Section: Log
Default Value: "" (empty string)
Valid Values: integer, none
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
Maximum number of archived log files before it is purged. The purgeCount property has an integer value that specifies the maximum number of archived log files. If the number is exceeded, archived log files are deleted, starting with the oldest. When none or empty string are supplied, they reset purgeCount to none (no purging).
Section: Log
Default Value: standard
Valid Values: all, debug, trace, standard, none, yes (= all), no (= none)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies whether or not a log output is created and if it is, sets the minimum level of log events generated. The log events levels, starting with the highest priority level, are Standard, Trace, and Debug.
The valid values are described, as follows:
- all—All log events (that is, Standard, Trace, and Debug levels) are generated.
- debug—The same as all.
- trace—Log events of the Trace level and higher (that is, Standard, and Trace levels) are generated, but log events of the Debug level are not generated.
- standard—Log events of the Standard level are generated, but log events of the Trace, and Debug levels are not generated.
- none—No output is produced.
Log Section
- all
- buffering
- debug
- expire
- keep-startup-file
- messagefile
- segment
- standard
- trace
- verbose
- x-json-log
- x-json-log.archive
- x-json-log.compress
- x-json-log.flush
- x-json-log.MaxLogRecordSize
- x-json-log.purgeAge
- x-json-log.purgeCount
- x-json-log.rotateOnOpen
- x-json-log.rotation
- x-json-log.times
- x-ScheduleBuilderProgressTrace
- x-ScheduleBuilderTrace
- x-ScheduleLogPath
- x-ScheduleMaxLogs
- x-SwordTrace
Default Value: stdout
Valid Values: stdout, stderr, network, memory [filename]
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies the log output type that applications send for log events of all levels (Standard, Trace, and Debug).
The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: all = stdout, logfile.
The output types are described as follows:
- stdout—Log events are sent to the Standard output.
- stderr—Log events are sent to the Standard error output.
- network—Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log database. Setting the all log level option to the network output enables applications to send log events of the Standard, and Trace levels to Message Server. Debug level log events are neither sent to Message Server, nor stored in the Log database.
- memory—Log events are sent to the memory output on the local disk. This is the safest output in terms of the application performance.
- [filename]—Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies whether operating system file buffering is enabled or disabled. The option is applicable only to the stderr and stdout output types.
Setting this option to true enables buffering and increases the output performance. Setting this option to false disables buffering.
When buffering is enabled, there might be a delay before log messages appear at the console.
Default Value: " " (string)
Valid Values: stdout, stderr, memory, [filename]
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies the log output type that applications send for log events of the Debug level and higher (that is, Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug levels).
The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: debug = stderr, /usr/local/genesys/logfile.
Debug-level log events are never sent to Message Server or stored in the Log database.
The output types are described as follows:
- stdout—Log events are sent to the Standard output.
- stderr—Log events are sent to the Standard error output (stderr).
- memory—Log events are sent to the memory output on the local disk. This is the safest output in terms of the application performance.
- [filename]—Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false, [number], [number] file, [number] day
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies whether or not log files expire and if they do, sets the expiration mode for old segments and the maximum number of files (segments) or days before the files are removed. The number stored cannot be:
- Less than 1 file or 1 day
- More than 100 files or 100 days.
Setting this option value to false indicates that files do not expire. This option is ignored if the log output is not configured to be sent to a log file.
The valid values are described as follows:
- false—No expiration; all generated segments are stored.
- [number] or [number] file—Sets the maximum number of log files to store. Specify a number from 1-100.
- [number] day—Sets the maximum number of days before log files are deleted. Specify a number from 1-100.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.210
Specifies whether WFM Builder keeps or deletes a startup segment of the log containing the initial configuration options when it reaches the value in the expire option.
If this option value is set to false, WFM Builder does not keep the startup segment of the log.
If this option value is set to true, WFM Builder keeps a startup segment of the log. The size of the segment equals the value of the segment option. The value <number> KB (kilobytes) or <number> MB (megabytes) sets the maximum size for a startup segment of the log.
If this option value is set to true, the size of the initial segment is equal to the size of the regular log segment, as defined by the segment option. The value of this option is ignored if segmentation is turned off (that is, if the segment option value is set to false).
Default Value: wfmbuilder.lms
Valid Values: wfmbuilder.lms
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies the name of the input file that stores application-specific log or error messages that might be generated when WFM Builder communicates with other Genesys components.
The only valid value is wfmbuilder.lms.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false, [number], [number] KB, [number] MB, [number] hr
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies whether or not there is a segmentation limit for a log file and if there is, sets the increment (KB, MB, or hours) and maximum size for the log file segment. The number cannot be less than 100 KB or one hour.
If this option value is set to false the log file is not segmented. If the current log segment exceeds the size set by this option, WFM Builder closes the file and creates a new one. If the log output is not configured to be sent to a log file, WFM Builder ignores this option.
The valid values are described, as follows:
- false—No segmentation is allowed.
- [number] or [number] KB—Sets the maximum segment size, in kilobytes. The minimum segment size is 100 KB.
- [number] MB—Sets the maximum segment size, in megabytes.
- [number] hr—Sets the number of hours for the segment to stay open. The minimum number is 1 hour.
Default Value: stdout
Valid Values: stdout, stderr, network, memory, [filename]
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies the log output type of which applications will send the log events of the Standard level. For centralized logging, set this option value to network. You can also use a local file name or stdout.
The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: standard = stderr, network
The valid values are described, as follows:
- stdout—Log events are sent to the Standard output.
- stderr—Log events are sent to the Standard error output.
- network—Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log database. Setting the all log level option to the network output enables an application to send log events of the Standard, and Trace levels to Message Server. Debug level log events are neither sent to Message Server nor stored in the Log database.
- memory—Log events are sent to the memory output on the local disk. This is the safest output in terms of the application performance.
- [filename]—Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.
Default Value: " " (string)
Valid Values: stdout, stderr, network, memory, [filename]
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies the output type to which applications send Trace and Standard level log events. For centralized logging, set this option value to network. You can also use a local file name or stdout.
Log outputs must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example, trace = stderr, network.
The valid values are described, as follows:
- stdout—Log events are sent to the Standard output.
- stderr—Log events are sent to the Standard error output.
- network—Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log database. Setting the all log level option to the network output enables an application to send log events of the Standard and Trace levels to Message Server. Debug level log events are neither sent to Message Server nor stored in the Log database.
- memory—Log events are sent to the memory output on the local disk. This is the safest output in terms of application performance.
- [filename]—Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.
Default Value: standard
Valid Values: all, debug, trace, standard, none, yes (= all), no (= none)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
This option is mandatory.
Specifies whether or not a log output is created and if it is, sets the minimum level of log events generated. The log events levels, starting with the highest priority level, are Standard, Trace, and Debug.
The valid values are described, as follows:
- all—All log events (that is, Standard, Trace, and Debug levels) are generated.
- debug—The same as all.
- trace—Log events of the Trace level and higher (that is, Standard, and Trace levels) are generated, but log events of the Debug level are not generated.
- standard—Log events of the Standard level are generated, but log events of the Trace, and Debug levels are not generated.
- none—No output is produced.
Default Value: "" (empty string)
Valid Values: stdout, stderr, [filename with or without path]
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Enables the JSON logging for WFM servers, if not empty.
WFM now supports structured logging to the file containing one-line log records formatted in JSON format. This facilitates easy integration with the centralized log aggregation and viewing systems, like Grafana/Loki.
The log level for structured logging is the same as for logging to a file and is defined by a regular verbose option.
All x-json-log configuration options are not included in the application template. You can configure them manually.
Sample Configuration
x-json-log = c:\logs\structured-log.log
x-json-log.rotation = 10 M
x-json-log.archive = timestamp
x-json-log.purgeCount = 10
x-json-log.purgeAge = 30 days
x-json-log.rotateOnOpen = true
x-json-log.compress = true
x-json-log.times = local
x-json-log.flush = false
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: number, timestamp
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
The log file's archive mode.
Using the archive property, it is possible to specify how archived log files are named. The following values for the archive property are supported:
- number: A number, starting with 0, is appended to the name of archived log files. The most recent archived log file always has the number 0. For example, if the log file is named access.log, and if it fulfils the rotation criteria, the file is renamed to access.log.0. If a file named access.log.0 already exists, it is renamed to access.log.1.
- timestamp: A timestamp is appended to the log file name. For example, if the log file is named access.log, and it fulfils the criteria for rotation, the file is renamed to access.log.20050802110300.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
Enable or disable compression of archived files. Archived log files can be compressed using the gzip compression method. Compressing can be controlled with the compress property.
The following values are supported:
- true: Compress archived log files.
- false: Do not compress archived log files.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
Specifies whether messages are immediately flushed to the log file. Valid values are:
- true: Every message is immediately flushed to the log file (which may hurt application performance but ensures that everything is in the log if there is a system crash).
- false: Messages are not immediately flushed to the log file and stay in the system file buffer for some time.
Default Value: -1
Valid Values: any integer
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
Contains the maximum size in bytes for logging records.
The default value is -1 which means unlimited, but that is only if the logging level is "all" or "debug". If the logging level is "trace" or "standard" then the default value is 10000 - that is because Genesys log library does not accept messages larger than 10000 when the logging level is "trace" or "standard".
Default Value: "" (empty string)
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
Maximum age of an archived log file before it is purged. Archived log files can be automatically purged, either if they reach a certain age, or if the number of archived log files reaches a given maximum number. This is controlled by the purgeAge and x-json-log.purgeCount properties. The purgeAge property can have the following values:
- <n> [seconds]: The maximum age is <n> seconds.
- <n> minutes: the maximum age is <n> minutes.
- <n> hours: The maximum age is <n> hours.
- <n> days: The maximum age is <n> days.
- <n> weeks: The maximum age is <n> weeks.
- <n> months: The maximum age is <n> months, where a month has 30 days.
Default Value: "" (empty string)
Valid Values: integer, none
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
Maximum number of archived log files before it is purged. The purgeCount property has an integer value that specifies the maximum number of archived log files. If the number is exceeded, archived log files are deleted, starting with the oldest. When none or empty string are supplied, they reset purgeCount to none (no purging).
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
Specifies whether an existing log file should be rotated and archived when the file is opened. Valid values are:
- true: The log file is rotated (and archived) when the channel is opened.
- false: (Default value) Log messages will be appended to an existing log file if the file exists (unless other conditions for a rotation are met).
Default Value: no default value
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
The log file's rotation strategy. Possible values:
- never: No log rotation
- [day,][hh]:mm: The file is rotated on specified day/time
- day - Day is specified as a long day name (Monday, Tuesday,...) or short day name (Mon, Tue,...)
- day can be omitted and when omitted, the log is rotated every day.
- hh - Valid hour range is 00-23.
- hour can be omitted, in which case log is rotated every hour.
- mm - Valid minute range is 00-59.
- minute must be specified.
- day - Day is specified as a long day name (Monday, Tuesday,...) or short day name (Mon, Tue,...)
- daily: The file is rotated daily.
- weekly: The file is rotated every seven days.
- monthly: The file is rotated every 30 days.
- <n> minutes: The file is rotated every <n> minutes, where <n> is an integer greater than zero.
- <n> hours: The file is rotated every <n> hours, where <n> is an integer greater than zero.
- <n> days: The file is rotated every <n> days, where <n> is an integer greater than zero.
- <n> weeks: The file is rotated every <n> weeks, where <n> is an integer greater than zero.
- <n> months: The file is rotated every <n> months, where <n> is an integer greater than zero and a month has 30 days.
- <n>: The file is rotated when its size exceeds <n> bytes.
- <n> K: The file is rotated when its size exceeds <n> Kilobytes.
- <n> M: The file is rotated when its size exceeds <n> Megabytes.
For periodic log file rotations (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), the date and time of log file creation or last rotation are written to the first line of the log file.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Dependencies: Used if x-json-log option is set
Enable or disable compression of archived files. Archived log files can be compressed using the gzip compression method. Compressing can be controlled with the compress property.
The following values are supported:
- true: Compress archived log files.
- false: Do not compress archived log files.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Enables or disables the logging of schedule progress in the log file.
Used for troubleshooting
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: x-ScheduleLogPath
Specifies whether or not WFM Builder writes scheduling data, output data, and messages to the Schedule log file.
When this option is enabled (value is set to true), you must specify a Schedule log path. One log file is created for every schedule build.
Used for Schedule debugging only.
Default Value: " " (string)
Valid Values: Path to Schedule log directory
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None
Specifies the output path or directory into which WFM Builder writes the file containing Schedule log data and messages, if schedule logging is enabled. If the path is not specified, WFM uses the existng executable folder.
Use this option for Schedule debugging only.
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: 1 - 1000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: x-ScheduleLogPath
Specifies the maximum number of Schedule log files (or pairs, if the x-SwordTrace option value is also set to yes) to retain the folder specified in the x-ScheduleLogPath option.
When the maximum number of files is reached, WFM Builder deletes files as necessary, to stay within the limit, starting with the oldest file.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: x-ScheduleLogPath
Specifies whether or not the scheduling algorithm output messages are written to the Schedule log.
Use this option for Schedule debugging only.