-color&#151;Specifies the color of the text of the messages that are entered by the target agent in the Facebook Session view.
  • facebooksession.other-agent.text-color&#151;Specifies the color of the other agent text in the Facebook Session view.
  • facebooksession.system.text-color&#151;Specifies the color of the text for system messages in the Facebook Session view.

Workbin Options

  • workbin.<media-type>.in-progress
  • workbin.<media-type>.draft

These options specify the names of the workbins in which interactions are placed.

  • Inbound interactions are placed in the InProgress workbin; for example, workbin.twitter.in-progress = Twitter Workbin InProgress.
  • Outbound interactions are placed in the Draft workbin; for example, workbin.facebook.draft = Facebook Workbin Draft.

Other Options

  • <media-type>.response-wait-time&#151;Specifies the length of time that Workspace Desktop Edition waits for a response to a request to Interaction Server.
  • <media-type>.toast-information-key&#151;This is an instance of a more general Workspace Desktop Edition option. See, for example, email.toast-information-key.
  • <media-type>.auto-answer&#151;Specifies whether the interaction is automatically accepted, and joined if necessary, when an Interaction Server Invite event is received.
  • <media-type>.prompt-for-done&#151;Specifies whether the application prompts a confirmation message when a user clicks the Done button.
  • <media-type>.subject-max-chars&#151;Specifies a maximum length of characters for an outbound interaction subject.
  • display-format.interaction-<media-type>-name&#151;Defines the format of the tooltip that is presented when hovering the pointer over the Case tab, if the media type of the main interaction is Voice. It is specified by a string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Interaction.Type$, $Interaction.CaseId$, $Interaction.Id$, $Interaction.MainParty$, $Contact.X$, $AttachedData.Y$ (X: name of contact attribute, Y:attached data key name)
  • facebook.comments-order-direction&#151;Specifies the order that comments are shown in, top to bottom. Possible values are:
    • ASC (the default)&#151;older first
    • DESC&#151;newer first
  • facebook.comments-pagination-size&#151;Specifies the number of comments (a) shown initially and (b) added when show more is clicked.
  • facebook.image-attachment-max-size&#151;Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, of a picture that is attached to a post.
  • facebook.use-esp-broadcast&#151;Specifies whether the ESP request GetChannelsDescription is sent in broadcast mode.
  • facebooksession.enter-send-pm&#151;Specifies whether hitting Enter does (true) or does not (false, the default) have the effect of sending a Private Message that is being composed. Added in release 8.5.300.03.
  • facebooksession.time-stamp&#151;Specifies whether the time stamp is displayed in the Facebook Session transcript area.
  • facebooksession.transcript-time-frame&#151;Specifies the range of time, in hours, in which to search for previous interactions by the same contact to populate the Facebook Session transcript from the contact history. A value of 0 means nothing is added to the contact history.
  • intercommunication.<media-type>.queue&#151;Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media-type to specify the name of the Interaction Queue that is used by the Routing Based feature for the specified workitem media-type. The following attached data are added by Interaction Worskspace: IW_RoutingBasedOriginalEmployeeId, IW_RoutingBasedTargetId, IW_RoutingBasedTargetType, IW_RoutingBasedRequestType.
  • intercommunication.<media-type>.routing-base-actions&#151;Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media-type to define the list of Routing Based actions that an agent is allowed to perform for the specified workitem media-type.
  • intercommunication.<media-type>.routingbased-targets&#151;Use this option as a template for any specific workitem media-type to define the list of targets that are contacted through the Routing Based mechanism for the requests that are defined in the intercommunication.<media-type>.routing-based-actions option.
  • keyboard.shortcut.interaction.facebooksession.transfer&#151;Specifies a valid shortcut key. For example: 'Win+A', 'D1', 'SPACE', 'Ctrl+Alt+V', 'Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V'.
  • log.filter-data._facebookPictureBody&#151;Specifies whether the value of _facebookPictureBody in attached data is printed in log files.
  • twitter.direct-message-disable-reply&#151;Disables (true) or enables (false, the default) the Reply and Replay All buttons in Direct Message tweets. Added in release 8.5.300.03.
  • twitter.image-attachment-char-length&#151;Specifies the length, in characters, of the shortened URL Twitter uses to replace all images in the outbound message text.
  • twitter.image-attachment-max-size&#151;Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, of a picture that is attached to a tweet.
  • twitter.max-chars&#151;Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed per tweet or direct message.
  • twitter.sentmessages-image-max-height&#151;Specifies the maximum height, in pixels, of attached images in the History pane. The default value is 260, valid values are 50–1000, and changes take effect immediately. Added in release 8.5.300.03.
  • twitter.shortened-url-char-length&#151;Specifies the length to which Twitter shortens URLs.
  • twitter.use-esp-broadcast&#151;Specifies whether the ESP request GetChannelsDescription is sent in broadcast mode.
This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 16:05.
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