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Section: Voice Treatment
Default Value:
Valid Values: String or as a JSON-formatted string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

URI of the music file to play when a call is not answered by the customer and is forwarded to the answering machine. JSON-formatted strings can be used to specify hints to the RequestApplyTreatment.

The following example makes the music start playing after the answering machine beep is detected: { "file": "file_url", "hints":{ "am-beep-detection":"on"} }

By default, the value of this option is empty and Callback uses the <GMS installation>/../Resources/SampleTreatments/call_fail_ans_machine.wav file from the Callback template.

To deactivate the play treatment, set the value of this option to { }.


Section: Voice Treatment
Default Value:
Valid Values: String or as a JSON-formatted string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

URI of the music file to play when the customer answers the callback.

The JSON-formatted strings can be used to specify hints to the RequestApplyTreatment. For example:

{ "file": "file_url", "hints": {"hint1":"value"}}


Section: Voice Treatment
Default Value:
Valid Values: String or JSON-formatted string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Music file to play when the customer is waiting for an agent. This parameter accepts a URI as a string or as a JSON-formatted string. If you do not set this option, Callback will use the default <GMS installation>/Resources/SampleTreatments/next_customer_rep.wav file of the callback template.


Section: Voice Treatment
Default Value:
Valid Values: String or JSON-formatted string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Music file to be played when the service fails to find the agent in the time specified by the Max Time To Wait For Agent on the Call parameter. This parameter accepts a URI as a string or as a JSON-formatted string. See also _treatment_waiting_for_agent. By default, this option has an empty value and Callback will use the <GMS installation>/Resources/SampleTreatments/all_agents_busy.wav file available in the callback template.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Integer (seconds)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration in seconds that the agent has to preview the callback information and submit a reply. The Preview dialog will automatically close after this timeout and submit a reject from the agent. In this scenario, the call will go back in the queue. During this period, the agent is reserved for the Callback interaction and is not an eligible target for other interactions; therefore, Genesys recommends to evaluate carefully when extending this timeout beyond 30 seconds (default).


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Allows the agent to reject the call in the preview dialog.

  • If the option is set to 0, the preview dialog does not display the reject button.
  • If the option is greater than 0, its value determines the number of times that an agent can reject the service request; the reject option will not be displayed to the next agent.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: CUSTOMER
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

First party to connect when _call_direction is set to USERTERMINATED. Set this option to CUSTOMER to call the customer first; set this option to AGENT to call the agent first.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 9
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Prefix required to perform a user-terminated (outbound) call from the system.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 9
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Prefix required to perform a user-terminated (outbound) call from the system.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: SetRouteDelay
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Subroutine in URS that changes the RouteDelay parameter of the virtual interaction representing the service instance. This option informs URS to reserve this interaction's target when it becomes available. The default value shown here matches the name of the URS subroutine that you imported into IRD. If you changed the name of the subroutine, update this value to reflect the correct name.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: WaitForTarget
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Universal Routing Server strategy to be used for the service instance prioritization. The default value shown here matches the name of the URS strategy that you imported into IRD. If you changed the name of the strategy, update this value to reflect the correct name.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: {specify your target here}
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Routing target that specifies the agent/queue resource that will process this request.

  • Starting in, you can set multiple targets in this option, limited to 5.
  • Starting in, the limit is increased to 15.

Single Target

For a single target, format the string according to the URS target specification: <Target String>@<StatServer name>.<Target Type> where Target Type is one of the following:

  • A (Agent)
  • AP (Agent Place)
  • GA (Group of Agents)
  • GP (Group of Places)
  • GC (Campaign Group)

<Target String> can be a skill expression. In that case, <Target String> must start with '?:'.
For example:

  • Billing@StatServer.GA—Routes to Agent Group "Billing".
  • ?:English=20&;Loans=2@StatServer.GA—Routes to any agent matching the skill expression.

See the Universal Routing Server (URS) documentation for additional information about URS targets.

Multiple Targets

To set multiple targets, create a JSON-formatted string array of maximum 15 elements as follows:

        "target": "<Target String>@<StatServer name>.<Target Type>",
        "timeout": "<integer>",
        "stat_to_check": "<stat name>",
        "stat_operator": "< or >",
        "stat_value": "1"
  • The timeout property specifies how long to wait in seconds before switching of targets.
  • The stat_to_check property can be set to any of the values supported by the Statistics parameter passed to the IRD function SData(Target, Statistics), unless target is a skill expression. If target is a skill expression, you must choose one of the following values:
    • RStatAgentsReadyvoice—agents ready for voice media.
    • RStatAgentsReady—agents ready for any media.
    • RStatAgentsTotal—agents logged in.
  • The stat_value property specifies the threshold for the statistic passed in stat_to_check. If the condition set by the combination of stat_to_check, stat_operator, and stat_value is met, the current target is skipped, except if it is the last target of the list.
  • If clear=true, the target will be overridden when switching to the next target; if clear=false, the target will be expanded with the next target.
If you set multiple targets in this option, then _urs_queued_ttl should be set to the total queue time across all targets.


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value: DNIS
Valid Values: resource_group
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Resource group from which access number is to be allocated.

This option is mandatory.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: {Specify virtual queue to be used by strategy}
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Virtual queue (alias) to which the service request will be added.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Route point from which the system can create a user-terminated (outbound) call.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Notification
Default Value:
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Use debug certificates for the push notification provider


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables CPD. If this option is set to true, CPD will be performed on a callback made to the customer.

  • If CPD results in a human or silence detection, the call will be routed to the agent.
  • If a fax is detected, the call will be disconnected and marked complete.
  • If an answering machine is detected, the answering machine treatment is played.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, returns a randomly generated code to be used for the authentication of the user originated (inbound) call.

This option is mandatory.


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: builtin,ors
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is mandatory.

  • For Genesys Mobile Services-based services: builtin
  • For Orchestration Server-based services: ors


Section: General
Default Value: 86400
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration (in seconds) for which the service will be kept in storage after the Desired Time is passed (Time To Live). Once expired, the service is removed from the system. For example, if you want the callbacks to be visible in the Service Management UI for one week past the execution time, then you should set 7 days of Time To Live, which means _ttl=604800.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.

  • If this option is set to USERORIGINATED, the customer's device will initiate the call to get connected to the agent.
  • If this option is set to USERTERMINATED, the agent or the system will initiate the call to contact the customer.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Boolean

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables Agent Preview. If set to true, the Preview Dialog with caller information is displayed to the agent.


Section: General
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to wait for confirmation of the customer's availability. If this option is set to true, the service sends a push notification to the customer's device to get confirmation that the customer is ready to have a conversation with the agent. This scenario is possible only if the _wait_for_agent option is set to true.


Section: General
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to wait for an agent to connect. If this option is set to true, the service will wait for the agent to initiate the interaction and to send the notification to the customer. If the option is set to false, the interaction can start right after the creation of the service instance. In voice scenarios, the access information will be returned immediately with the service ID.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value: voice
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Media type of the interaction that the service is expected to handle. This option enables URS to select an agent who has the appropriate media capabilities. This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.

This option is mandatory.

User Terminated Delayed Agent Preview

Call flow


This Callback scenario is an outbound service that goes through the following stages:

Start Callback

  • Callback service: Returns session id to the user.
  • Callback service: Waits for an agent to be available.
  • Callback service: Reserves agent.
  • Callback service: Sends preview invite to agent.
  • Agent Desktop: Displays customer attached data with actions Accept and Cancel.
  • Agent: Accepts the invitation by clicking the Accept button.
  • Callback service: Receives the agent acceptance request.
  • Callback service: Calls the mobile device from reserved agent's DN.
  • Mobile device: Accepts the call.
  • Callback service: Waits for interaction to be deleted.
  • Callback service: Terminates after interaction is deleted.

Create your Scenario

Callback-user term preview.png

In the Admin UI > Services > Configured Services tab, add a Callback service with User-Terminated-Preview as the Common Default Configuration (see Adding a Service for details).

Enter a service name. This name is the callback execution name of your service and will be used in URLs to access this service. For example, if you set this name to user_term_preview, your service URL will be:

When you add this service and default configuration, many options are automatically populated with the appropriate default values.

Configuration Options

Predefined Values

These are the default values, which are automatically populated when using the pre-defined User-Terminated-Immediate service. You do not need to change these values.

Option Description
_media_type=voice Media type of the interaction that the service is expected to handle. This option enables URS to select an agent who has the appropriate media capabilities. This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.

This option is mandatory.

_wait_for_agent = true True to wait for an agent to connect. If this option is set to true,

the service will wait for the agent to initiate the interaction and to send the notification to the customer. If the option is set to false, the interaction can start right after the creation of the service instance. In voice scenarios, the access information will be returned immediately with the service ID.

This option is mandatory.

_wait_for_user_confirm = false True to wait for confirmation of the customer's availability. If this option is set to true, the service sends a push notification to the customer's device to get confirmation that the customer is ready to have a conversation with the agent. This scenario is possible only if the _wait_for_agent option is set to true.

_agent_preview = true Enables Agent Preview. If set to true, the Preview Dialog with caller information is displayed to the agent.

_call_direction = USERTERMINATED This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.
  • If this option is set to USERORIGINATED, the customer's device will initiate the call to get connected to the agent.
  • If this option is set to USERTERMINATED, the agent or the system will initiate the call to contact the customer.

_ttl = 86400 Duration (in seconds) for which the service will be kept in storage after the Desired Time is passed (Time To Live).

Once expired, the service is removed from the system. For example, if you want the callbacks to be visible in the Service Management UI for one week past the execution time, then you should set 7 days of Time To Live, which means _ttl=604800.

This option is mandatory.

_type = ors
  • For Genesys Mobile Services-based services: builtin
  • For Orchestration Server-based services: ors

_provide_code= false If true, returns a randomly generated code to be used for the authentication of the user originated (inbound) call.

This option is mandatory.

_cpd_enable = false Enables CPD. If this option is set to true, CPD will be performed on a callback made to the customer.
  • If CPD results in a human or silence detection, the call will be routed to the agent.
  • If a fax is detected, the call will be disconnected and marked complete.
  • If an answering machine is detected, the answering machine treatment is played.

This option is mandatory.

_use_debug_push_certificate = false Use debug certificates for the push notification provider

Additional Required Options

You must enter a string value for the following options:

Option Description
_route_point= "{Route Point}@{Telephony Switch}" Route point from which the system can create a user-terminated (outbound) call.

This option is mandatory.

_urs_virtual_queue = "MyVirtualQueue" Virtual queue (alias) to which the service request will be added.

_resource_group="{name of the resource pool configured under Transactions/GMS_Resources/Annex}" Resource group from which access number is to be allocated.

This option is mandatory.

_target = "MyTarget@StatServer.GA" Routing target that specifies the agent/queue resource that will process this request.
  • Starting in, you can set multiple targets in this option, limited to 5.
  • Starting in, the limit is increased to 15.

Single Target

For a single target, format the string according to the URS target specification: <Target String>@<StatServer name>.<Target Type> where Target Type is one of the following:

  • A (Agent)
  • AP (Agent Place)
  • GA (Group of Agents)
  • GP (Group of Places)
  • GC (Campaign Group)

<Target String> can be a skill expression. In that case, <Target String> must start with '?:'.
For example:

  • Billing@StatServer.GA—Routes to Agent Group "Billing".
  • ?:English=20&;Loans=2@StatServer.GA—Routes to any agent matching the skill expression.

See the Universal Routing Server (URS) documentation for additional information about URS targets.

Multiple Targets

To set multiple targets, create a JSON-formatted string array of maximum 15 elements as follows:

        "target": "<Target String>@<StatServer name>.<Target Type>",
        "timeout": "<integer>",
        "stat_to_check": "<stat name>",
        "stat_operator": "< or >",
        "stat_value": "1"
  • The timeout property specifies how long to wait in seconds before switching of targets.
  • The stat_to_check property can be set to any of the values supported by the Statistics parameter passed to the IRD function SData(Target, Statistics), unless target is a skill expression. If target is a skill expression, you must choose one of the following values:
    • RStatAgentsReadyvoice—agents ready for voice media.
    • RStatAgentsReady—agents ready for any media.
    • RStatAgentsTotal—agents logged in.
  • The stat_value property specifies the threshold for the statistic passed in stat_to_check. If the condition set by the combination of stat_to_check, stat_operator, and stat_value is met, the current target is skipped, except if it is the last target of the list.
  • If clear=true, the target will be overridden when switching to the next target; if clear=false, the target will be expanded with the next target.
If you set multiple targets in this option, then _urs_queued_ttl should be set to the total queue time across all targets.

_urs_prioritization_strategy = WaitForTarget

_urs_strategy_update_sub_routine = SetRouteDelay

By default, these options respectively match the names of the URS strategy and subroutine that you imported into IRD. If you changed one of these names, update the corresponding option to reflect the correct name.


All of the options in the Voice-User Terminated section are applicable. You can use the default values, or you can set your own values. For the route point option, you must select a value from the drop-down list.

Option Description
Section: Voice-User Terminated
_prefix_dial_out = 91 _prefix_dial_out
_userterminated_first_connect_party = CUSTOMER First party to connect when _call_direction is set to USERTERMINATED. Set this option to CUSTOMER to call the customer first; set this option to AGENT to call the agent first.

This option is mandatory.

_agent_preview_allow_reject = false Allows the agent to reject the call in the preview dialog.
  • If the option is set to 0, the preview dialog does not display the reject button.
  • If the option is greater than 0, its value determines the number of times that an agent can reject the service request; the reject option will not be displayed to the next agent.

_agent_preview_timeout = 30 Duration in seconds that the agent has to preview the callback information and submit a reply. The Preview dialog will automatically close after this timeout and submit a reject from the agent. In this scenario, the call will go back in the queue. During this period, the agent is reserved for the Callback interaction and is not an eligible target for other interactions; therefore, Genesys recommends to evaluate carefully when extending this timeout beyond 30 seconds (default).

Section: Voice Treatment
_treatment_find_agent_fail = GMSApplications/<treatmentfile1> Music file to be played when the service fails to find the agent in the time specified by the Max Time To Wait For Agent on the Call parameter. This parameter accepts a URI as a string or as a JSON-formatted string. See also _treatment_waiting_for_agent. By default, this option has an empty value and Callback will use the <GMS installation>/Resources/SampleTreatments/all_agents_busy.wav file available in the callback template.

_treatment_waiting_for_agent = GMSApplications/<treatmentfile2> Music file to play when the customer is waiting for an agent. This parameter accepts a URI as a string or as a JSON-formatted string. If you do not set this option, Callback will use the default <GMS installation>/Resources/SampleTreatments/next_customer_rep.wav file of the callback template.

_treatment_customer_connect = GMSApplications/<treatmentfile3> URI of the music file to play when the customer answers the callback.

The JSON-formatted strings can be used to specify hints to the RequestApplyTreatment. For example:

{ "file": "file_url", "hints": {"hint1":"value"}}

_treatment_call_failure_answering_machine = GMSApplications/<treatmentfile4> URI of the music file to play when a call is not answered by the customer and is forwarded to the answering machine.

JSON-formatted strings can be used to specify hints to the RequestApplyTreatment.

The following example makes the music start playing after the answering machine beep is detected: { "file": "file_url", "hints":{ "am-beep-detection":"on"} }

By default, the value of this option is empty and Callback uses the <GMS installation>/../Resources/SampleTreatments/call_fail_ans_machine.wav file from the Callback template.

To deactivate the play treatment, set the value of this option to { }.

In the Voice Treatment section, the GMSApplications/<treatmentfile> path is applicable if you are using the treatments builtin to the Callback strategy. If you are not using the builtin treatments, enter the path where you have placed your voice treatment files.

Sample Request and Response Sequence


Request Method:POST
Status Code:200 OK
Request Headersview source
Accept:application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
Cookie:JSESSIONID=1q2r9rzpkelzas5uh21vrubqd; BAYEUX_BROWSER=c397-1v94320p0gfmni2a3d4xs12mv
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36
Request Payload
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="first_name"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="last_name"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_provide_code"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_customer_number"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="location_lat"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="location_long"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_device_os"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_agent_preview_data"

Field1Val, Field2Val,Field3Val,Field4Val


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"_dialog_id":"0","_action":"ConfirmationDialog","_text":"You will receive a call from the agent","_ok_title":"Ok","_id":"440-f86e4dff-2c00-4753-a876-5b52354566de"}

Sequence Diagram

Click on the diagram to access full resolution. For a more detailed diagram, click here.

Clbck-user term delayed preview.png

This page was last edited on October 16, 2017, at 11:54.
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