Generate Service Proxy with Axis2
This page provides an example of generating a Web Service Capture Point service proxy using the Axis2 plug-in. See the list of tools used to generate clients in this document.
The following sample demonstrates how to send a Ping request and to print out the contents of the PingResponse.
import com.genesyslab.www.interaction.WebServiceCapturePointStub.*; import com.genesyslab.www.interaction.*; public class TestWSCP { public static void main(String[] args) { try { WebServiceCapturePointStub serviceStub = new WebServiceCapturePointStub( ""); Ping ping = new Ping(); KVList ext = new KVList(); // create a string kv pair KVPair strPair = new KVPair(); KVPairValue value = new KVPairValue(); strPair.setKey("Source"); value.setValueString("I am coming from axis2 client"); strPair.setValue(value); // add this pair to the extension ext.addKvitem(strPair); // set extension ping.setExtension(ext); PingResponse response = serviceStub.Ping(ping); System.out.println("Ping response time:" + response.getEventTime()); printKVList("PingInfo", response.getPingInfo()); printKVList("UserData", response.getUserData()); printKVList("Extension", response.getExtension()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void printKVList(String name, KVList kvList) { printKVList(name, kvList, ""); } private static void printKVList(String name, KVList kvList, String shift) { if (null == kvList) { System.out.println(shift + name + "[KVList]=null"); } else { System.out.println(shift + name + "[KVList]="); for (KVPair pair : kvList.getKvitem()) { KVPairValue value = pair.getValue(); if (null != value.getValueList()) { printKVList(pair.getKey(), value.getValueList(), shift + "\t"); } else if (null != value.getValueString()) { System.out.println(shift + "\t" + pair.getKey() + "[string]=" + value.getValueString()); } else { System.out.println(shift + "\t" + pair.getKey() + "[int]=" + value.getValueInt()); } } } } }
This page was last edited on April 17, 2020, at 18:11.
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