Section: pop-client
Default Value: POP3
Valid Values: POP3, IMAP, EWS, GRAPH
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the protocol used to retrieve incoming messages from a corporate e-mail server.
Section: pop-client
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid login name associated with a POP/IMAP account
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Related Options: address
Specifies the login name associated with the POP/IMAP account. You set this value during the E-mail Server setup.
pop-client Section
- address
- allow-bad-msg-size
- client-id
- connect-timeout
- copy-message-to-recipients
- copy-message-with-header
- cycle-time
- delete-bad-formatted-msg
- delete-big-msg
- directory-id
- enable-big-msg-stripping
- enable-client
- enable-debug
- endpoint
- exchange-version
- failed-items-folder-name
- folder-path
- folder-separator
- grant-type
- inbound-msg-copy-limit
- leave-msg-on-server
- mail.javamail-property
- mailbox
- maximum-msg-number
- maximum-msg-size
- move-failed-ews-item
- password
- pop-connection-security
- port
- processed-items-folder-name
- protocol-timeout
- scope
- secret
- server
- service-account
- service-mailbox-delimiter
- service-plus-mailbox-connect
- tenant-authority
- type
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid e-mail address
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies both the mailbox address used to route outgoing reply messages and
the e-mail address used to fill in the From field in an email-out that is created
from an email-in received from this pop-client.
If the email-out is an automated response or an acknowledgement, the default
From address used will be the address specified in this option. However, if an
agent creates a reply email-out, the agent can change the From address by
choosing an address from the pop-client addresses defined in all E-mail Server
components connected to the same Interaction Server as the desktop
The value must comply with RFC2822, and therefore must be encoded
according to RFC2047.
Examples of valid values include the following:
- legal@mycompany.com
- "Legal Dpt" <legal@mycompany.com>
- "=?Cp1252?Q?Dpt_=E9_Legal?=" <legal@mycompany.com> where "=?Cp1252?Q?Dpt_=E9_Legal?=" is the French equivalent of Legal Dept and includes French diacritics.
If you have multiple POP clients, you can create multiple pop-client xxx sections. For each section, you must include a name starting with pop-client; for example, section pop-client support containing option address with value support@genesyslab.com, section pop-client sales containing option address with value sales@genesyslab.com, and so on.
You must not use the same mailbox address for more than one POP client. Each POP client requires a unique mailbox address, which you define using the address option for that pop-client xxx section.
Note that in the E-mail Server log file, the mailbox output refers to this mailbox address option, not to the explicit mailbox option used to specify the login name for your corporate mail server.
For each POP client you also specify an endpoint queue, to which the client submits outgoing e-mails. A one-to-one relationship is built between the mailbox address and the endpoint queue, and E-mail Server uses the resulting map to route e-mails accordingly. Therefore, if multiple POP clients share the same address, outgoing messages from one POP client might get routed to another POP client's queue.
If you want to use the same outgoing email address for more than one POP client, do not use the address option; instead use the default-from-address option in the email-processing section of the application object.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies how E-mail Server handles messages with a negative size. If set
to false, the message is left on the corporate server, if set to true, the message is considered a normal message.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A valid Client ID of the Microsoft Azure or Google application provided by the customer after the mailbox is registered in Microsoft Azure or Google
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the Client ID of the registered Microsoft Azure application for the Office 365 mailbox or the Google application for the Gmail mailbox in the corresponding POP client. This parameter takes effect only when the mail.<type>.auth.mechanisms is set to XOAUTH2 or type is GRAPH..
Default Value: 00:05:00
Valid Values: Any time period in the hh:mm:ss format
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
For the pop-client and smtp-client sections, specifies the timeout value for the socket connection. The timeout is raised if the connection to the server (corporate e-mail server for the pop-client section or SMTP server for the smtp-client section) cannot be established within the time specified for this option.
This timeout value is also applicable to the HTTP connection for the requests to retrieve oAuth2 token from a customer's IDP and for the Graph API requests.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
When the option is set to true and the POP client processes an email to the mailbox, E-mail Server copies the same email message, then creates and submits an interaction for every unique recipient in the To and CC headers. All of the copied messages will have the same message body and headers. When this option is set to true, it disables the enable-message-id-check option in the email-processing section.
Default Value: X-Genesys-To
Valid Values: Any valid header name
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the name of the header to be added to the InteractionAttributes for each copy of the inbound email made when the copy-message-to-recipients option is set to true. This header is used by a routing strategy that applies screening rules to an interaction and routes the email.
Default Value: 00:00:30
Valid Values: Any time period in the hh:mm:ss format except 00:00:00
Changes Take Effect: At the next pop cycle
Specifies the time that E-mail Server waits before retrieving new
messages from this account again.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies whether a message is deleted from the corporate e-mail server if it cannot be retrieved from that server.
Note that leaving messages on a corporate e-mail server works only when using the IMAP protocol; it does not work when using the POP3 protocol.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next pop cycle
Specifies whether an e-mail should be deleted from a corporate server if the
E-mail’s message size exceeds the value set in the option maximum-msg-size.
Leaving messages on a corporate e-mail server works only when using IMAP protocol; it does not work when using POP3 protocol.
When you are using IMAP, these messages are flagged as read and are not selected any more. When you are using POP3,
these messages are considered each time.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A valid Microsoft Azure application Directory (tenant) ID provided by the customer after the mailbox is registered in Microsoft Azure
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the Directory (tenant) ID of the registered Microsoft Azure application for the Office 365 mailbox in the corresponding POP client. This parameter takes effect only when the mail.<type>.auth.mechanisms is set to XOAUTH2 or type is GRAPH.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies whether E-mail Server must create a stripped version of
messages whose size exceeds the configured maximum-msg-size option value. The stripped version contains only the headers of the original message, plus
specific attached data to identify it.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Enables monitoring of this account. All other options in this pop-client section apply only if this enable-client option is set to true.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Enables or disables POP3 logging to the server's standard output. If set to true, E-mail Server displays POP passwords. It also enables or disables the Graph default logging.
Default Value: default
Valid Values: A string that matches the name of an endpoint defined in the endpoints:<tenant_dbid> section
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Related Links: endpoints:<tenant_dbid>
Specifies the endpoint name by which E-mail Server identifies the queue to which it submits an e-mail from this POP client. This endpoint name must be defined in the endpoints:<tenant_dbid> section. If this endpoint name is not defined in that section, E-mail Server uses the default endpoint from the endpoints:<tenant_dbid> section. If no default endpoint is configured in the endpoints:<tenant_dbid> section, or if the endpoints:<tenant_dbid'> section does not exist, E-mail Server works in 7.1 compatibility mode, and uses the default-inbound-queue option the email-processing section.
Default Value: Exchange2010
Valid Values: A valid exchange server version, such as Exchange2010, Exchange2010_SP1, Exchange2010_SP2, Exchange2010_SP3, Exchange2013, Office365, Exchange2016
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the version of Exchange corporate server.
Note: For Exchange 2019 support, leave this option empty or set it to Exchange2016.
Default Value: failedItems
Valid Values: Any valid string to a folder on the corporate e-mail server
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the folder where failed items from the Exchange server are moved. Effective only if the move-failed-ews-item option is set to true and the type option is set to Exchange Web Services (EWS).
The value must be the name of a valid folder on the corporate server. If a folder with that name does not exist in the corporate server, E-mail Server tries to create it. If folder creation fails for some reason, a log message similar to the following is sent: 15:01:02.115 Std 25118 [MsgIn-11] Unable to create in corporate server folder 'failed_stuff' for failed item.
Default Value: INBOX
Valid Values: Any valid path to an existing folder in corporate e-mail server
Changes Take Effect: At the next pop cycle
Specifies the folder to be checked for incoming e-mails. When the option, type = EWS, by default the folder is set to Inbox, and any value of the folder-path option will be treated as subfolder path for the Inbox folder. Therefore, to retrieve messages from the Inbox folder, the folder-path option value must be an empty string.
Default Value: /
Valid Values: Any valid char
Changes Take Effect: At the next pop cycle
Specifies the folder separator used in folder-path.
Default Value:
Valid Values: An empty string or client_credentials
Changes Take Effect: At the next pop cycle
Specifies the grant type when requesting the OAuth2 bearer token. This option is supported for IMAP protocol. The option will take effect only for OAuth2 is enabled. By default, if option is not set or has an empty value, a Password Grant type is assumed. If set to the client_credentials, then Client Credentials Grant flow is enabled.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 50 inclusive
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the maximum number of interactions that can be created by copying the same inbound email when the copy-message-to-recipients option is set to true. When the limit is reached, E-mail Server stops creating further interactions even if there are still unique recipients in the list.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies whether retrieved incoming messages should be deleted from a corporate e-mail server after being successfully downloaded.
Leaving messages on a corporate e-mail server works over all email protocols except the POP3 protocol.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Depends on the specific property; see reference below.
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
You can set certain JavaMail properties by simply adding them as option names to the E-mail Server's pop-client or smtp-client section. One example would be mail.pop3.disabletop, with a value of true. For a list of the JavaMail properties that you are allowed to set in this manner, and for further explanation, see the
E-Mail Server Administration Guide.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid login name associated with a POP/IMAP account
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Related Options: address
Specifies the login name associated with the POP/IMAP account. You set this value during the E-mail Server setup.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the maximum number of messages that E-mail Server can
retrieve during an incoming cycle for this account.
Important: When using the EWS protocol, the recommended range of valid values is from 1 to 10, because the ews-java-api library saves all the new incoming email messages in the memory before E-mail Server processes these emails.
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the maximum size (in MB) of an incoming message. See also the
delete-big-msg option.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Enables or disables moving a failed item to another folder (only supported by the EWS connector).
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: A valid password or refresh_token
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the password associated with this account for basic authentication and OAuth2 enabled (mail.[type].auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2) for a Microsoft Azure mailbox.
You set this value during the E-mail Server setup.
For Gmail, if a mailbox is OAuth2 enabled (mail.[type].auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2), this option is used for the refresh_token of the mailbox.
For Outlook, if the type is GRAPH or grant-type is client_credentials, this is used for the Azure application secret.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, start-tls, start-tls-required, ssl-tls
Changes Take Effect: At restart
Sets the level of security used.
For values other than none:
- start-tls—Enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server) to switch to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands. If a TLS connection is not available, a plain-text connection is used.
- start-tls-required—Enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server) to switch to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands. If a TLS connection is not available, the connection is aborted.
- ssl-tls—Enables and enforces the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption when connecting to the corporate e-mail server.
Default Value: 110
Valid Values: Any valid port number
Changes Take Effect: At the next pop cycle
Specifies the port number for connecting to the corporate e-mail server. Allows
the port to be changed for access through a firewall.
Default Value: empty string
Valid Values: Any valid string to a folder on the corporate e-mail server
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the folder where retrieved items from Exchange server are moved. If the value is empty, the items will not be moved. The value must be the name of a valid folder on the corporate server. If a folder with that name does not exist in the corporate server, E-mail Server tries to create it. The option is effective only for the following protocols: IMAP, GRAPH, and EWS.
Default Value: 00:05:00
Valid Values: Any time period in the hh:mm:ss format
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Whether in the pop-client or smtp-client section, specifies the message timeout value. The timeout is raised if the corporate e-mail server does not reply to protocol messages sent to it within the time specified for this option. You may want to adjust the timeout value to handle large messages. If the timeout expires before a message has finished processing, the following may occur:
- A large incoming message may be repeatedly resubmitted, blocking processing of all following messages. Prevent this by increasing the value for this option in the pop-client section.
- A large outgoing message may result in a Send service failure. Prevent this by configuring this option in the smtp-client section.
This timeout value is also applicable to the HTTP requests to retrieve oAuth2 token from a customer's IDP and for the Graph API requests.
Default Value: https://outlook.office.com/.default
Valid Values:
- The valid scope for Microsoft office 365 Graph API is https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
- The valid scope for Microsoft Office 365 is https://outlook.office.com/.default
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the access token scope. This parameter takes effect only when the mail.<type>.auth.mechanisms is set to XOAUTH2 or type is GRAPH.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any string without the white space
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the secretName of the secret-<secretName> section to associate with the Google application secret after the mailbox is registered in Google. This is a Gmail-only option when a mailbox is OAuth 2.0 enabled (mail.<type>.auth.mechanisms is XOAUTH2).
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid host name or IP address
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
In the pop-client section, specifies the host name or IP address of the corporate e-mail server on which the account resides.
In the smtp-client section, specifies the name of the corporate SMTP server.
You set the value during the E-mail Server setup.
Note: If connecting to Exchange Server with EWS, the value must be the EWS URL, not the host name or IP address.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: Any valid service account name in Office 365
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the service-account name. When its value is not empty, E-mail Server uses it as the username to acquire the oAuth2 token to access mailboxes under the service account.
This option is supported for POP3, IMAP, and EWS protocols.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Any ASCII character
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the delimiter for [service account] and [mailbox name] in the value of the mailbox option when the mailbox option has the value of [service account][delimiter][mailbox name].
When this option has a value, E-mail Server uses the [service account] part of the mailbox option value as the username to acquire the OAuth2 token to access the mailbox.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
When the value is set to true, the POP client connects to its mailbox by using the entire value in the mailbox option as the user name. When the value is set to false, the POP client connects to its mailbox by using only the [service account] part of the value in the mailbox option as the user name, when the mailbox option has the value of [service account][delimiter][mailbox name].
Default Value: https://login.microsoftonline.com
Valid Values: The valid Microsoft authority server is https://login.microsoftonline.com. The valid Google authority server is a case-insensitive string that contains "google".
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the authority server of the registered Microsoft Azure application for the Office 365 or the Google application for the Gmail mailbox in the corresponding POP client. This parameter takes effect only when the mail.<type>.auth.mechanisms is set to XOAUTH2 or type is GRAPH.
Default Value: POP3
Valid Values: POP3, IMAP, EWS, GRAPH
Changes Take Effect: At the next POP cycle
Specifies the protocol used to retrieve incoming messages from a corporate e-mail server.