A business entity that has common goals and procedures, and occupies part or all of a contact center. Tenants that share a contact center might be different businesses, or different divisions within the same business. Each tenant has its own Directory Numbers (DNs) and agents; it can also have its own switch. Some contact-center resources, such as the switch, can be shared among tenants.
To implement Genesys Web Engagement, you should create one Genesys Web Engagement application per tenant. This application supports multiple domains and all their associated subdomains. For instance, the genesys application supports the genesys.com domain and its associated subdomain, docs.genesys.com.
As a result, your deployment must respect the following constraints:
- One tenant can contain multiple DSL files, but instrumentation will upload only one of them at a given time; a single DSL file is active for a given page during the customer's visit on your website.
- The load balancer for the Frontend Server cluster (or the Frontend Server) is the single entry point.